NY chicken lover!!!!

My silkies, esp, like the water. Will go out of their way to walk in a puddle and I cured one of a sore foot by soaking it twice a day ....he squatted down in the sink and seemed to want to stay there... so they might wade in a shallow pool....If you have one around, it might be worth a try....I don't have one, so they can pant until I get home with watermelon.

What does the watermelon do? does it cool them down?
I would say so from my experience. It hydrates/cools and theyjust LOVE it and the seeds especially.

My silkies, esp, like the water. Will go out of their way to walk in a puddle and I cured one of a sore foot by soaking it twice a day ....he squatted down in the sink and seemed to want to stay there... so they might wade in a shallow pool....If you have one around, it might be worth a try....I don't have one, so they can pant until I get home with watermelon.

What does the watermelon do? does it cool them down?
Welcome to the thread and

We would have told you to come on over here with us if your location was either in your signature line or under your av. Glad you found us without any help tho.
My silkies, esp, like the water. Will go out of their way to walk in a puddle and I cured one of a sore foot by soaking it twice a day ....he squatted down in the sink and seemed to want to stay there... so they might wade in a shallow pool....If you have one around, it might be worth a try....I don't have one, so they can pant until I get home with watermelon.

What does the watermelon do? does it cool them down?

Well, I think it just excites them to have red food....but I find that they are panting a lot less after they have something cold in their belly. Since they can't sweat to cool their skin (or maybe they can but it doesn't evaporate due to the down coat they insist on wearing) they only way to cool their internal temp is by eating/drinking something cool. Or cozying up to a big block of ice, but not all of us have freezer space to make big blocks of ice for them.

So I go to *that store with low prices* and get a watermelon and put it on the top shelf of my fridge, which is the coldest place the way mine is set up, and serve them slivers of watermelon....which they fight over and run away with to eat in privacy. I do recommend not teasing them by holding it above their heads...not if you value your fingers, cuz they can jump WAY higher than you think they can. *putting pinched finger on ice*
What does the watermelon do? does it cool them down?

Well, I think it just excites them to have red food....but I find that they are panting a lot less after they have something cold in their belly. Since they can't sweat to cool their skin (or maybe they can but it doesn't evaporate due to the down coat they insist on wearing) they only way to cool their internal temp is by eating/drinking something cool. Or cozying up to a big block of ice, but not all of us have freezer space to make big blocks of ice for them.

So I go to *that store with low prices* and get a watermelon and put it on the top shelf of my fridge, which is the coldest place the way mine is set up, and serve them slivers of watermelon....which they fight over and run away with to eat in privacy. I do recommend not teasing them by holding it above their heads...not if you value your fingers, cuz they can jump WAY higher than you think they can. *putting pinched finger on ice*

Chickens cool themselves through their combs. That is why chickens in the South, have larger combs than birds up north because they need more comb area for cooling.
Well, I think it just excites them to have red food....but I find that they are panting a lot less after they have something cold in their belly. Since they can't sweat to cool their skin (or maybe they can but it doesn't evaporate due to the down coat they insist on wearing) they only way to cool their internal temp is by eating/drinking something cool. Or cozying up to a big block of ice, but not all of us have freezer space to make big blocks of ice for them.

So I go to *that store with low prices* and get a watermelon and put it on the top shelf of my fridge, which is the coldest place the way mine is set up, and serve them slivers of watermelon....which they fight over and run away with to eat in privacy. I do recommend not teasing them by holding it above their heads...not if you value your fingers, cuz they can jump WAY higher than you think they can. *putting pinched finger on ice*

Chickens cool themselves through their combs. That is why chickens in the South, have larger combs than birds up north because they need more comb area for cooling.

Cool info. Thanks.

Then mine are doomed, cuz they are too young to have much of a comb. Well, the D'uccles do, but do they really count as chickens? I mean, have you seen their itty bitty eggs? I am thinking they are more like a crow or something with those tiny eggs.
The comb thing is entirely possible. I have almost all small combed birds and they are all hot and bothered, both young and old, but my GIANT combed leghorns don't mind the heat one bit. They just trot around without a care in the world!
Hey! Of course those are chickens!! hee hee.. itty bitty chickens. Those four only count as two.. Speaking of which, how is mommy chicken?

Momma chicken is doing well. She likes that I deliver her treats and with the chicken wire around her she doesn't have to fight to keep them.

She is sooo cute trying to teach them what is good to eat. She picks it up and then drops it in front of the chicks...who ignore it, so she does it again. They now ALL come running when I bring watermelon.
My 3rd and last broody just hatched her egg ... only one survived ...I now have chicks in 3 separate runs, from 4 weeks down to 2 days. So cute to watch and my roos so far are such good daddies too.

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