NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all. Glad to hear that dw is doing alright rancher. Congrats on the new bun baking! Lisa, the straw around the bottom of the coop is good. It will help keep the floor warmerror and if you leave an opening the cheeps can use it to get out of the wind.

My house is empty again as my daughter left to back home. Abby, my cat, is thrilled because it means that dog is gone as well! Little big man and the Duke are crowing up a storm this am. Must be the cold weather.

Ok, I'm off to sling the pills to pay the bills. Be well everyone!

This is a totally off topic, but do any of your chicken raisers also maintain honey hives? The Hubster and I are looking at doing hives but have no idea if there are any associations or clubs here in the North Country part of NY... I am located in Evans Mills

There is a few experienced bee keepers on 'The Old Folks' thread.
Your silkies look a lot like mine. Did you get them from TSC?
What I've found to be the worst as far as frostbite goes is when the roosters dip their wattles in their water in subzero temps, worst frostbite pics I've seen. I haven't had it happen with mine but seen enough instances that I would like to do something different with my open rubber water pan. Maybe a cover that only allows the beak to go in? I had planned on heated buckets with nipples but lacking xtra cash right now.
I had leghorns with big floppy combs, and a polish, both are not good in extreme cold, no problems last winter and no frostbite. Just minor frostbite on the tips of his comb on the wellie roo I had.
no sad faces. This is one of hopefully several gatherings. I think it would be great if somehow we could get things set up in several areas of the state. That way most of us can attend 2 so there is more of our chicks being distributed through the state.

Only about 20min from me. The only birds I plan on breeding is my White Jersey Giants and Red Sussex, and crossing my White Silkie rooster with one of my non-sop White Giants (she's big but leg color not correct for standard) I'll be breeding the silkies also (they are not sop, they are big already), but if there is any interest I might be able to find time.
Question...can you put Vaseline on combs and wattles to PREVENT frostbite or wait and see....
Yes you can. You can also use Bag Balm too. You do have to reapply it each night I think. Oh and do their legs and feet too for mite protection.

Anyone use these heated dog bowl/waterers? I bought some but didn't use them right away and now the instructions are gone. Do I just roll that cord out and plug it in? I have mush grower and don't want it to freeze.

Also who here took a chainsaw course? I seem to recall someone mentioning it.
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Yes you can. You can also use Bag Balm too. You do have to reapply it each night I think. Oh and do their legs and feet too for mite protection.

Anyone use these heated dog bowl/waterers? I bought some but didn't use them right away and now the instructions are gone. Do I just roll that cord out and plug it in? I have mush grower and don't want it to freeze.

Also who here took a chainsaw course? I seem to recall someone mentioning it.

I did! It's was run by the NY Forest Owners Assoc. . There are 3 parts to it - I took part one which is a basic introduction to chainsaws, safety and how to fell a tree safely. Parts 2&3 are for those that have a greater need than I. Apart from all the 'looks' I got (only woman there), it was a very enjoyable afternoon - in the rain and cold.
I really recommend it!

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