NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi guys. I'm Peggy and I live about 20 miles south of Ithaca, NY. Right now I'm down sizing my girls for the winter, but usually have about 25 to 35 chickens. Fell in love with Blue Cochins, they seem to handle our weather very well. I have a variety of different chickens, BR, Cochins, Royalle Faverole,EE, NHR, white Giant, Wyandotte, Shaver Red, Buff Orp., Austrolorp,Speckled sussex, that's it for now but am always adding more!!!!!
Hello. I’m in Texas, and I would be interested in taking some of your chickens. I would be happy to pay for overnight shipping plus the price of the 4 chickens. Please let me know if they’re still available. From chickens in Texas.
Hello. I’m in Texas, and I would be interested in taking some of your chickens. I would be happy to pay for overnight shipping plus the price of the 4 chickens. Please let me know if they’re still available. From chickens in Texas.
The post you responded to is about 15 years old. If you're still looking for chickens and/ ducks, I'd be happy to help you. (See post below)
Our flock of 7 chickens (2 male, 5 female) and 9 ducks (2 male, 7 female) of various breeds is unfortunately being evicted. I'm located in Sullivan County, and I'm looking for a place/places to relocate them. Please respond or PM with any interest or leads.

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