NY chicken lover!!!!

MY first generation sizzle chicks:
In Short:

Storm, tree fell ,knocked wires down. Electric up in a few hours, phone and internet just connected back up. Cable wire still to be put back up and we are switching to Time Warner then.

No coops damaged. Minor house damage.

Chicks born and moved into broody coops.

What to do with Cotton Ball. She's so badly picked she can't jump up on to roost poor thing.

Will catch up later. Hope everyone else is fine.

ta,ta, for now,


ps. Don't think I'll make the Lavender Festival again. There is also the anitque thing in Skaneatles too. This week end.
In Short:

Storm, tree fell ,knocked wires down. Electric up in a few hours, phone and internet just connected back up.  Cable wire still to be put back up and we are switching to Time Warner then. 

No coops damaged. Minor house damage. 

Chicks born and moved into broody coops.  

What to do with Cotton Ball.  She's so badly picked she can't jump up on to roost poor thing. 

Will catch up later. Hope everyone else is fine. 

ta,ta, for now, 


ps. Don't think I'll make the Lavender Festival again.  There is also the anitque thing in Skaneatles too. This week end. 

Glad to hear you and your wife are safe. Sorry about the house damage.
How about "how to never have a  rooster attack you"?

In all my years of raising chickens, I've never had a roo that I've raised come at me.  Sure, maybe one or 2 have given me the eye, but that is as far as it goes. And this is why.....I never, I mean never pick up or cuddle with a cockerel, Unless I have to for a medical reason or for safety's sake. Theirs not mine.

I always am the boss. From day one, as soon as I see that there is a cockerel I am keeping, I let it know I am the boss. If I see it looking at me oddly, or come at me a little, I start to go after it. Usually its just walking towards it & yelling. They soon learn not to even think about attacking me.

I've had Silkie roos I bought from other people, almost always be attackers. I don't know what it is about them. Napolean complex...dunno.

Anyway, it works for me. I prefer to not have a situation happen rather than have to fix it.

BTW, I do walk into my pens and all my roosters, will walk up to me, around my feet, etc. They are not really afraid of me, they just respect me.  Well, that is unless I have my big net in my hands, then they all run like crazy! LOL:eek:

I agree I never cuddle or hold my roosters and always make sure they know who is boss and have never had them come after me they only come over and peck at my painted toenails


I'm off to work.  Hopefully I can find a new job and not have to be up this early anymore.

Tab can you switch to a different shift

In Short:

Storm, tree fell ,knocked wires down. Electric up in a few hours, phone and internet just connected back up.  Cable wire still to be put back up and we are switching to Time Warner then. 

No coops damaged. Minor house damage. 

Chicks born and moved into broody coops.  

What to do with Cotton Ball.  She's so badly picked she can't jump up on to roost poor thing. 

Will catch up later. Hope everyone else is fine. 

ta,ta, for now, 


ps. Don't think I'll make the Lavender Festival again.  There is also the anitque thing in Skaneatles too. This week end. 

Rancher so glad you guys are all right

LynzI glad hubby got a job
I agree I never cuddle or hold my roosters and always make sure they know who is boss and have never had them come after me they only come over and peck at my painted toenails
Tab can you switch to a different shift

Rancher so glad you guys are all right

LynzI glad hubby got a job
Lnyzi, he got a job? Which post tells where and the details. I had over 338 spam posts in just the two days the internet was out.
Got a surprise this morning. Went to let everyone out, and when I let the ducks out there was an egg in there! Not sure who put it there. May be my very first duck egg or someone laid it late yesterday after I did musical little coops. The egg was about the size of the chicken eggs so that is why I wonder if it wasn't just a chicken egg. I guess that I find out tomorrow if there is another egg in there. It would have came from my Pekin. She is 19.5 weeks old?

I moved the momma's and their babies coops over to the other side of the run where it is on higher and dryer land. I like them on the other side cause they were under the tree and got lots of shade, but it stays too wet there. So they moved and I moved the big duck hut to a different corner. Rosita and her babies haven't gotten the idea that they now have a small coop. I did have them living in a metal wire dog crate that was wrapped and protected. I put them in the little run and when I cam out after dark to close everything up they had knocked down the fence and were sitting in the corner that their old "house" was in. They made a fuss when they got locked up in the little coop for the night, but I'm hoping that will get the hang of it tonight. But then again I'm thinking about trowing the Momma's out back into the main flock again. I'll put the 4 babies together. I'm pretty sure that Chipmunk and Pudgy are little boys and Squirrel and Tuesday are girls.

I candled my eggs again this morning after the temp spiked to 108.
I was afraid that I had lost them all. I pulled out 4 eggs that looked like quitters and when I cracked them open, one never developed and the others had quit. All of them I had marked from the other day when I checked on them and thought that they looked like they had quit so there weren't a surprise. There were 2 eggs that I think died, but I'm going to check them again tonight when DD and DS aren't helping me to make sure that there isn't any movement before I pull them. So it looks like I still have 8 eggs going strong despite my best effort to kill them. (not really) I am totally asking for an incubator for Christmas. This one I made is alright, but it would be nice not to have to check on it every 10 minutes to make sure that the temp doesn't spike.
Been extremely busy with the garden and animals can't wait to start canning have 3 boil bath pots and a pressure canner so should go quickly this year.
Getting some lambs tomorrow hoping they are as friendly as the goats. I love the goats they are so loving and friendly.
Lnyzi, he got a job?  Which post tells where and the details.  I had over 338 spam posts in just the two days the internet was out.  :eek:

Oh wow, yea that week he went to RI for that interview they had given him an offer the next 2 days (?) I wanna say...he told them he'd give them an answer the following week and they ended up waiting 2 for us. Lol it was a really tough decision, lots of stress, lots of arguing, but that is the choice we have made. He will be working in either Burlington or Wellesley, MA, starting in Concord. So we are looking to find a place an hour away from that because they are all pretty close to Boston so housing is pricey. I actually found a house in Woodstock CT that I absolutely LOVE. I spoke to the woman for a good 30-45 mins yesterday so of course I have my heart set on it just I like I did with this house.
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Oh wow, yea that week he went to RI for that interview they had given him an offer the next 2 days (?) I wanna say...he told them he'd give them an answer the following week and they ended up waiting 2 for us. Lol it was a really tough decision, lots of stress, lots of arguing, but that is the choice we have made. He will be working in either Burlington or Wellesley, MA, starting in Concord. So we are looking to find a place an hour away from that because they are all pretty close to Boston so housing is pricey. I actually found a house in Woodstock CT that I absolutely LOVE. I spoke to the woman for a good 30-45 mins yesterday so of course I have my heart set on it just I like I did with this house.
Did you ask her about your chickens and ducks?...I hope that you get it!

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