NY chicken lover!!!!

With night temps dropping this week should I put a heat lamp in the shed? The youngest are 4 weeks old. When I went in tonight they were cuddled up with two of the 6 week olds.
Congrats to you TOB on your flock coming home!

Breella glad the chickies did well, and the horse is ok.

I am kind excited too,
one of my BCM hens was just in the coop singing the egg song! And "her" roo stood outside the door singing right along with her (how I heard it from the house actually :D) This is the first time I've heard it out of any of them and I am anxiously looking forward to their first egg.
There wasn't one there when I looked, but she had made a little nest in the shavings... Time to get a nest box in there! Woop Woop!

Sorry for all the emots (I'm just a little excited lol)

The first egg is incredibly exciting! My favorite Dominique Miss Thang was precocious and laid hers at about 18 weeks old. I carried that egg up from the coop like it was made of spun gold, took photos of it, and posted about it on Facebook. Then, we very reverently cooked and shared it.

Now, two years later, I just carried two dozen or so eggs up from the coop in my shirt, because the egg basket sits on the counter full of eggs (people actually use them to collect eggs? How interesting!). I then put them into a grocery bag in the garage, to be boxed up for my customers at my hippie-foodie farm buying club Wednesday. It's cool in there, and these are nice and clean, so they'll just get popped into their cartons and brought in for their fans. I also collected an enormous duck egg. Whoever laid that beast must be waddling funny - it's huge! I'll have to take a photo of it.
See above post for most of your answers. But I would like to elaborate on the "auction", as I call it. It's actually a Chinese auction. Everyone tends to bring things for the auction, but it isn't required to attend. The last 2 years we sold tickets priced at 10 for $5 and 25 for $10. All monies raised from the auction are given to the host family to do with as they see fit. (both years it was over $100) Last year there were quite a few children and someone(s) suggested that an auction aimed at the children might raise a little more money and be fun for the kids that attended (and were VERY well behaved, btw). If children are attending this year, we could go with that idea and have a separate table for the kids items. I would suggest that we price the children's tickets slightly lower and publish the price in advance so the older ones can earn the money they want to spend at the auction. (Am thinking 10 for $2 and 25 for $5 and having the tickets a different color.)
Have to ask but how many times did Rancher try to pay for tickets with baby chicks??

About 20 people. Most never used the facilities because of the heat. Can always put up a sign that says "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" (that's what my Aunt did....wasn't worried about septic but well water supply running low cuz people were staying over at her house too)

I would LOVE to come see your birds and you. Some of us bring tables. Most everyone brought their own chair. You get to pick the date. Previously the host family has organized the food sign up list and I have taken care of the Auction sign up list. (I still have tickets for the auction, btw) Even if you don't want me to organize the auction sign up I will bring the tickets to save someone some money. Last year people who got there before me had the tables set up and bags already labeled for items they brought. EVERYONE and I mean all who attended helped. Everyone was friendly, cooperative and helpful.

Each of the last 2 years the auction has raised about $110 bucks, which is given to the host family to offset any costs they incur. If you volunteer I am sure that Tab will offer some hints to make things easier and Annie too, if she is around at any time. (Pretty sure Annie will say, "don't have it the day before a hurricane" LOL)

We started each get together between 12 and 1. Most people were gone by 5 and I left last (both times, what's with that??? LOL) before 6. The grounds were cleaned up, all garbage bagged and all food inside the house. All the host family had to do was return things to their proper place in their own yard.

Whoever has the gathering gets to make the rules about animals on their property. Annie and Tab both said "in cages/boxes only". (Don't blame them and no one failed to comply)
Sounds like a good time, too bad i'm so far away or I could host it. Our problem is water running low though in summers due to stupid well grrr. But i'm hopeing to get enough over time to fix that. Got so bad last year we played the yellow mellow game and did laundry at mother inlaws along with dishes. We have 5 gal water jugs we keep filled just incase some for toilet and some for dishes.

