NY chicken lover!!!!

Afternoon all. I am a horrible chicken momma.
I took my sick hen out of the cage and gave her a bath because she stinks so bad. I found that she has a puncture wound of some sort on her lower abdomen and it must be infected as it has a mass of worms in it.
They came out while I was bathing her.
It was gross. I feel bad because I should have checked her more closely but I couldnt see it until I bathed her.
While she seems okay, I cannot believe that this isnt recoverable. I will have dh put her down tonight. I am an idiot and should have know better. I do believe now that it is NOT coryza but is the pox my silkies have.
All my other silkies look good, even Eowyn, my broody momma. I do have a chick that is going downhill and I am not sure if it the heat or something else. I whipped out the rooster booster today and gave everyone chicken powerade in their waterers. Hopefully this helps. I thank all of you for your support, thoughts and prayers. This has been a rollercoaster ride.
Pharm, don't beat yourself up. I had that happen once myself. And I did the same, put her down. Of course it was my favorite LF girl. Don't beat yourself up, there is no way you can catch everything
OMG Pharm - I would have FREAKED out! That definitely would have turned my stomach.
I'm not familiar with these chicken illnesses - so if it's Pox that your that your silkies have do you still have to put them down or is something you can treat? I'm glad to hear all your other silkies are looking OK.
Busy day to day and I just can't go over 50 posts.

Work now so not a lot of time, and tonight was a wake for a dear friend.

Good news, DD and her are having a boy. Planned Donovan Titus.

Still to many broodies.

Especially to Pharm, please don't be too hard on yourself. Had a girl with prolapse once. Found it too late. Sometimes we just can't see and they show no sign with their behavior til it's too late to save them.

Every one else, take care and be well,

Evening everyone,
Well the water issue went well today with Stella and the chicks. I went up there this afternoon and cleaned it out only once today and it stayed clean until later this evening. So I think they'll be good as long as DH makes sure there is water in the morning before he leaves and then again when he gets home from work.

I swear this one BR is getting on my nerves. She is so mean I can't take it. If she weren't laying eggs I would think she was a rooster! She goes after my dog, the ducks, other hens. I'm ready to give her the boot!

Chicks are doing well. Stella is being very protective of them so I barely get a chance to hold them. :-( The only time I get a chance to is if in open the pen to let her out to stretch her wings a bit but even then she goes right back in to make sure they're ok.

The ducks are fully feathered and pretty much done molting. I think I have three females and no drakes. Kinda bummed. I was hoping to hatch some duck eggs in the future. Owell, more time to focus on my silkies. :)

Got the phone call from my boss this evening when I logged back on to work. My time at my job is coming to an end finally! I'm hoping to hear back from a woman at HR tomorrow to see what kind of package I'm entitled to. So glad tomorrow is my last full day before vacation! It's been a stressful week there. Don't need that stress in my life anymore! Ever!

Time to sit down and relax and watch some tube!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day!
Rancher, and everyone else who has Orpingtons, do birds that feather early generally end up being hens? The little one I got from Rancher acts roosterish, postures at my hands and pecks at me when I move things to fill water or food. I was ok with this, however in the last few days this chick has broken out in tufts of regular feathers and started to shed the fluffy down. I don't know what day Rancher hatched that one but around 3 weeks old for age.

You are obviously caring and attentive to your chickens. Give yourself a break. You've been going nuts trying to figure out the root of your flock's problems. If it were one of us, I bet you would be very supportive, so certainly you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I will say some prayers on behalf of both your chickens...and YOU!

Good news, DD and her are having a boy. Planned Donovan Titus.

Exciting news!

Well the water issue went well today with Stella and the chicks. I went up there this afternoon and cleaned it out only once today and it stayed clean until later this evening. So I think they'll be good as long as DH makes sure there is water in the morning before he leaves and then again when he gets home from work.

Got the phone call from my boss this evening when I logged back on to work. My time at my job is coming to an end finally! I'm hoping to hear back from a woman at HR tomorrow to see what kind of package I'm entitled to. So glad tomorrow is my last full day before vacation! It's been a stressful week there. Don't need that stress in my life anymore! Ever!


This afternoon, I cleaned out my coop (and sweated enough to fill a lake)! After putting clean litter down, I rearranged (increased) the height of their waterer and food. My youngsters are just tall enough to handle this, and since they are growing, not shrinking, it should get even easier as time passes. When I checked in on the ladies at dusk, the water and food were still clean! Hoping this makes a real difference. I also tried to position the older girls' food and water a little higher.

CONGRATS on getting the news you've been waiting for. Having been in more than one stressful job, I can appreciate the situation you were in. Hope everything wraps up well for you!


BREELA - I have a Lavender Orp, but got her as a pullet (not a chick) from Marquisella. She is a pleasure and has shown no aggression whatsoever to either me or her flock mates.

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