NY chicken lover!!!!

First duck egg today!
I'm pretty devastated right now. I'm not sure if I mentioned it in here but I have had my neighbor's five ducks and two turkey jakes coming over and eating all my feed because I'm guessing the neighbor isn't feeding them enough.

Well, today I didn't leave food out free choice for my birds like I usually do because I was sick of feeding the neighbor's birds and planned to feed mine in the coop tonight. The turkeys (I don't blame the turkeys for this, I want to say ahead of time, I blame the humans that have left them so hungry it drove them to do this) went into my coop and broke into my brooder area to eat the feed out of the chick feeders.

While in there, they trampled to death all my sultans but one, all of my AC chicks including the ones I had hatched from CJ's game eggs except one, several of my guinea keets, one of my baby turkeys, and one of my peachicks.

Ugh Pyxis!! I'm so sorry! I'd be so ******!! Can u lock up the neighbor's turkeys & ducks in a side pen until the neighbor reimburses u for your chick loss? sounds like they're almost ur birds at this point. What does animal control have to say about your situation?
Ugh Pyxis!! I'm so sorry! I'd be so ******!! Can u lock up the neighbor's turkeys & ducks in a side pen until the neighbor reimburses u for your chick loss? sounds like they're almost ur birds at this point. What does animal control have to say about your situation?

I really am considering keeping the ducks over here. They already practically live in my duck coop and run. They hang out at the pool all day and eat my feed and then go back over to the neighbor's to sleep. A night or two of locking them up here and I bet they'd never even think of going back over there. The turkeys though I don't really want. I have one Narrangansett poult left and I want to stick to that breed, so I'm currently looking for another poult to keep my one remainder company. Currently it's bunking with the one lone peachick. Two royal palm jakes I just have nothing to do with and they're not friendly enough for me to consider keeping them as pets.

I will be speaking to my neighbors about this though. If they don't do anything then I will call animal control but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.

And yes this is the same neighbor with the pig.
Ugh Pyxis!! I'm so sorry! I'd be so ******!! Can u lock up the neighbor's turkeys & ducks in a side pen until the neighbor reimburses u for your chick loss? sounds like they're almost ur birds at this point. What does animal control have to say about your situation?
OMG that sucks!!! there has to be a way to keep the neighbor birds out??

We have giant crows eating our eggs - I'm working on THAT problem without trying to scare the crows off..

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