Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"It's a lot of Rainwings for the most part," Eclipse said sarcastically and then laughed at the look on Sol's face. "It's actually bigger than I thought it would be. There were almost more humans than dragons. And there were a lot of different kinds of dragons I've never even seen before, I'm assuming they were hybrids." She folded one talon over the other gracefully and curled her tail against her side. "They have over a hundred transports for tonight to get dragons out. The leader--I don't remember his name--said that it was only half the original plan, but I think it will work anyway. A lot of teams are going to work mostly on getting others out, but a few are going to have to fight in the team rally to keep the majority of the humans in the Den distracted for the breakout."
She glanced around at the others. "I think Kapok, Dred, and Shrike would be best fighting in the team rally. Bloodmoon should probably come with me and a few others to help get dragons out, since we can't have him publically seen." She hesitated before turning to meet Sol's gaze.
"You'll probably have to be on some of the first transports out, since you're not exactly..."
Eclipse trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence.

@_-Captain BRM-_ @Blue Raptor @Mary Poopins Love @Crestcrazy2
“What’s the ‘team rally’?” Shrike asked skeptically, “is that a scavenger fighting arena thing?”
Eclipse inspected a claw casually. It felt good to finally have some control over her own free will for once.
"Rose helped me out with it," she said vaguely, carefully chipping some of the access dried blood off her wretched claw. She glanced between Sol and Bloodmoon.
"Wanna see what I can do with it?"

@_-Captain BRM-_ @Mary Poopins Love

SORRY, Sorry, sorry, sorry.
I had to sort and sell chicks at the town feed store and get feed then I had a dentist app before I know, it's almost 4

Tobias bit his lip, looking away, and then jerking his gaze back to the LunarWing. "No- I do have authority in my lot, regardless of your opinion. Maybe you should take a step back- and see where I'm coming from. I met you- this morning. You hated me- THIS MORNING. So- tell me how the heck am I to look at this situation with any sort of comfort? I don't know you, and I don't know your motives."
Tobias ripped his hat back, flinging it at one of the coolers as he turned back to the grill. "I could have you unconscious and in one of the cages right. this. moment, if I wished," he said in a low, dangerous tone. Suddenly, he wheeled back around, pointing an accusing finger at Eclipse, "I'm doing you a huge favor. Look at me. LOOK AT ME. I'M DOING FINE!" He laughed, somewhat hysterically, gesturing around the lot, and turning a full circle. "I'm doing BRILLIANTLY. We are living the gosh. darn. life, here in the Scorpion Den." Tobias clenched his fists.
"I don't need you." He spat, "You need me. Spot the difference."
Tobias took a shaky breath as he returned to the grill, hesitating before aggressively flipping each steak.

Eclipse stared blankly at Tobias's back, blinking in shock. Finally, she turned toward Sol with a 'what just happened' look, shaking her head.

