NY chicken lover!!!!

Thank you, she is very HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! They are Buff Orps and Barred Rocks, I was going to get the red pullets but the guy in front of me got what was left!!!! Maybe next week I can!!!! The buff were 2.00 and the Barred rocks were .99 and I have a 10% coupon off on the chicks as well!!!!!
At those prices, I would have come home with at least one peeping box!

I love my Buff Orp girls. They're sweethearts. One of them likes to fly up and sit on your shoulder when you're out in the run or coop, which was cute when she was tiny, but is a little bit disconcerting now that she's bigger. They're hatchery birds, so they aren't huge, but she's still big enough that you think "INCOMING!" when she's launching herself at your head.

I forgot about the 10% off coupon - I have one of those bad boys lying on the table in front of me! I may just have to plunge into the world of ducklings tomorrow. The red pullets also tempt me. At the rate my ladies are gaining egg customers, I'll need to expand my ranks.
I came home with 4 peeping boxes
so watch out!!!!!!!!!! our buff hens must be related cause I have one like that too!!!!!!!!!! you think thats a big bird?!?!? try a turkey hen!!!!!!!!
the one in the pics is the one that did that!!!!!!!!!
what TSC do you go to??
I do it once they are feathered out...4 - 6 weeks old depending on breed....but I think the bag says 8 weeks....soooo any time you want, I guess. LOL

same here, once feathered out, I'm done with the chick feed.

Once the bag is gone.

Thanks guys! I need to do a grain run to Chatham. I think I'll need a loan as all the bins are darn near empty and didn't want to buy anything not needed. Grower it is!
Hey---where did you guys find the 10 percent coupons for tsc??? I need one! Really bad! I have never seen them around here. OOOO---and the pics of the babies are sooooo cute! Now I really cant wait till mine come on april 3rd.

Ginny--I switch my chicks over when the bag is empty. That is usually around 8 weeks or a little longer. No sense in wasting feed, especially at these prices.

I am hoping it warms up and melts off the rest of this snow so we can start on the big coop soon. Have most of the materials but the snow is holding us up. Still moving the rest of the wood from the oak we cut down. Doesnt help that I am still sick with bronchitis and a sinus infection but it is getting better slowly. At least I wasnt hacking up a lung on my counter while waiting on the guests! hehe

My silkies still insist on laying in the run. sigh. I am running out of tricks to teach them where to lay. Hoping to get enough eggs to do a test hatch in two weeks. My hens are almost back to normal laying but I know that someone is not pulling her weight. If we could figure out which one, dinner would be served. However, to trapnest them at this point would probably upset them enough to put their egglaying off kilter again so I will let it go until the newbies start laying. That is why we are expanding, Henicillin, because our egg demand has exceeded out egg production! I've got a list of waiters for eggs and I need some for my own use.

Hope everyone else is staying well. Keep those baby pics coming!
Everybody How are ya'll... our two chickens started laying a week ago.. which is really a sweet surprize. Been busy with everything on the Farmhouse(yep still waiting to close.. seller hiccup).. I need to start getting on here more regularly to get to know yall.. and I do apologize for not doing this sooner and often.
Hi! I don't mean to butt in but I am going to the Albany area sometime shortly...date and time not a diff yet...but I would be willing to meet and transport a chicken or duck or two..I am in the Vernon area..Just saying..

Cass thanks for the offer.I'll let you know. You are still about 2 hours away. I live in New Berlin, which is about 1.75 hours to Albany.

Where are the chickens now?
...good luck on the closing...
Everybody How are ya'll... our two chickens started laying a week ago.. which is really a sweet surprize. Been busy with everything on the Farmhouse(yep still waiting to close.. seller hiccup).. I need to start getting on here more regularly to get to know yall.. and I do apologize for not doing this sooner and often.
If anyone is interested I have light and Coro Sussex chicks hatching...a beautiful dual purpose breed..a lg light tan egg...

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the warm weather!

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