NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi guys. I'm Peggy and I live about 20 miles south of Ithaca, NY. Right now I'm down sizing my girls for the winter, but usually have about 25 to 35 chickens. Fell in love with Blue Cochins, they seem to handle our weather very well. I have a variety of different chickens, BR, Cochins, Royalle Faverole,EE, NHR, white Giant, Wyandotte, Shaver Red, Buff Orp., Austrolorp,Speckled sussex, that's it for now but am always adding more!!!!!
Hi from Delhi, Peggy. I'm down to 10 or 11. I had a fox attack last night and one of the girls ran waaayyyyy up the road, then into the weeds. I couldn't find her. That's where she spent the night. Sex links and Light Brahmas.
I'm located in the Kingston/Poughkeepsie area of Upstate New York, and I'm looking for 1-2 bantam pullets or hens to be companions for a surprise Sebright cockerel, Sandy, that I've recently found abandoned on a rail trail. (I'm attaching a picture of him below, so you can see what he looks like, lol).

I couldn't add him to my bantam flock (because I already have another bantam rooster), so Sandy is living separately in a smaller coop that I've built for him. But obviously he's very lonely on his own, so I would like to get 1-2 bantam girls as companions for him. I will add more eventually, and give them all a bigger coop, but I'm planning a move within the next year and so I want to keep the number small for now.

The breed is not super important, as long as they're bantams. I would prefer they be at least 12 weeks old though, so I can be sure that they are girls.

I'm located in the Kingston/Poughkeepsie area of Upstate New York, and I'm looking for 1-2 bantam pullets or hens to be companions for a surprise Sebright cockerel, Sandy, that I've recently found abandoned on a rail trail. (I'm attaching a picture of him below, so you can see what he looks like, lol).

I couldn't add him to my bantam flock (because I already have another bantam rooster), so Sandy is living separately in a smaller coop that I've built for him. But obviously he's very lonely on his own, so I would like to get 1-2 bantam girls as companions for him. I will add more eventually, and give them all a bigger coop, but I'm planning a move within the next year and so I want to keep the number small for now.

The breed is not super important, as long as they're bantams. I would prefer they be at least 12 weeks old though, so I can be sure that they are girls.

I hope you find some! He is a very handsome boy!
Hello! I'm having the hardest time finding a silkie hen and a "lavender" colored hen of any breed. Seems like chickens are getting harder to come by these days! I'm in Schenectady County.
I'm located in the Kingston/Poughkeepsie area of Upstate New York, and I'm looking for 1-2 bantam pullets or hens to be companions for a surprise Sebright cockerel, Sandy, that I've recently found abandoned on a rail trail. (I'm attaching a picture of him below, so you can see what he looks like, lol).

I couldn't add him to my bantam flock (because I already have another bantam rooster), so Sandy is living separately in a smaller coop that I've built for him. But obviously he's very lonely on his own, so I would like to get 1-2 bantam girls as companions for him. I will add more eventually, and give them all a bigger coop, but I'm planning a move within the next year and so I want to keep the number small for now.

The breed is not super important, as long as they're bantams. I would prefer they be at least 12 weeks old though, so I can be sure that they are girls.

I'm still looking for a companion or two for Sandy. If anyone has any that you'd be willing to sell, or knows where I can find an older pullet or two, please let me know, I would really appreciate it!
I'm still looking for a companion or two for Sandy. If anyone has any that you'd be willing to sell, or knows where I can find an older pullet or two, please let me know, I would really appreciate it!
I'll ask around here. There's somebody near here (Worcester NY, the l-88 corridor area between Albany and Oneonta) that raises bantams. They actually know chicken people near Kingston I think.
I'm still looking for a companion or two for Sandy. If anyone has any that you'd be willing to sell, or knows where I can find an older pullet or two, please let me know, I would really appreciate it!
I got an answer from my friend, yes, there's a fellow they know in High Falls, has many, many chickens though she's not sure what the bantam situation is, if he has any. Worth a shot though! I will send my friend a link to this thread and she will pass it on, or is there a better way?

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