If I'm able to get off for this if it happens, I just bought a new grill I could bring up and some grilling items.
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About 20 people. Most never used the facilities because of the heat. Can always put up a sign that says "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" (that's what my Aunt did....wasn't worried about septic but well water supply running low cuz people were staying over at her house too)

I would LOVE to come see your birds and you. Some of us bring tables. Most everyone brought their own chair. You get to pick the date. Previously the host family has organized the food sign up list and I have taken care of the Auction sign up list. (I still have tickets for the auction, btw) Even if you don't want me to organize the auction sign up I will bring the tickets to save someone some money. Last year people who got there before me had the tables set up and bags already labeled for items they brought. EVERYONE and I mean all who attended helped. Everyone was friendly, cooperative and helpful.

Each of the last 2 years the auction has raised about $110 bucks, which is given to the host family to offset any costs they incur. If you volunteer I am sure that Tab will offer some hints to make things easier and Annie too, if she is around at any time. (Pretty sure Annie will say, "don't have it the day before a hurricane" LOL)

We started each get together between 12 and 1. Most people were gone by 5 and I left last (both times, what's with that??? LOL) before 6. The grounds were cleaned up, all garbage bagged and all food inside the house. All the host family had to do was return things to their proper place in their own yard.

Whoever has the gathering gets to make the rules about animals on their property. Annie and Tab both said "in cages/boxes only". (Don't blame them and no one failed to comply)

The chicken picnic is awesome. My husband actually asked me if there will be one this year. He never wants to go to ANYTHING, so that says a lot.

The auction is fun - it gives me an excuse to make the ever-popular wine basket! I also have some other ideas for auction goodies for this year. Rancher, the idea of chicken bingo is a hoot!

A Porta-Potty is actually a really good idea - you can rent some nice ones that are better than my downstairs closet of a bathroom, and it takes the pressure off the septic system. If we end up at somebody's house, I'll be happy to cover that rental - no worries.
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Blondie STILL can't decide where she wants to nest. This morning early she changed boxes AGAIN. I had to throw away 10 eggs that she had been on. I may just throw down a few plastic boxes on the floor at this point!
I have a buyer already for my tetra tints. She'll probably take all 18. I'd love to keep them but just don't have the room.
I peeked out the window of our room to check on the coop and there was a possum wandering around. Yes, I have a million candle power light to check on the flock. Neighbors must think I'm crazy. It comes in handy. Dh takes credit for that Christmas gift.
You sound normal to me !
So do you do this every once in a while or did you see or hear something ?
We have a motion sensor light on the coop in front of the run door .
They were real safe last night ! when I went out this morning the run door wasnt latched ..AAAHHHH
It was closed just not latched ..Nobody to blame except me ..

I finally figured what the babies ( almost 9 weeks ) were screaming about !
When I shut them under the coop at night
I added another link the 1st one didnt work

they come into the run ...tonight ...looking up ..looking back & forth ...jump/ flying into the nest boxes..
One flies up on top of the coop door ..
They dont want to be on the floor they want to roost or be up like the big girls ..but not in with the big girls .
So Im like " Okay I will see what I can work out .
I have a small pet cage ...So I drag a old water softener bin into the run ...there are nesting boxes ..
With some boards underneath for stability ..We Have a Raised Cage ! They are looking around inside ...No Screaming !
It is small but they are Happy & they are up

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The chicken picnic is awesome.  My husband actually asked me if there will be one this year.  He never wants to go to ANYTHING, so that says a lot.  :gig

The auction is fun - it gives me an excuse to make the ever-popular wine basket!  I also have some other ideas for auction goodies for this year.  Rancher, the idea of chicken bingo is a hoot! 

A Porta-Potty is actually a really good idea - you can rent some nice ones that are better than my downstairs closet of a bathroom, and it takes the pressure off the septic system.  If we end up at somebody's house, I'll be happy to cover that rental - no worries.


This is a picture of the pavilion side of the yard...I actually mentioned to the Hubster and he Didn't Say No!! In all fairness I'll have to ask him again when he's not sleeping, but it will be greatly considered. I'm located in Ballston Spa. And a 1 year chicken fan. Depending on the weather people can bring their tents and camp in the yard... Or a cot and hunker down in the pavilion if need be. I'm kinda getting excited about the prospect!!! Much to consider....I don't wanna step on anybody's toes.

Your set-up (and chickies) look GREAT!

Congrat's on all your hard work paying off.

How's the fat-nasty mare doing? Hope she's back up to her old cranky self.


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