NY chicken lover!!!!

Well now I've Shorty and he's def a Araucana so don't despair. I'm sure to put him in with some girls and I did get one chick that had no tail. It was a black and roo I think so it had to go. I've some blue and lavender EE's so there may be more pullets.

Rancher I'd purchase a few of those pullets if you are willing to let them go, I don't have any blue or lavender girls yet and Syracuse isn't too far for me :)

I'm going to see if I can call someone at the Twin Tiers Poultry Club this week and report those birds. There weren't labels on any of the cages but the seller clearly wanted someone like me to think they were auracanas and was willing to maim the birds to do it.
My family has none a ton of genealogy research. My step dad traced his family back to the boat when they came over from England. My Mom did a lot and she traced her side of the family back to when they crosses over from Canada...Found out that a great great great grandma (I can't remember how many greats) smuggled alcohol in her breasts across the river from Canada during prohibition. Researching where your family comes from is always very interesting! Good luck with your search.
I was told by my dad that his father came in from Canada and that he had a brother Arthur who stayed there. Yet in my grandfathers OB it said he was in Chicago to visit his brother when he died. So I don't know.

I've a number of names to track so it's quite a bit of work.

As for your gr, gr, gr, grandmother it is interesting.

I have newspaper article about my great grandfather and his arrests. I always joke that I could find alot about my relatives by researching the records at Jamesville Pen.
Rancher I'd purchase a few of those pullets if you are willing to let them go, I don't have any blue or lavender girls yet and Syracuse isn't too far for me :)

I'm going to see if I can call someone at the Twin Tiers Poultry Club this week and report those birds. There weren't labels on any of the cages but the seller clearly wanted someone like me to think they were auracanas and was willing to maim the birds to do it.
Well now as far as the seller. Did you ask if they were Auraucana? or just assume. Could it be just an honest mistake on both your parts?

Lord have mercy you should see the Plymouth rock and RIR threads. Folks buying stuff with no idea what's what. One person bought Brwn leghorns and thosse birds have no resemblance to leghorns whatsoever. If they'd done their research they would have known. I prefer Brwn to white.

Now I make no claims about my Shorty. He's a pain in the neck and has some faults. No whiskers. His wings hang low too. But I just got him for egg color and gene depth. Any thing I have would be a cross to an Easter Egger/ameraucana.

Notice the "muffs" or "whiskers". Notice how the rump feathers curl over to cover the rump. Notice the slanted stance as they stand up. You can find some if you go to Hinkjcfarms. Check her web site. She's in PA. They're difficult to breed and hatch rates are not great. They're an ornamental breed. I do like my Shorty even if he isn't friendly.



Auracana are difficult to deal with in that they have a lethal allele.
Yep, I made a newbie mistake for sure. The girls I got have "beards" like EEs and not the full whiskers like in the pictures you've posted. I couldn't look at them up close and their wings covered their rumps so I couldn't see that the feathers were missing. Live and learn! I'll get some pictures of them once they're out of quarantine.

I have a brown leghorn rooster, he is gorgeous!
Only trouble with mistakes like yours Smaz, is you fall in love with the birds and then it's hard to get rid of them. That's why I end up with the stray bird. My one Lt. Sussex is a gem but I don't breed them so she's just here.

I think with chickens you have to be in control. TSC has chicks and ducks every year. I just have a look but don't buy them cuz it will mean more time and work than I have to put in.

My goal is always to have an empty coop come winter but who goes? Adding birds together is not easy.

Right now I'm fighting with Shorty, an EE who is picked to smithereens and Cotton ball. They just don't want to be moved to a safer coop. The EE keeps trying to get back into the coop where she was beaten up. The same with Shorty. I keep moving them to the new coop but they just keep going back into the old coop at night.
I have a white EE roo that is looking rumpless, due to the main rooster grabbing him by the tail feathers when EE gets too close to the flock. Maybe your birds were also getting picked on and plucked by flockmates? This darn broody is determined. She spent a week in the Eglu with 3 rowdy roo boys. Let her out this weekend and she went right back to setting in the nest box. *sigh* does anyone have a couple newly hatched chicks to spare?
My family has none a ton of genealogy research. My step dad traced his family back to the boat when they came over from England. My Mom did a lot and she traced her side of the family back to when they crosses over from Canada...Found out that a great great great grandma (I can't remember how many greats) smuggled alcohol in her breasts across the river from Canada during prohibition. Researching where your family comes from is always very interesting! Good luck with your search.
my moms traced her side of the family back to the 6th century ..found out we are related to john adams ..i guess the adams go pretty far back ..its amazing what ya find out about your family ..
Hi all!

I used to post more often (its been a couple years) but we had another child and we moved! Now, well, my time on computer is limited.

We moved to Constantia north of Oneida Lake in Central NY. I am having a heck of a time finding someone to process some older hens and some roos for me. We have processed our own in the past but can't find the time and don't have the big pot to dunk them in. Anyone know of anyone up this way?

On another note, a few weeks ago a mama hen popped out of the weeds with 12 chicks in tow... no wonder where all my eggs disappeared for a couple weeks. I thought they were stressed from the move... haha
Hi all!

I used to post more often (its been a couple years) but we had another child and we moved! Now, well, my time on computer is limited.

We moved to Constantia north of Oneida Lake in Central NY. I am having a heck of a time finding someone to process some older hens and some roos for me. We have processed our own in the past but can't find the time and don't have the big pot to dunk them in. Anyone know of anyone up this way?

On another note, a few weeks ago a mama hen popped out of the weeds with 12 chicks in tow... no wonder where all my eggs disappeared for a couple weeks. I thought they were stressed from the move... haha
Perhaps I can be of some help. Try [email protected]. She's just north of you on Grannis Rd. I have family up that way.

I've considered buying one of those two burner cookers from Gander Mountain to use. TSC had some outdoor sinks for sale this year. I figure a half hoop with those two things stored in them would be a good set up. I don't think it would go over very well with the school across the road seeing me process chickens.

I'm glad your hen survived. I've never had that happen here and sort of glad I haven't.

Oh and don't stay away so long.
my moms traced her side of the family back to the 6th century ..found out we are related to john adams ..i guess the adams go pretty far back ..its amazing what ya find out about your family ..
What I found out was from my gr, gr grandfathers fight to get his Civil War pension. It was not any easier then than now. Perhaps even worse since we have the internet to shoot correspondence back and forth. I learned about his health issues from the letter and examinations the docs performed as proof of his disability. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage in the end. Then my grandmother petitioned and got a widows pension.

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