NY chicken lover!!!!

@Devona scroll to the bottom of your phone and switch it from mobile to desktop, everything will be there. You can change, add a avatar that way from phone.

Thanks, beer can. I did as you suggested and it worked! However the font is too small for my screen. I'd need to enlarge before I can read. Is there a way to make the font appear larger on the whole page at once? If not, it's ok. At least I know what to do if I need it. I did manage to put an avatar in, though! I was wondering how I wasn't able to, before. That's chick, the one that started me off. One of these days I'll start using the new laptop I got for Christmas. They bought me a red laptop! Red! I know it's my favorite color, but it looked really weird to me when I saw a red computer. Anyway I need to put virus protection and such like onto it before I do anything else with it. And my old one is still being repaired by my cousins son. Now I have two. I told dh to wait until it was fixed (he's doing it for free, so we can't exactly tell him to hurry up), but he got impatient and asked my cousin to look for one. Maybe he would be able to use one for himself. But he's more of a tv guy, if he has extra time.
Thanks, beer can. I did as you suggested and it worked! However the font is too small for my screen. I'd need to enlarge before I can read. Is there a way to make the font appear larger on the whole page at once? If not, it's ok. At least I know what to do if I need it. I did manage to put an avatar in, though! I was wondering how I wasn't able to, before. That's chick, the one that started me off. One of these days I'll start using the new laptop I got for Christmas. They bought me a red laptop! Red! I know it's my favorite color, but it looked really weird to me when I saw a red computer. Anyway I need to put virus protection and such like onto it before I do anything else with it. And my old one is still being repaired by my cousins son. Now I have two. I told dh to wait until it was fixed (he's doing it for free, so we can't exactly tell him to hurry up), but he got impatient and asked my cousin to look for one. Maybe he would be able to use one for himself. But he's more of a tv guy, if he has extra time.

There's a good free antivirus that I use on my laptop called AVG Antivirus. Works great!
Update on Mama. She is still around. In the basement in a crate. Every couple of days I spray her rear, she collects poo there still, but is not pasted up. She is eating and drinking. Got some fermented feed going, and she loves that. She still moves slow, but seems a bit stronger and doesn't clench her tail down as much. She is pooping, which she hadn't been when I brought her in. Still pretty quiet, but seems to listen to me.
Thanks gramma, good luck with your comet.
Glass hen I'm glad your mama seems to be showing improvement.
Chick seems to be getting used to his new companions, and they to him. They're also no longer giving me a wide berth. They almost look enthusiastic when they see me. Or maybe it's whim they see the bowl in my hand. :gig. It's been a week since I got them and hopefully there will be no more flying over the fence shenanigans. But they haven't been going into the back, close to the fences, because of the snowdrifts. My rabbits, on the other hand, seem to love the snow! They've been digging tunnels, poor things, they don't usually get a chance to do so, since there's no deep dirt in my yard.
Update on Mama. She is still around. In the basement in a crate. Every couple of days I spray her rear, she collects poo there still, but is not pasted up. She is eating and drinking. Got some fermented feed going, and she loves that. She still moves slow, but seems a bit stronger and doesn't clench her tail down as much. She is pooping, which she hadn't been when I brought her in. Still pretty quiet, but seems to listen to me.
a little ACV in her water...should help regulate her too
How is Sickie Chick? I re-read your post and got to thinking about gas gangrene - a bacterial infection. If that is the problem she needs antibiotics asap or she will likely die......

No change! She's still eating and getting around. Her foot is still somewhat swollen and smells. I need to get her in to soak her foot. Poor girl.

In other news, one of my olive Eggers laid an egg today! Yay! Let this begin the onset of eggs!

We rebaited the live trap tonight with apple. I plugged up Rosco Rat's usual coop holes, leaving just one, and placed the trap in front of it. He can only go one way now....info the trap. Unless he digs out somewhere else.

Stupid rat. If this doesn't work, I'll pick up some glue traps when we had into town this weekend. And if that doesn't work, I'm setting up in the coop one night with a pellet gun.

This is war!
No change! She's still eating and getting around. Her foot is still somewhat swollen and smells. I need to get her in to soak her foot. Poor girl.

In other news, one of my olive Eggers laid an egg today! Yay! Let this begin the onset of eggs!

We rebaited the live trap tonight with apple. I plugged up Rosco Rat's usual coop holes, leaving just one, and placed the trap in front of it. He can only go one way now....info the trap. Unless he digs out somewhere else.

Stupid rat. If this doesn't work, I'll pick up some glue traps when we had into town this weekend. And if that doesn't work, I'm setting up in the coop one night with a pellet gun.

This is war!
We had our own Roscoe running the barn here. Silly little bugger got a snap trap . He stole the sticky traps, he out smarted the live catch. So he had to perish. I fell bad but feed is expensive.

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