NY chicken lover!!!!

Now we all know that men's brains and women's brains don't work exactly alike. What I got was a pitched shingled roofed, wood sided (and I mean SIDING like the house) "box" with a roost on the front and a removeable floor for cleaning. WOOHOO...it's wonderful. Now to convince the birds that it is ok to live in there. LOL
That sounds pretty! You have to love an ambitious man.
yeah, the javas are VERY GOOD flyers.
my 2 year old 8-13lbs hens can fly up to 5-6 feet.
I hope you can catch him!!!
my Sumatra's can fly straight up 15 feet, and also fly across the yard at least a distance of 200 yards when they want to. They are QUITE impressive flters for chickens. Heck, they fly better than wild turkeys
that sounds like quite a nice mini coop for the Sumatra's Cass. Good luck convincing them. lol. As you have probably already figured out, they are pretty darn independant and they have more going on in their pretty little heads than we think.
Just went up to check on my silkie, good news is, no foam since I washed out his eye this morning. I'm heading to TS tonight though, hopefully they'll have some type of antibiotic for it that I can give him and the others as a precaution.
I've used duramyacin from TSC before. It comes as a powder in a foil type bag. We usually use sulmet when we have had issues. It is a liquid we've gotten from the local agway.
If one bird has shown symtoms then it is likely that the other birds have also been exposed. It wouldn't hurt to treat them all just to be cautious. Good luck!
Morning all.

Cass--sounds like your dh is like mine. Not only does everything have to be functional and impenatrable, it also has to look good. Works for me!

Let out the cheeps last night to freerange. Little Man, my silkie roo, decided that he was going to put a beat down on the tots (8 week old silkies) that live next door. I was cleaning his coop and had to stop and run and grab him. Luckily no damage was done and I threw him in the run while I finished my cleaning job. He was mad because all his ladies and his kids were outside and the tots were outside and they were kinda close to each other and he wasnt there. Funny thing to watch a rooster stomp up and down the run like a petulant child. I let him out again when I was done and he went for them again. This time I picked him up and held him for a while in a position that didnt allow him to see either group. My hens and the tots dont bother each other and can peacefully range fairly close together with no problems. I covered his eyes and walked back to where the hens had moved and then put him down. He behaved after that, with only a passing thought at trying one more time but my looming figure along with a stern No made him back off and move to a different area. He is, in general, a good boy so I didnt come down too heavy on him.

The girls are not laying as consistantly as they were earlier and I have to wonder if the weather has them all wacky. Psycho Betty is broody so I know she isnt laying and she isnt eating eggs so thats a plus. Her sisters beat on her terribly when she is broody and dont let her eat much so I have been hand feeding her while she is in the nest box so she gets something. She does get out when I let everyone out to freerange but they chase her. I have been trying to sneak her out when they have scattered so she can eat and drink in peace.

My terrorists are getting bigger by the day and eating me out of house and home. They better be good layers to pay for all their feed! They are like little kids following me around and wanting attention. I do like my rir's.
Back to chicken talk. DH brought me home 3 naked neck chicks yesterday. He came in the door "your ugly chickens are here!" I am thinking of breeding a designer chicken, frizzle NN! DH to tease me then told me I could cross that with the silkie and get a really freaky chicken. I love my chickens! They are so much fun.
Back to chicken talk. DH brought me home 3 naked neck chicks yesterday. He came in the door "your ugly chickens are here!" I am thinking of breeding a designer chicken, frizzle NN! DH to tease me then told me I could cross that with the silkie and get a really freaky chicken. I love my chickens! They are so much fun.
I love my naked necks! =) My DH used to think they were SO ugly so I had to get some. He likes them now too.. =) I am down two NN hens from predation and illness so I am working on making more!

If you ever do get a frizzle NN, I want eggs. I have EE/NN just growing up now, although looks like I got mostly roos. =(
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My youngest had to try it on DH too.

Edited to add that DH is not impressed that I shared this photo.
Tab--tell dh to treasure this now because he is going to miss this when they are all grown up and gone. Trace Adkins song "You're gonna miss this" hits it right on the mark. BTW--beautiful little girl. Sigh...mine are all grown up and out now. These pics bring back great memories. Oh, I see you dh was a former marine so only tough guys can post pics like this! Wimps wont.

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