NY chicken lover!!!!

Gramma Chick,

Yeah raising my coop off the ground.
The Floor of my coop is the ground It does freeze some if it gets real cold ...but that is where my bedding comes in . and my chickens heat it with their bodies ..
I use natural things like leaves or dried grass for bedding ..as it gets dirty I layer fresh leaves on top ...The deeper it is the warmer it is .
The coop is always the warmest place ...When I am outside and cold I actually go in the coop to warm up ..
Will the coop be tall enough for you to walk inside ?
Also chickens will probably be on the roosts most of the time when they are in there ..and can get up on them if it is too cold .

I like the idea of the raised coop in the run as it gives them some more room when they have to stay in ..

You could put a wood wind break on the side where it would blow most ..which you could add before winter ...For $ later .
Or put it to the back of a shed like we did.
Look on Craigs list for people offering free lumber or even pallets can be used whole or broken apart
Heres a link to a pallet coop ..maybe some ideas ?
I have a light in my coop that is on a timer. It is supposed to come on after sunrise and go off just after sunset. It's mostly so I can see to feed, water, open and close and collect eggs. I woke up to chicken sounds at 12:30 am. My timer went rogue and was on. It's still on now. :rolleyes:
Anyone in NY want a black Silkie cockerel? He is still a baby and I'm not sure it's a boy but pretty sure cause he is bigger these the rest that hatched his age. Willing to just give him away if someone wants him.
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Does anyone have a size 12 bandette in green, number doesn't matter, and a blue dandette in size 11? I have silkies but was given a barred rock rooster and a hen and I need identification for them. I dont wanna have to buy packs of 25 for two birds. I'll pay you for them. Please let me know.
Cosette gets so excited for hatching day. She takes this chicken business more serious than I do. She loves and protects the flock and gets very motherly with the babies. Yaya for hatch day!

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