NY chicken lover!!!!

Really glad to see more activity in this thread! Back when I joined, this thread had lots of regulars that posted often, but nowadays it's been fairly dead, so I'm happy to see new posters :)

So, what all does everyone have for birds? I've got Brahmas, Ko Shamos, Ayam Ketawas, and a Naked Neck EE/OE project going on, as far as chickens. I have Aztec ducks and Dutch Hookbill ducks, Tufted Roman geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, coturnix quail in too many colors, lol, Lady Amherst pheasants, and Romanian Naked Neck Tumbler pigeons.

And emus, of course!

Wow, you've got a lot! I only have chickens, lol. I have 6 right now. Two EEs (one rooster, one hen), two cochin bantams (one rooster, one hen), a BR, and a Black Australorp.
Is anyone looking for, or know anyone that wants, a silkie rooster? He’s 14 weeks old and was an unexpected roo. I’ve had two people ghost me on Craigslist about him already. So I thought I might try here. I’m near Schoharie county.
Omg! I’ve been saying the same thing to everyone. We’ve had non-stop rain for days with only a break in for a couple hours. Nothing is getting done around here because of all the rain and my yard looks like a jungle.
Where was the tornado? I know Duanseburg gets them a lot around this time of year but I haven’t heard about any around me.
In Westernville. I guess it did some hefty damage.
How is everyone today? Another thunderstorm just started here. 🙄 Just what we need.

As far as chickens, I am picking up mine next week! I am the tried & true chicken sitter for a few neighbors when they are out of town, but it will be my first experience with babies & I am super excited! I’ll make sure I post pics!
How is everyone today? Another thunderstorm just started here. 🙄 Just what we need.

As far as chickens, I am picking up mine next week! I am the tried & true chicken sitter for a few neighbors when they are out of town, but it will be my first experience with babies & I am super excited! I’ll make sure I post pics!
Super stressed over here. The rain isn’t helping one bit. It’s been raining here most of the day. I didn’t let the chickens out because they would have just hidden under the umbrella.

Can’t wait to see pics of your chickens though.
Did you find a home yet? He’s a pretty boy!
No. So many people contact me then just stop talking to me when they find out where I am. Like a 30 minute drive, Schoharie county, is so far away. I wish I could keep him. He’s such a sweetie and so beautiful. I have two girls that look like him too. But I have too many boys and too much crap going on with the village.

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