NY chicken lover!!!!

Well, a weird thing happened tonight while I was taking care of the chicks. Everyone was in the pool broody all happy, and I did a head count to make sure everyone was fine, 4 silkies, 5 ducklings, 2 sex links, 2 australorps, three frizzles, 2 older mix chicks. Yep, everything in order, everyone running around the brooder happily. Look into my other brooder with my olive eggers and they are all good, petting them a little, and I hear a chick screeching in the pool brooder. One silkie is down, convulsing on the ground, legs flailing, head flailing, just not good. Picked it up, it went limp. It's still alive and I've separated it into its own brooder to see if it can recover from whatever the heck happened. Anyone have any ideas what happened? Perhaps a chick pecked its head and hit it just right? I really have no idea, it was running around and eating and drinking three minutes before this happened.

I'm sorry, that sounds horrible. Do silkies have vaulted skulls w thin spots? I don't know the breed, but I've read some crested birds have vaults with thin spots & holes in their skulls. Would be consistent w the theory that she got pecked in the head.
Well, a weird thing happened tonight while I was taking care of the chicks. Everyone was in the pool broody all happy, and I did a head count to make sure everyone was fine, 4 silkies, 5 ducklings, 2 sex links, 2 australorps, three frizzles, 2 older mix chicks. Yep, everything in order, everyone running around the brooder happily. Look into my other brooder with my olive eggers and they are all good, petting them a little, and I hear a chick screeching in the pool brooder. One silkie is down, convulsing on the ground, legs flailing, head flailing, just not good. Picked it up, it went limp. It's still alive and I've separated it into its own brooder to see if it can recover from whatever the heck happened. Anyone have any ideas what happened? Perhaps a chick pecked its head and hit it just right? I really have no idea, it was running around and eating and drinking three minutes before this happened.
Sounds neurological. Probably got pecked on the head. Time will tell.
I'm sorry, that sounds horrible. Do silkies have vaulted skulls w thin spots? I don't know the breed, but I've read some crested birds have vaults with thin spots & holes in their skulls. Would be consistent w the theory that she got pecked in the head.

Some silkies do, usually ones from breeders, but this one does doesn't. The whole thing is just weird.
Well, a weird thing happened tonight while I was taking care of the chicks. Everyone was in the pool broody all happy, and I did a head count to make sure everyone was fine, 4 silkies, 5 ducklings, 2 sex links, 2 australorps, three frizzles, 2 older mix chicks. Yep, everything in order, everyone running around the brooder happily. Look into my other brooder with my olive eggers and they are all good, petting them a little, and I hear a chick screeching in the pool brooder. One silkie is down, convulsing on the ground, legs flailing, head flailing, just not good. Picked it up, it went limp. It's still alive and I've separated it into its own brooder to see if it can recover from whatever the heck happened. Anyone have any ideas what happened? Perhaps a chick pecked its head and hit it just right? I really have no idea, it was running around and eating and drinking three minutes before this happened.

Back when I got my first batch of chicks (silkies from TSC), my daughter was coming over to take care of them while I was on a business trip and disaster happened. The chicks (quite young) were afraid of her and ran and piled up in a corner of the brooder. She saw that one of them was on the bottom of the pile and looked like it was getting hurt, so tried to unbury it, and at that point it ran and slammed head first into the other side of the brooder. It had all the neurological symptoms of wry neck and she had to hold it up to eat and drink until I got home. We spent weeks nursing that chick until it recovered.

I wonder if your chick got piled on, jumped on, or ran into the side of the brooder and got a head injury. It can happen so quick you wouldn't see it and the effects are immediate. Could have injured the neck or head.
I have missed you all so much!

I had a lovely round of mishaps that made it so I couldn't log in for months....
Computer died, no money to replace due to a financial emergency
Had to cancel Internet at home and cell service by of same financial emergency.
Not able to access BYC from work during lunch anymore be they changed our security protocols

Just got everything back up and running this weekend.... Thank God for tax refunds!

How is everyone doing!
I have missed you all so much!

I had a lovely round of mishaps that made it so I couldn't log in for months....
Computer died, no money to replace due to a financial emergency
Had to cancel Internet at home and cell service by of same financial emergency.
Not able to access BYC from work during lunch anymore be they changed our security protocols

Just got everything back up and running this weekend.... Thank God for tax refunds!

How is everyone doing!

Wondered where you were - welcome back! Not much changed - several new members & Chickenstock getting nearer daily! How are your flock? (avian & other/human)
Ok so I'm hovering around this incubator like the crazy person that I am... 29 are developing nicely :) lots of nice veins and creepy wiggly little alien birds squirming around in there. I have 5 that I can't get a good feel for... Ones very pretty but too dark and speckled to even see the air cell. But the batch it came with has done very nicely and I can't cull it because other than being thick shelled its 'fine' so that ones a maybe and then the other 4 have thick shells but I can see inside just not well- they're all pretty similar looking and aren't too far off the other eggs appearance wise but I can't see any veining :-/ or movement... And one has a weak tip on the shell I hadn't noticed and its potentially an issue if it has an issue and wants to explode or something... They've got about a week left ... So so far so good I guess- that's roughly half the shipped eggs :-D so I'm pretty pleased. However if we end up with 30 hatchlings- which sadly I do doubt (though I kinda thought the shipped eggs thing was going no where and there is life so who knows) my husband is not going to be pleased ... That's more birds than we currently have lol... Also I have no clue what some of them are. I want the ameraucanas unless they're all Roos- I really only want one or 2 Roos there- I'm keeping the Orpingtons if they hatch unless they're all Roos in which case I will probably just pick my favorite and sell the rest. They stock they come from is gorgeous :-D I'm keeping all the orloff pullets and 1 roo... Maybe... I might just keep pullets and get an unrelated roo next year... Good excuse to hatch :) I dont want to be over roostered .., then I have a whole mess of lovely mystery eggs... And anything that hatches and is female and not a bird I can't keep for one reason or another stays and if there's a very excellent cockerel in there he might stay too :) but I'm hopeful that's not gonna be more than 15 birds... That said... This concludes our pre hatch chicken counting :-D I will let y'all know if any of these chickies come out and do well :) and possibly let you know if there is any really cool bird I can't keep and need to rehome .., I'm a vegitarian so I can't really eat them... And if I hatch them... It bring them home in any capacity really I get all attached ... So yea if I have 30 roosters next time I pop on here lol wish me luck :-D
Well, the silkie is fine this evening. No clue what happened. I put her in with the very young chicks just in case - last thing it needs is to get run over by the chicks in the pool brooder after that ordeal. And Honey's son, who still needs a name, did two little crows while I was in the workshop. I've actually never heard a chick as young as him crow and it was adorable.

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