Sol could feel Eclipse staring at him, but he didn't return her look. Instead, he rolled himself back over, pushing himself off the ground and straightening, silently studying Tobias with an air of confusion, fear, and betrayal. Perhaps that was the drugs still coursing through his mind. But perhaps..
Sol tried to take a step forward, every muscle painfully swollen with a fierce, burning pain.
He stumbled, barely catching himself.
Tobias must have seen the SolarWing standing in his perefreial vision, because the moment Sol was on his feet, he was advancing towards the dragon with a worried look. "Get off your feet, you shouldn't be walking- you shouldn't be awake. You need to rest."
"Tobe." Sol whispered. "What was that, man."
A wave of embarrassment washed through Tobias.
Sol sounded so.. disappointed.
That killed.
But Tobias drowned the emotions in anger, turning towards Sol's cage and rummaging through his bag, pills clacking noisly in containers.
Sol finally met Eclipse's gaze with a hard, broken look as Tobias returned, shoving something into his pocket.
"Are you hungry?" He asked quietly.
Sol shook his head.
Tobias stared at the red dragon, his heartbeat quickening.
Sol watched him with a concerned look, searching Tobias' expression for any hint of his usual confidence. But now he looked lost. He looked broken. He looked terrified.
"What." Sol barked dryly, breaking the silence.
Tobias jumped. He took a wary step towards Sol, running a hand down the dragons fire red scales, and kneeling to inspect his wing.
Sol curled his head around, staring at Tobias. "What is it?"
Tobe leaned his head against the dragon, closing his eyes tightly. "I messed up." He whispered, his voice high and broken. Tobias tilted his head to meet Sol's eyes. "I'm in too deep. And I've risked your safety. And there's only one thing I can do now to ensure I see you again some day."
Sol stiffened, but Tobias rubbed a hand down his neck again, "No, none of that, none of that," he whispered. "Don't you.. trust me?"
"I trust you." Sol didn't hesitate.
But Tobias didn't do it. He.. couldn't do it. Not then.
So he leaned against Sol again, closing his eyes as the dragon shakily lowered himself to the ground.
"I trust you." Sol repeated quietly as Tobias brought his hand up to Sol's cheek, running a finger down the dragons nose as Sol rested his head in the emotionally plagued man's lap.
Bloodmoon watched in concern as the tiny human acted like a seawing without water. Then he saw Sol walk forwards and talk to Tobias. Bloodmoon sunk into Tobias' thoughts. No, emotions. He looked at Eclipse and tried to sink into her thoughts. It makes no sense. How can I read Eclipse's mind, but not Tobias'? He shook his head slightly at Eclipse and smiled. Yes, she was looking at him. He turned back to Tobias and Sol. Sol seemed to be working his magic and calming the human down.
Crest felt his fangs sink in and the warm blood seeping through the wounds he had created in the large dragon. Satisfaction shone in his eyes, and vengeance seeped through his slight smile. For just that brief moment, he believed he was going to get his vengeance, but the reactions of the nigthwing were quick and Crest was thrown hard onto the ground. His head slammed the ground again and the nightwing flickered into a giant orange dragon for a split second and his world blacked out again. Then, the sight came flooding back a second later and Crest rolled onto his feet, giving the dragon an angry look. The dragon seemed to put its claw on its throat and the wound sealed. Wait, what? Nightwings can't do that?
"This isn't your fault, Crest. I know it's not you...it's the humans." A confused look crossed Crest's face, but soon the confusion was replaced by annoyance. He growled again and braced for another strike. His blood boiled and he wanted nothing more than to rip this dragon apart. He leapt at the dragon, but the nightwing seemed to recoil and pull its wings together. Alright fine, I'll rip through those first. He extended his claws for the attack, but was met with a wave of heat that seemed to repel every fiber of him. The heat stung. It sucked life from him, but he ignored it. He could hardly feel it. The anger and vicious hate still lived in his eyes and he reached out to grab the wings. A burning sensation flew through his arms and he cried in pain, dropping to the ground from his attack. He hissed and spun back onto his feet, favoring his back ones. Though, as he stood closer to the dragon and the heat, he noticed that the pain seemed to be slipping....or numbing. He didn't care.
"Yeah! Blame someone else for the murderous creature you are, you scaly piece of garbage!" he yelled at the nightwing. He crouched again and leapt at the nightwing, knowing full well that the wings were still heated. His claws stung again as he tried to rip through the wings. He jumped back and fell to the ground again, the pain becoming too much. The heat was sending his mind into a frenzy, each attack sending him spiraling further and further into the darkness. He lay on the ground again with his burning claws and looked back at the corpse of Minami. The motionless lips still seemed to be calling his name and he heard the call in his mind. Anger again seeped through him and he didn't even feel himself get up and look back at the dragon.
Finally it registered and he screamed at the dragon, the emotion ringing through the air. He leapt at the wings again. Burning pain and the smell of burning flesh wafted through the air. He couldn't stop. This dragon will DIE!
Helios turned off his firescales, this Seawing was absolutely insane with a death wish if it thought it could plow through a burning Solarwing twice his size.
“Crest!” He yelled, but there was no reaction, just emotionless eyes staring back at him. “Soldier listen to me-” he tried, but instead had to dodge a swipe of crests talons. He’s going to kill himself like this… He realized, the sickening thought making his stomach turn. How could humans be so ignorant of sentient life? Dragons shouldn’t be treated like this, not ever.
Helios knew the crowds wanted blood and death, but they weren’t going to get anymore of it. He circled Crest slowly, backing him into a corner, watching and waiting. He kept his neck open, hoping that crest would take the chance to strike. And finally, it happened, as soon as the Seawing raised his head to go in for another kill shot he spun around and hit him in the side of the head with his tail, HARD.
Crest looked dazed and unstable, ready to blackout any minute.
Sol quickly fell asleep, his head resting on Tobias' thigh as the man drifted off.
