NY chicken lover!!!!

In His - absolutely agree. Silly boys!

Good morning everyone! Hope your weekend was nice. Put some "side of the road" swimming pool wall -cut in half lengthwise, around the perimeter of the Pea/Phes pen. They do not like to go in the coop and I have had a Phesant come out of the coop in the middle of the night to the enclosed run and decide to sleep on the ground next to the exterior fence just to be eaten by a coon. If she had moved over 6 inches there is no way it could have gotton her. Can't get them now, nice solid barrier about 2 + ft tall the whole exterior fence.
Yes, we are an obstinate bunch.
I just love this weather, Thank the Lord.

I bought the beginnings of two half hoop coops today. 50"X8' I'm gonna put them near the house so I can move chicks to them when they are feathered out. I'll put maybe one or two heat lights inside, but at least they won't be in the back room. Gradually I'm preparing to keep chicks and have a grow out coop. At least to the point I can tell the girls from the boys. Some folks only want girls but they'll have to pay a little more and take them at a young age. 6-8 weeks.

50* yippee.

Not yet. You all moved in? You got chicks yet? You do remember my offer of free chicks? I don't have any but if you want some I will be hatching.

Hope all is well,

Sorry, I was busy counting the eggs in my fridge. WOOHOOO the girls are laying again. I have 3 dozen in the fridge right now.

Anyone need eggs?
Nope - I have three dozen plus myself.
It was a nine-egg day today.

I'm busily placing yet another order with Sustainable Seeds at the moment (LOVE them!). I have a gallon-sized Baggie jammed full of a huge variety of seed packets already, and vowed I wouldn't order more, but they've just stocked a delightfully hideous brown Russian cucumber that's supposed to be delicious, and I can't resist its lumpy siren song. At this rate, there won't be much of a lawn to mow (that's actually a good thing, come to think of it). Curse you, Sustainable Seeds, for having such a fantastic selection! *shakes fist at the screen, then adds garlic chives to the cart*
I sold 5 dozen last week, and have 4-1/2 dozen in the fridge now. I think 3 dozen leave here tomorrow though. It is SO nice to have young hens laying this time of year! And one of my pekins started laying again 5 days ago.

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