NY chicken lover!!!!

So how many of you silkie owners out there ever had to trim your silkies butt feathers cause they got matted with poop? I had to do that to my roo tonight and what a job! I had no idea what I was doing and he wasnt thrilled and I hope I didnt cut too close but I finally managed to clip out the clump and he should be able to poop without it getting in his butt feathers. He has a big feathery butt. Should I keep it clipped down so it doesnt happen again? What about around the eyes? I would like to do that so they can see better but it makes me nervous. Gosh, I dont have this problem with my hens, well, except one. I just give her a bath when her butt looks dirty.

I was looking at his feet as well. Guess I will have to soak them. The price of beauty I guess. Still waiting for the silkie girls to lay eggs.
I am crossing my fingers for you!!!
I just have my two roos, hoping I can keep keeping them. Both are very sweet so far.
Plus there's two babies I can't guess on yet. No roo characteristics at 8 weeks, but I've been fooled before.

IT WORKED!!!! All those crossed fingers worked!!
She took all 3 of them. Now I am down to just the 3 Ameruacana roos. PHEW!!!

And now I can combine the two "flocks" and only have to feed in ONE all winter.

Oh wait. Shoot. I have to move the new chick and it's Momma to the small side to make room for the 5 from the other side.
Oh well.

I am down to just 3 roos for the entire flock and THAT is managable.
Silkies are an interesting breed, aren't they?

My Silkie was broody and just hatched a chick and the broody poo is soooo stuck to her butt. I can't wash her to spring (she's white) and I can't trim her til she stops growling at my hand when I fill her feeder. Soooo she stays stinky for a while.

But yes, there is a price to be paid for beauty.

As far as the feathers in the eyes, some people put a hair tie/rubber band to keep those feathers out of the birds line of sight. Now THAT has to be a sight.
Cass - I'm glad you scored with your roos. I see ads here for sale and I think , "who would pay for a rooster" ?. Unless of course it a breed that they want. Like a Delaware, but I don't want to sell them if I can find a butcherman.

Now I have to ask, Has anyone heard or read about the state putting out 10 million to sponsor a traveling processing wagon? I have read that there is one in Vermont that goes around and rents to do you birds, but nothing here in the land of taxes. I'll have to google it and see.

My Dels are big birds so roosters are worth doing. The black orps seem big and heavy too. Gonna cross them with the lav hens, cuz I don't like the lav roo as well. Now if your going to be in the market for lavorps, touch base with me in the spring.

Now the Birchen Marans and Swedish flower hens are due this tuesday. So say a prayer they make it alive and kicking. I'm rather excited.

I'd really like some heavy Brahamas to fill the freezer with. Don't know much about them but they look meaty. Some sellers say they lay good too, but then what is good?

I got 16 eggs today from approx. 30 hens old and new. I find the sooner I let them out the better they do. One morning I was up before they were. I opened the pop hole door and they all said "huh? good garden o' peas old man we can't even see the sun light yet"! The teenagers where complaining saying "turn the light out, grampaw!!" (I have a light that I turn on in the coop)

I've got a pair of Silkies and I don't like that they don't roost. The flaky wood chips don't seem to clean their feet very well. I can't wash them and they're on new clean wood chips. Plus where is this girl going to lay her eggs. That's when she starts laying again.
10 million for a mobile butcher shop?Only in NYS would it cost that much. My guess if there was a big enough market for that someone would already have one and be making money at it. Personally it sounds like a GIANT legal mess to me.
Clean feet and "silkies" do not go together. Sorry. And their feathers get full of poo so you have to shampoo them, in warm weather. As far as where they are gonna lay? Anywhere but the nest box, however once they pick a spot they seem to stay with that spot so you aren't involved in an Easter Egg hunt every day.

My silkie was my BEST layer. 6 out of 7 days a week. Then she went broody. Silkies are great broodies, they say. My D'uccle went broody first however.

I thought I would love the cute little fluff balls. I don't. She's my incubator and that's all, in my mind. I won't be getting more, on purpose. Who knows what will hatch if I have a broody this spring. Her eggs were between the size of my Bantams and pullet eggs from my LF girls, so I could tell the difference between the D'uccles and the Silkie, in the fridge. Kinda got tired of cracking 2 eggs for every ONE I needed for recipe however.

I have one Brahma. She's a witch. But she is heavy and lays eggs. She is still young but I seem to get 3 - 5 eggs a week out of her, in season. (nobody is laying right now. I had to BUY eggs this week)
10 million for a mobile butcher shop?Only in NYS would it cost that much. My guess if there was a big enough market for that someone would already have one and be making money at it. Personally it sounds like a GIANT legal mess to me.

They had one in Norwich, but discontinued it, I think,to not enough usage...
There is a guy in Chittenango that does chicikens for $3. Worth it I think.
Thanks Cass. Its too cold to give baths so I guess trimming is in order. If I start stealing hair ties from my daughter for the silkies, she will kill them then me! Might have to soak feet though, just for health purposes.

My girls are still molting so its only 2 eggs a day, sometimes 1. Dont they realize that the holidays are here and there is a lot of baking to do? I reminded them that sunday dinners might start featuring chicken as the main course. We will see if that has any impact on their egg laying.

Mumbles went for my hand again. Might have to eat him if this keeps up. Funny thing though, Little man also went for me tonight. Kicked his !@# to let him know who is boss. The boys are 8 and 9 mos old now so I suspect that the hormones are kicking in. Figures. The girls show no interest in squatting, the boys or laying eggs. I love my silkies but this is rediculous! At least my rocks and wyandottes listen (mostly).

Rancher--i am so jealous that you have all that room for all those chickens! I need to build some more coops but have to wait till things improve. What I really need is to win the lottery so I could get more land and pay someone to build all kinds of coops for all the breeds I would like! Dang addiction is killing me. Wish we had drugs for that!

Night all.
Henni!! I would also like to buy some off you if you have extras!! OH how I hate buying then from the grocery store!!!ginny

I *may* be able to swing this soon, actually! Let me get back to you in a couple of days.

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