NY chicken lover!!!!

They're in their third week, gramma. Their faces remind me of Hawks!
I sent a pic of one of the dark ones to my brother, and he asked since when did I get s penguin! Really? I don't suppose I could blame him. He was born and bred in New York City, and was never keen on watching national geographic and such like. He's probably never even seen a real live chick up close before either!
Should I be concerned about the chicks about to hatch? They are due the 8th or 9th of this month.
When they are hatched will Midget want them to follow her out of the brooder when she leaves to eat, exercise and do broodies still hold their poop like they do when setting? I plan on putting a waterer and food dish with starter in the cage for them and her fermented mash too.
What else should I do?
I am so tempted to bring the lot into my apartment, so I am sure they are safe.
Will she be able to keep them warm enough?
If you bring them in they have to stay in..
I brought one in when she hatched this early .
if it stays this cold I would bring them in if you have a place .
She will set on them a few days ...she will probably get out to poop & eat .
then she will call them out & teach them to eat .
If they are cold they will go under her & she will probably set
is she in the main coop with the others ?
What is the temp in there ?
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Absolutely. I didn't start until mine were about 6 weeks old because I didn't know about it, but next time I get chicks I'll start them right away. The only thing is they are messy with dry food so will probably be even more so with wet...
My heat was out when I woke up this morning. It's 14 degrees, F. The coldest so far this winter. Thankfully it came back on when I flipped the switch off and on again. The chicks were cold. When I turned on the light, they took a few minutes to come out of their cave, then ate and ran back inside. They warmed up for another couple minutes, then came back out to scratch around.
I'm pleased to say that when I went to check on chick, his area at the bottom of the basement stairs was above freezing. His water didn't even have a film of ice on top! I left him in there for a little while longer, hoping the temps raise a bit outside before I let him out.
Absolutely. I didn't start until mine were about 6 weeks old because I didn't know about it, but next time I get chicks I'll start them right away. The only thing is they are messy with dry food so will probably be even more so with wet...

I might have to wipe their beaks?
Yes, I can imagine the mess around and inside the feed bowl. So is the feed given with liquid in it, or just wet?
Baby its cold outside!!!! went out just before the sun rose this morning to give the chickens their water. Brrrr. Left the coop open for them to choose to go out or not. Yep. The LF were taking shelter under the batchelor pad and the silkies were in the run with one leg under them so off to the coop they went. chopped their ice covered water dish and gave them some BOSS. I think its going to be a long day....
If you bring them in they have to stay in..
I brought one in when she hatched this early .
if it stays this cold I would bring them in if you have a place .
She will set on them a few days ...she will probably get out to poop & eat .
then she will call them out & teach them to eat .
If they are cold they will go under her & she will probably set
is she in the main coop with the others ?
 What is the temp in there ?

Honestly... I didn't put a thermometer in the coop. I didn't want to think about how cold it was for them as I was told the chickens I got do well in winter.
Our coop is the back 1/3 of our garage. She is just outside the main co-op area in a giant wire dog crate. The other birds can see her but not force her off her nest or peck at her like they were doing when she was in the main co-op area. I covered her crate with a sheet on 3 sides. Everyday we let her out to poop eat and drink and her favorite dustbath then back in the crate she goes when done.
What would happen if after they hatch we took the babies, would she become sick or depressed. I am worried the babies will freeze.
There is no way to put her in with the main group. I don't think. I know that she is well able to protect herself. Little Midget takes no guff of anyone. If even the giant, most aggressive BSL pecks her, Midget jumps on her and pecks her back... but defending possibly 4 chicks and she isn't big enough to keep all them warm until they feather out.
Any advice is welcome. Thank you.

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