NY chicken lover!!!!

You mean...there are other projects besides building coops?! I can't wait to be able to actually start working back on my house again!! We have detoured the renovating and are building coops like crazy! 3 in the last year and a half!!

Tell me about it!! I need to do my countertops and cabinets and I really need a new roof and and and...

My whole house (save 2 rooms) need remodeling...it's so frustrtating as we are "Do-It-Yourselfers"...so it's time....that's why if you have seen my other thread about my house smelling like a barn...it's not really that big a deal because I have to remodel all but 2 bedrooms!My house is 2400 square feet of WORK! LOL
Good Morning and welcome to the thread...so many newbies....Need Chickens!?

Welll......no...I don't NEED chickens....but whatcha got??
I have two Orpinton Roos to find homes for. They are free. Can only keep one out of the three.

The two in the back in this pic. The girl in front is a possible Show bird. I posted on the Orp thread to see if others saw any reason she may not make a good SQ bird. Yeah - newbie to Chicken shows, although not to horse shows and dog shows.

PM me if you are interested.
In the fall, or at the Poultry Picnic on 8/27, I will be selling off my "random hens" or giving them to people that promise to give them a good, loving home. The mixed layers I have now are varied. All are pure-bred, not necessarily show birds though. Aged from 1 - 2 years old. I have way too many babies that are breeds I really love like Chanteclers, Penedesencas and my DD's Porcelain D'Uccles. Plus the Sussex and Egg laying machines - Australorps. 2 1/2 months to go till PARTY time!

As said in my sig, I have lots of free roos - well, three or four so far. 9+ weeks old, free and pretty. Impress your friends with a naked neck chicken! I have to hatch a few more to get more ladies - this hatch only ended up with three ladies.
I won't ask if they will be dinner or not.

I bought some cantaloupe before work this morning and have it in the fridge here at work to bring home to the chooks when I get home. My layer chickens seem to be much smarter than the ones that have a roo - my roo brings them in the space between my barns when it's hot - it's shaded but doesn't have good airflow so I've added a fan. My layers head for the woods and dig into dark shaded leaf piles. I never see them panting, but the ones that insist on hanging out near the barn are always hot. grr. My broodies with chicks also head for the dark wooded areas. I left frozen bottles and a big trough of elyte water plus there are several fans, but I still worry about my big fat brahmas.

Makes me tempted to just go all leghorn - they survived the winter just fine and they never seem to feel the heat!
Mine too. We are getting to it slowly. Previous owners had it as a shrine to the 70's. We ripped out all the multicolored shag carpet right away, but haven't gotten to the countertops or cabinets. Thinking of trying one of the do it yourself refinishing kits. We have pink and blue toilets, too! I have just now gotten around and am about 85% done painting over all the dark wood paneling and we're replacing the doors.
I know this is OT, but if anyone knows of a trustworthy roofer that goes to saratoga that's licensed and can handle a large reroofing, pm me. I need to get off my tush and start getting bids.
wow, it IS hot today! don't mind the heat, but the humidity is what makes it unbearable. I'm at work and worrying the birds will make it through the day - it's been crazy weather up here - hot/cold/wet/dry...i'm sure the birds will be ok, but I still worry!
to all the new peeps here.

I am one of those that just live 10 min from plattsburgh so am one of those "upstaters".

If anyone is interested my daughter has an adult pair of black mottled jap bantams for sale (breeding purposes or pets) great lines also one - two pair of 4 wk old black mottled jap bantams.

PM if intersted - I can bring them to lovinstock.

X2. I just know I'm gonna go home to suffering chickens if not worse. I'd understand if it was just the fat ones (like my ginormous roo) but even the skinny teenagers are panting. This kinda heat is supposed to be a few months away.

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