NY chicken lover!!!!

I have a Craftsman. After much fighting with it, the battery decided it would charge again, thank goodness. But now I can't find my hammer

I keep more than one hammer about. They're cheap at Harbor Freight. I have one in the garage, one in the house and one in the chicken coop.

Now here's tip:

Buy some cheap garage sale mailboxes to put on posts near garden gates or in front of your main coop. This way you can store garden tools and hammers in them.

I have two antique types.
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Pharkas--I have a buff rosecomb leghorn roo if you're interested. I have another roo in that pen so i can't say i have pure eggs and the hens are straight comb leghorns.

Hi Tab
What breed is the other roo? What I'm interested in is strong white egg layers (its the only egg color missing in my flock)
I'd also like to breed Ameraucana x leghorn to produce large blue eggs.
First I am sick of these darned ads. My screen keeps jumping as they run without my clicking on them.


As you know my habit of "marking" my territory, I had stapled a second pair of old jeans to another tree, a few days ago. When I did so I noticed a nest in an indentation of sorts not to high off the ground. After all I don't staple the jeans higher than if I were wearing them.

Anyhow I thought perhaps the nest was from a previous year since it was empty. We do have regular robins that are about each spring. They like my garden. This evening as I was making my rounds I went to the newest jeans and looked in the nest to discover five blue eggs.
I'd heard the robins since I know there voices. I assume it is their nest.

I immediately pulled the jeans from the tree and beat a hasty retreat.
There are plenty of trees to put the jeans on.
I was hoping our Trader Joes would have fertile leghorn eggs but it seems to be just a California thing:(

I would think it would be easier to buy from a hatchery since Leghorns are not all that special, unless you are looking to acquire a "Heritage" line.

Like Barred Rocks, there are two lines of leghorns. Heritage and Commercial. At one time Leghorns were a dual purpose breed.

They are a flighty breed and hyper. I prefer the Brown to the White. Browns have a nice camouflage coloring. Both lay white eggs.
Well, bought a hammer while I was out, so that's that down. Now to give the birds their second dose of wormer and they'll be wormed for the spring. And tomorrow I can get started on the run, lol. I did manage to get the door to that coop fixed - over the winter it broke to the point that it wouldn't close right. So now at least that's done.
Well, bought a hammer while I was out, so that's that down. Now to give the birds their second dose of wormer and they'll be wormed for the spring. And tomorrow I can get started on the run, lol. I did manage to get the door to that coop fixed - over the winter it broke to the point that it wouldn't close right. So now at least that's done.

I feel really behind now!! Gotta drag myself to the lumber yard!!

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