NY chicken lover!!!!

Yes. Guineas are famous for leaving if you get them as adults. After losing 2 groups I npught as adults I finally hatched eggs under a chicken and raised them with chicks. They stayed would roam during the day but came back to eat and roost. Ended up with just males the females were picked off of nests while brooding since they free ranged. Having just males isn't good. All they did was chase each other around all day so I placed them and now want keets to raise again.

Eek! Good to know before I went out and bought some. I hope we both can find some keets. I saw some on the local Craigslist the other day but I wasn't able to act on it since I have nowhere to put them right now.
Welcome to all to all the new members-)
Nothing much going on here weather is perfect, tomatoes coming on, squash is starting, got 4 fryer rabbits started (other halfs trying to name them) Kid finally got a job. Grates to Rochester peeps on the Kodak building getting tech grants and jobs.

Are there still people looking for piglets Amish had some for sale located route 10 North outside Fort Plain. If interested I could stop find out breed and price.
Do you really think you will sell more than $5000 a year in eggs? LOL I wish I could sell that much in a year....and who's gonna know what you sell? I didn't say that....as I recall, if you sell from you "home/farm" you don't need any inspection. If you sell to a store for resell, then you put your self under inspection rules, etvc.
You are totally correct! You don't have to have an inspection to sell eggs from your own farm store. The only requirement is that the collected eggs must be kept at 45F, in a fridge. In my county baked goods are allowed too be sold too, like cookies and bread. We have a decent location with reasonable traffic and would like to convert our little stone house into a little farm store, for seasonal sales. I will look more into it as we progress, but think we may also carry preserves, and stuff like that, maybe honey, maple syrup, possibly soaps, and nonfood items too, if there are folks out there interested in vendor opportunities at our location. Not sure how all that will work, this is the very early planning stage!

So far neither of the 2 hens have laid an egg. Fredo pecked DH and was jumping around a bit during the cleaning times, so I took some advice from those on here. When I go into their area I crow very loudly. He walks away and leaves me to my feeding, cleaning, and watering. He doesn't crow when I'm there, only after I leave, hahaha! He must think I'm a giant chicken!
Good Morning! A beautiful day here. The babies are 2 weeks old and doing great. Coop and run are almost finished- just a few final touches. We have a few more runs of fence and we are done! I have been reading about fermented feed and I'm wondering if any of you recommend that over traditional feed. I am off to work- have a great day everyone- and be sure to hug a chicken today!
Hello from Columbia County!

I'm looking to place 5 chicks, free of charge.
They are 4.5 weeks old, hatched and raised by my BO, who is a great foster mom.
2 are barred rocks, 1 is a barred rock x cochin, 1 is a cochin and 1 is a mix that I haven't been able to identify, though it has feathered legs.
All are adorable and I'm sure will be a great flock.

If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll post pictures of them.
Morning all. A beautiful, cool sunny day to start. Loving it! My reds finally went into the terrorist coop without chasing them in last night. All but 1 of the juve silkies also went into their coop by themselves last night as well. The last one was in full panic mode, running up and down the run chirping loudly. I had to rescue him and put him in bed. The two roos I didnt process are getting on my nerves. I have asked dh to process them this weekend. I did find out on the rir thread that the heritage roos dont crow until they are 7 to 9 months old. Thats cool. Clyde has not crowed once and that explains why. He is 4 months old, as are the two mutt roos that are on my nerves. He is a laid back kinda guy so far. Doesnt bother the ladies, kinda just hangs out, chillin. Hopefully when he reaches jerk stage he continues to be this way.

Have to catch the last few older pullets and get them into the terrorist coop. Still only getting around 10 eggs a day from those freeloaders. I need those pullets to lay as my egg demand is outstripping my supply! Once they start, I can go through and cull all those hens that arent laying. I have jars for them.

Welcome to the newbies! Looks like we are gaining more peeps in leaps and bounds. Love it! Sorry for the losses that are occurring. Its the hardest part of having animals.

Lynzi--congrats on your hatch. That chick is beautiful!

Off to get my eyes dilated then fling coffee. The cool part will be freaking out the customers when they see my eyes. Makes them nervous that I am on something! Good thing I dont really need to see all that well to do my job today. Last time I had this done I had to work at the pharm afterwords. Every try to read tiny numbers while in that state? Have a fabulous day everyone!
i just posted this same question on the wellie thread but i wanted to make sure i got a responce soon so i figured i better post it here as well...

my wellie roo 14weeks old is stealing feathers from the backs of the wellie pullets also 14 weeks old ..hes not doing it to the wyandottes just the wellies ..he takes the feathers ands eats them ..i no they all eat feathers but only lose ones that fall off on their own ..hes sneaking up behind them and just plucking them off and eating them ..i chased him off with a switch and he went in the coop until just before dark ..i think i hurt his manhood ..lol..i did not hit him with it , i just scared him and chased him off..is this cannabilisum or just common actions ..i see he doesnt go after the wyandottes like this at all ..but then they are starting to grow bigger then him and are alot bigger then the wellie pullets..they are all 14 weeks old ..

i'll be watching him today to see if he stopped it ..

thanks in advance for any and all answers..
Ugh! We live 3,000 miles away from our families (job situation - we moved here for work) - it is really hard to be so far away. Stupid government.. :( to having to fly every time you want to see your grandbabies.
Well let me give you some unsolicited advice. Keep some money aside for emergency visits. Since DW was diagnosed and all that is going on, it's been heck trying to get my son and his family here from FL and my DD here from TX. Neither has money things are so tight.

My thought is, DW and I will pass sometime, then what will they do? Too, we won't always be able to fly to see them. I swear old age is the curse I'd most like to tell Adam and Eve off about.
WNYegger, there is a thread on this behavior, called I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking. The originator has a flock full of them and has tried everything, but his won't stop. Some people believe it is a diet deficiency and upped the protein...personally, I have some with bare rumps, and I feed fermented feed, 20 percent protein. Some people recommend canning as a cure...good luck.

And, I do like fermenting the feed. Their poops seem to be less smelly, and their feathers are soft and vibrant, although there seems to be a bit of molting going on at the moment. Also, since the feed is moist, it doesn't get lost so easily.

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