NY chicken lover!!!!

Oh just wait! Next we'll have you doing SURGERY!!
Seriously tho, I would not worry about it for now. I rarely give my chickens medications, although I have them on hand. There are also wormers you can put in their water, but then you should toss the eggs out. There are times when you could give chickens antibiotic injections, although Tylan and some others can also be administered orally. Some people worm their chickens every six months, some once a year, some never. After sitting on this site long enough you'll get the hang of what your strategy will be!

(and yes, I have done surgery on a chicken.. yikes!).
Well I ended up getting safeguard and gave each hen a pea size amount in there mouth. I'm thinking they got gapeworm.I also picked up some tylan 50 I wondering how long I should wait to give them the tylan I need to worm again in ten days. Its hard to tell the difference between respiratory and gapeworm when there opening there mouth and gasping. I've never had a problem like this since I've had fowl
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Good folks here, they'll help you learn.

I used the Eprinex cattle pour on. It was easy to put it on their neck. You use a syringe without a needle on it, so you can put on the right dosage. Some people never worm because their chickens never free range, so they aren't eating snails and slugs and earthworms. Others worm several times a year. I'm a twice a year person myself, cuz mine free range as much as possible.

Be sure to ask, cuz someone will know what to do, if you need info.
I have not had to inject my chickens yet. I have only had chickens for about 18 months. However, I have had 2 hawk attacks, one hen with prolapsed vent, and chickens with lice. OH! I have also had lots of eggs! Welcome!!!
Safe- guard as in fenbendazole its a wormer
I must of missed something....you gave them safeguard...as in soap? ok. what for?
ODEY, how is everyone doing? If you research the topic in the Quail section, you'll get LOTS of heated responses coming up, but general rule of thumb is to not keep your game birds with your chickens ever, even when everyone is healthy. I'll add - I have my quail house in the same yard that my free ranging chickens are in (until I move them later on this weekend), but it's a risk I'm taking. Quail and Chickens can cross-contaminate one another and quail get sick easier than chickens do when exposed to the same things. SO - even if everyone is fine, your quail should be in a completely different area than the others. Either way, it helps to look at it over there, but I'd recommend searching for it instead of bringing the topic up again because it usually comes up daily. lol.

On another note - my Mille Fleur D'Uccle FINALLY graced us with another egg today. We haven't seen one in months! Is it because she's a pullet? The other girls lay just fine, but not our girl Milly! I also have a red broiler chicken (Milly's best friend named Big Bertha) who was pardoned from the chopping block. She hasn't laid at all yet - but she was born mid-June, so I suppose she may not lay at all until Spring, right? What a sweet chicken. She was raised with little to no handling or people interaction, yet she is truly a people bird. Granted - she's constantly begging for food, so it may be as simple as that. She'll also "assume the pose" when I come by like I'm the big rooster. I feel bad ignoring it, so I usually give her a few strokes on her back and then pat her and she stands up and shakes it offf. LOL.
there not doing to good
thats what im worried about i knew not to put my game birds with my chicken but my girls freerange so im worried whatever they got is allover the yard. im a wreck, i dont know what im gonna do
ODEY, how is everyone doing? If you research the topic in the Quail section, you'll get LOTS of heated responses coming up, but general rule of thumb is to not keep your game birds with your chickens ever, even when everyone is healthy. I'll add - I have my quail house in the same yard that my free ranging chickens are in (until I move them later on this weekend), but it's a risk I'm taking. Quail and Chickens can cross-contaminate one another and quail get sick easier than chickens do when exposed to the same things. SO - even if everyone is fine, your quail should be in a completely different area than the others. Either way, it helps to look at it over there, but I'd recommend searching for it instead of bringing the topic up again because it usually comes up daily. lol.

On another note - my Mille Fleur D'Uccle FINALLY graced us with another egg today. We haven't seen one in months! Is it because she's a pullet? The other girls lay just fine, but not our girl Milly! I also have a red broiler chicken (Milly's best friend named Big Bertha) who was pardoned from the chopping block. She hasn't laid at all yet - but she was born mid-June, so I suppose she may not lay at all until Spring, right? What a sweet chicken. She was raised with little to no handling or people interaction, yet she is truly a people bird. Granted - she's constantly begging for food, so it may be as simple as that. She'll also "assume the pose" when I come by like I'm the big rooster. I feel bad ignoring it, so I usually give her a few strokes on her back and then pat her and she stands up and shakes it offf. LOL.
Holy carp, after the past couple of days, I've decided that the WCBP cockerels HAVE to go. The low-ranking one is relatively quiet, as, if he opens his yap, he's immediately chased. The high-ranking bird, however, has taken to crowing almost constantly. He does. not. shut. up. I don't know what's setting him off like this (I suspect a combination of hormones and sheer buttheadery), but I *do* know it's driving me nuts, as his crow is high-pitched. I'm firmly in

He's also being challenged now by the SS boys, all of whom outweigh him by a couple of pounds (those dudes are getting HUGE), and actually may have fallen into second place in the ranks, behind the biggest SS cockerel. So, both of them are now confined in the storage side of the coop in my trusty dog exercise pen, as at 2 PM tomorrow, they're being loaded up and taken to the Schuylerville auction (they're too small to bother processing them). I gave it a shot, and I am fond of the silly, poofy things, but his new hobby of yelling his fool head off constantly has earned him a one-way ticket up the Northway. Both of them are going for the ride, as with my luck his brother would step up and take over if we only shipped him out.

On the pullet front, I've had two four-egg days, so it's now between two and four a day.
Go, girls!

I'm also keeping it local for Thanksgiving. There's a guy on the next road over from us who raises Broad-Breasted Whites. We're buying our turkey from him for our Friday dinner (we go to the in-laws on Thursday, then cook what WE want the next day). It's more expensive than the supermarket, of course, but it'll be well worth it. I have to go pick it up on Tuesday, as he's sending them to freezer camp this weekend.

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