NY chicken lover!!!!

I am sharing this
How to Train a Rooster Who is Boss by Beekissed
How about "how to never have a rooster attack you"?

In all my years of raising chickens, I've never had a roo that I've raised come at me. Sure, maybe one or 2 have given me the eye, but that is as far as it goes. And this is why.....I never, I mean never pick up or cuddle with a cockerel, Unless I have to for a medical reason or for safety's sake. Theirs not mine.

I always am the boss. From day one, as soon as I see that there is a cockerel I am keeping, I let it know I am the boss. If I see it looking at me oddly, or come at me a little, I start to go after it. Usually its just walking towards it & yelling. They soon learn not to even think about attacking me.

I've had Silkie roos I bought from other people, almost always be attackers. I don't know what it is about them. Napolean complex...dunno.

Anyway, it works for me. I prefer to not have a situation happen rather than have to fix it.

BTW, I do walk into my pens and all my roosters, will walk up to me, around my feet, etc. They are not really afraid of me, they just respect me. Well, that is unless I have my big net in my hands, then they all run like crazy! LOL
Evening all,
Well it's official, DH signed his offer letter today and we are moving to MA. Well, actually I'm finding a lot of houses on the very top east corner of CT that are in our price range and have the land we want. It will be a hour commute for him but he's ok with that. He interviewed for a job in Binghamton up here and that would have been an hour. So we may end up living back in CT. I hope I can still come here to the NY thread and chat with you all even though I won't be a "NY'er".

Sorry to hear some died in the storm ...TRAGIC Poor Family . I hope everyone else is okay . it missed us in jordan ...just a little wind & rain .I was out in the coop during most of it
Glad he found a job ...Sorry you have to move ..now is a good time ..before school starts.

Glad you got that coon he deserved it !

Congratulations to your husband!!!!You are always welcome here. Some names are just synonymous with the NY thread. I don't adapt to change well but every move has always been for the better.
Hopefully, the only reason we haven't heard from Rancher is because of loss of power.
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Hope all those in Syracuse area are well. Saw on news possible tornado in area. We got some miserable t sr.torms and lots of rain but winds were not to bad.

Girls enjoyed the pond made by all the rain
I asked them if they needed fishing poles. Even the babies were having fun

An update on the babies is overdue?????
Ack!! Caught a skunk in trap last night....anyone removed them from a trap without getting sprayed!
Yes, we have done this a few times.

First, grab a large blanket (one that you don't like) or a tarp. Hold it in front of you and walk towards the cage, using the tarp as a shield. Walk slowly. Cover the cage with said tarp. (Hubby's tarp had a hole cut out for the cage handle to poke through).

Move the cage to wherever you want to release Pepe Le Pew. Uncover the door of the cage, while standing back. Open the cage and walk in the other direction, quickly...lol!

When we lived in RI, we had a skunk issue in our suburban little home. So we'd trap them and then relocate them to the wooded part of town. Never once got sprayed.
Are you going to dispatch it? Relocating is not a humane solution, they don't just live happily ever after, and the folks who live where you take it, human and animal don't need your problems. The cage in a garbage canof water seems possible to me. Or maybe they don't harm chickens and could stay, should be nocturnal, maybe your paths would never cross.
Are you going to dispatch it? Relocating is not a humane solution, they don't just live happily ever after, and the folks who live where you take it, human and animal don't need your problems. The cage in a garbage canof water seems possible to me. Or maybe they don't harm chickens and could stay, should be nocturnal, maybe your paths would never cross.

We caught a skunk last year in a trap intended for a nasty stray cat.
The only option we had was to drown it in our pond. The skunk was extremely irate and it was early in the morning and my husband had to go to work, we couldnt leave it all day in the trap. Needless to say, we haven't set the trap again..:/
The 5 babies are growing like weeds. In the last couple weeks some have sprouted tails overnight it seems. I love listening to their peeps. They are getting more adventurous as they get older. They stray farther from both Mom's as they are out foraging. And have learned to sneak in between the other big girls to grab some food at feeding time. Both Mom's still call the babies and break up food for them. When they were fed raw meat the babies have learned to grab and run fast if they want to enjoy it. One of the larger black chicks runs around with the treat in their mouth peeping away. I think its afraid to set it down to eat it in case someone else sneaks up on them to take it

I will post some pics when the computer is playing nice again :)
Morning all. Just finished processing 5 roosters by myselft. Went well. Only cut my finger once. I will weigh the meat before I pack it in the jars. Though I would drop in and see what everyone was up to for the moment. Certainly quieted down the coop some. I left two as it was getting too hot and I am working alone and have to get the meat cooled quick. I will do them later this week. Okay, time to fire up the canner and get the jars packed. Back later.

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