NY chicken lover!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Does anyone know if there are any blue laced red wyandotte chicks available for purchase in NY state? I would prefer upstate area but am always game for a road trip....thanks!

I do not know of anyone in particular but I ordered chicks and hope to breed them next spring. Since Fowley is not selling this year I got mine from chickenhill poultry.
My rooster, BB is lame. He didn't roost tonight and was favoring one of his legs. His comb is pale, I gave him water and food, and I hope he makes it through the night so I can help him tomorrow. If he doesn't make it my flock plans will all change. :(
My rooster, BB is lame. He didn't roost tonight and was favoring one of his legs. His comb is pale, I gave him water and food, and I hope he makes it through the night so I can help him tomorrow. If he doesn't make it my flock plans will all change.

I hope he does too ...a Pale comb is a bad sign .

Ive got a 5 year old RiR that is looking Sickish ..
She is not fighting off the Young Roos who want to mate with her ...normally she whips their tail ..
Ive rescued her a couple times from them ...
.And she is Roosting in the nest box tonight
I incorporated my rooster in with my ladies. He's mating away like crazy and such a gentleman. I haven't gotten attacked yet so I like him too. But one question.... I have one hen who is getting the **** beaten out of her by her sister. They've always been on the bottom of the pecking order but the mean one will grab her by the comb and drag her across the coop. Her face had bloody scabs all over and her comb is ripped open so I moved her out to clean her up and let it heal. I tried to put her back out yesterday and the one mean been went after her again. What should I do? Do I let them fight it out? They've never been aggressive with each other until I added the rooster. I feel so sad for this hen because she looks like she's in pain.

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