NY chicken lover!!!!

I know... I hate the heat... Brooder bulbs are off today. I had some hatch last night and hubby called me at work and said its going to be over 100 in there.
I told him to shut it off. they should be warm enough today.

can i put the newly hatched chicks with the 5-7 day olds???

the big girls coop is under 40+ft pine trees so its cooler there than in my house. but i usually put a box fan in there for circulation when it gets hot like this and spray the roof with water to cool it down.

i will check them all when i get home at 4:30.
Good Morning and welcome to the thread...so many newbies....Need Chickens!?

Thanks, for the welcome. Got our 6 girls already. Think we're maxed out for now.
Thanks! I love this place - I'm surrounded by folks who will encourage me in my belief that just a couple more chickens wouldn't hurt.

Luckily, I'm surrounded by chicken-liking folks. The people behind us got six the same week my girls came in. The guy on one side of us tried to raise free-range birds a couple of years ago, but said that it didn't work out all that well, as "they came by land, they came by swamp, and they came by air to pick them off." My neighbors on the other side have three kids who are absolutely in love with the chicks, and come over to visit them all the time. We're also in an agriculture-friendly area, to the point that the town laws actually encourage agricultural activities of all types "to preserve the rural character of the area." The sole restriction is that animals must be kept in accordance with good husbandry practices, which anyone worth their salt does anyway. All this obviously translates into MORE CHICKENS!

....and turkey poults..... JK

I'm going to work on him again this evening, as I want some turkeys!
....and turkey poults..... JK

I'm going to work on him again this evening, as I want some turkeys!

They're going quick!! He better hurry
Mine too. We are getting to it slowly. Previous owners had it as a shrine to the 70's. We ripped out all the multicolored shag carpet right away, but haven't gotten to the countertops or cabinets. Thinking of trying one of the do it yourself refinishing kits. We have pink and blue toilets, too! I have just now gotten around and am about 85% done painting over all the dark wood paneling and we're replacing the doors.
I know this is OT, but if anyone knows of a trustworthy roofer that goes to saratoga that's licensed and can handle a large reroofing, pm me. I need to get off my tush and start getting bids.

mine WAS a shrine to the 70's also...and had the pink bathroom set! YUCK. I am an adirondack,campy style...LOTS of changes in store
But it's what we could afford...and in the right spot...yadayada...but the paneling drives me nuts!!
Bear in mind that you would not only have a gazebo, but a place to hide in case of tornados or floods!

If Ray helps that would be soooo true.
Tell me about it!! I need to do my countertops and cabinets and I really need a new roof and and and...

My whole house (save 2 rooms) need remodeling...it's so frustrtating as we are "Do-It-Yourselfers"...so it's time....that's why if you have seen my other thread about my house smelling like a barn...it's not really that big a deal because I have to remodel all but 2 bedrooms!My house is 2400 square feet of WORK! LOL

NYRIR you have my sympathies. Heartfelt, cuz I am living your story. We bought a house built in 1762. NO, that isn't a typo. Really, it was built in the 1700's. I have an exterior door without an lock (the sliding door in the porch it opens onto has a "lock". I feel sooooo safe. NOT) We have to rebuild the door to the front enclosed porch cuz it is a "non-standard" size. It's like less than 6 feet tall. There are bricks in the exterior walls for "insulation". House is drafty dispite the effort of the builders to insulate it. LOL ONLY good thing is the windows and roof are less than 4 years old. Oh, and OLD wonderful hardwood floors.

My list is 16 pages long. (standard size paper, not legal size. PHEW) So guess what we are doing this weekend? Finishing the chicken coop and adding a coat of paint to it (if the weather cooperates) I have three PipsandPeeps Amerucana chicks that will need houseing soon, so the coop comes first? LOL I don't think I'll ever have a lock on that door. (It needs to be reframed before the lock can be installed, cuz the house settled and we jacked it back up)

Maybe we need to start a thread entitled "what I should be doing instead of looking at/taking care of my chickens"?
My whole house (save 2 rooms) need remodeling...it's so frustrtating as we are "Do-It-Yourselfers"...so it's time....that's why if you have seen my other thread about my house smelling like a barn...it's not really that big a deal because I have to remodel all but 2 bedrooms!My house is 2400 square feet of WORK! LOL

NYRIR you have my sympathies. Heartfelt, cuz I am living your story. We bought a house built in 1762. NO, that isn't a typo. Really, it was built in the 1700's. I have an exterior door without an lock (the sliding door in the porch it opens onto has a "lock". I feel sooooo safe. NOT) We have to rebuild the door to the front enclosed porch cuz it is a "non-standard" size. It's like less than 6 feet tall. There are bricks in the exterior walls for "insulation". House is drafty dispite the effort of the builders to insulate it. LOL ONLY good thing is the windows and roof are less than 4 years old. Oh, and OLD wonderful hardwood floors.

My list is 16 pages long. (standard size paper, not legal size. PHEW) So guess what we are doing this weekend? Finishing the chicken coop and adding a coat of paint to it (if the weather cooperates) I have three PipsandPeeps Amerucana chicks that will need houseing soon, so the coop comes first? LOL I don't think I'll ever have a lock on that door. (It needs to be reframed before the lock can be installed, cuz the house settled and we jacked it back up)

Maybe we need to start a thread entitled "what I should be doing instead of looking at/taking care of my chickens"?

LOL...yeah I know! My DS from Va called the other night.He's talking to his sister and she excitedly tells him about the new ducklings we just got..his response? "Ummm....Don't ya think a DININGROOM CEILING would have been a better choice!?" I have to laugh because he's right,of course....but the ducks only cost me 24.00 and 3 pullets...the ceiling is in a room that needs total remodel...the ceiling got wet from all the ice/snow we had this year so I tore down a section of the sheetrock and it's still waiting...

Wow...1700's? But those are the BEST kinds of houses....even with all the trouble! Mine was built in the 70's but no one took care of it and I think like 15 different people built different parts of it...and probably NO ONE was an actual contractor!

ETA about the door sizes? I FEEL YOUR PAIN! EVERY door in this house is custom size!
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Made it home from work and thank Goddess, everyone is still alive and kicking and chasing me around the yard for food. Most (except my leghorns) are panting but all seem perky. They wolfed down the cantaloupe. One more uber hot day to go!

As for house projects, I need : New roof (20+ years old and ugly), redo one more floor, paint more paneling, redo countertops and cabinets (even just painting would help) and eventually replace the bathroom fixtures with something that isn't mismatched pink and blue. Kinda hard to get blue toilet seats these days! Oh, and I need to paint the garage and basement floors, find someone to jackhammer up a cracked patio, replace more doors, replace ALL the windows and probably the wood also. Oh, and fans in the bathrooms when we redo the roof.

Instead.. what have we done? Build three chicken coops and now DH wants a gazebo.
LOL. I figure the coops were good practice for the gazebo!

ETA: I totally forgot, we need to redo a ceiling as well. No leak just a GIANT crack from a big snow load two years (ahem) ago. :
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