Twenty soundless minutes passed, finally interrupted by a ringtone. Tobias jumped awake, fumbling to answer the phone as Sol blinked, gently lifting his head from Tobais' lap.
"Hello." Tobias half groaned.
"Ayy, Tobe, et's Monzy, wunted to talk bout Sol? Where's ee gone tonight?"
Sol turned to watch Tobias, who was pointedly not making eye contact.
"Yeah." Tobias said. "Driver's, uh, wondering where he's supposed to go."
"Trucks are 'eading into District, then onto tha mountains. We plan to make it tah the top of tha continent, the fardder 'ut we go, tha betta."
"Whose going early?" Tobias asked, catching Sol's look with a half smile.
"Ay, lats seh... Hoookay, sa yuh got 'un of Roe's dragons, a one winged thing, Juniper, she can't do much out 'ere, but she can help prepare at our stop points a 'eed o taime. Than yo got Gables dragons, Sorrel and Saunde. Sorrel's nearly blind, Saunde's nearly dead." Monzy snorted bitterly. "Arena didn't do much good for them this week, Gables barely saved 'em and Lord knows he got no money ta pay fo nothin medically."
Tobias ran a hand through his hair, checking the time.
"That's it, mate. When's your transport in?"
"Uhm.." Tobias glanced at his watch again, too exhausted to let much register in his mind. "5. We should probably start heading out."
"Agreed. Dragons are in my lot. Stop by with Sol and we'll get 'em set."
"Thanks Monz."
"Oh, nah, thanks you, Tobias. Dunno what we wud 'ave done wowtcha."
Monzy hung up, and Tobias leaned his head against Sol again, feeling a caught stand of hair tug uncomfortably at one of diamond studs in his ear. He tucked the hair behind his ears, standing abruptly and meeting Sol's gaze.
"I'm sending you our early." Tobias started. "I don't want anything to happen to you, and I couldn't live with myself if something did."
Sol nodded, "It makes sense, man. But- I hate to be.."
"You're not in the way." Tobias assured quietly. "Do you want to walk to Monzy's? Can you? Actually, no, you shouldn't, you sh-"
"I can walk. It's hardly a block. I'd be good to try."
Tobias looked hesitant, so Sol pushed himself off the ground, and walked softly to the door.
Convinced, Tobias nodded with a gentle smile, snatching his hat from the cooler before following Sol out the door. He didn't look back at the other dragons in the lot. He didn't want to. If fact, Eclipse was basically his least favorite dragon at that moment. But Tobias realized how stressed he was, continually dwelling on Sol's safety... None of those emotions were real, they we're all exhausted and at their wits end.
Sol made it to Monzy's lot, and Tobias quickly rapped on the door, thoroughly impressed by Sol's ability to hide a limp.
Vel answered the door, and Tobias snorted. "What-.. are you just the-"
"Official door keeper, eXaCtLy, yeas, git in here."
Sol stumbled through the door, his body obviously weakening, and Tobias hadn't truly realized how hard the walk here had been for him, because the moment Sol was through the doorway, he partially collapsed, gasping as he caught himself, then slumped to the floor.
"Dude." Was all Tobias could think to say as he dropped to his knees beside the red dragon, who was breathing quite heavily, his wings seizing up in pain. "Sol, buddy, are you good?"
Monzy jogged towards them, a cigar jutting out of the corner of his mouth, which he quickly removed as he also knelt beside Sol.
Vel scrunched her nose. "You made him walk all the way here? Did you ever see what happened to him in the arena? Low. Real low."
Tobias scoffed breathlessly, watching Sol slowly sit up, coughing. "It's-.. okay." He managed to grunt through wild coughs.
Monzy frowned. "You should get em checked out, Tobias. That poison might still not be gone."
Tobias swallowed hard. "I can't do it now.. we don't have time."
"Aye, but Rose can 'elp, when we reach the mountains she can take a look."
Tobias nodded, catching every one of Monzy's vague terms. Though he was kind, Monzy didn't trust him. But maybe that was for the best.
Sol suddenly stood, "Where do I have to go." It was more of a determined statement, and it made Tobias' heart jump.
Monzy motioned to the far side of the lot where a pair of semi trucks were lined up, side by side. Tobias had yet to appreciate the sheer enormous size of the lot, and the amount of dragons in open cages stacked and stacked and stacked on top of one another.
It was like a maze, so many cages, most full, a few empty. Dragons watched them ominously, a few even shouted as Sol passed by, obviously having a history with the SolarWing in the arena.
When they reached the trucks Sol faltered and all three of them, Monzy, Tobias, and Vel, rushed to Sol's side, helping the dragon to the ground.
Sol did not look pleased with himself, but he wouldn't be cliche and not accept help. He... needed the help.
"Good, good." Monzy whispered, patting Sol's neck. "We 'ave 'alf an haur befar trucks pull out." Monzy stood, moving his hands to his sides. "All right, Tobe?"
"Yes. Yes, it's fine." Tobias said, his eyes on Sol, who's shallow breaths had leveled, his gaze locked on the ground. He kneeled beside the dragon, and Sol leaned his head against the man, his body rigid.
"I love you." Tobias whispered, a sickening feeling washing over him. "Please be safe. Please. Be. Safe."
Sol nodded wearily, and Tobias embraced the dragon one last time before pulling away, standing and taking a steadying breath.
"Everyun your dragons ready far tonight?"
Tobias sighed, "Yes, I have a few competing, Eclipse is helping in The Maze."
"Aye, aye. Well, we'll see you in a haur, Tobe." Monzy said kindly, slowly making his way to the door.
Tobias knew he had, in a way, said his goodbyes to Sol, as if he wanted to leave, but... he didn't. He really, really didn't want to leave him. But Monzy ushered Tobias to the door.
Vel gave him a quick, stern nod as Tobias slipped through the doorway.
He took a few confident steps down the hall, listening as the door closed shut. And then he stopped, he leaned against the wall, and he cried.
Sol quickly fell asleep, his head resting on Tobias' thigh as the man drifted off.
Twenty soundless minutes passed, finally interrupted by a ringtone. Tobias jumped awake, fumbling to answer the phone as Sol blinked, gently lifting his head from Tobais' lap.
"Hello." Tobias half groaned.
"Ayy, Tobe, et's Monzy, wunted to talk bout Sol? Where's ee gone tonight?"
Sol turned to watch Tobias, who was pointedly not making eye contact.
"Yeah." Tobias said. "Driver's, uh, wondering where he's supposed to go."
"Trucks are 'eading into District, then onto tha mountains. We plan to make it tah the top of tha continent, the fardder 'ut we go, tha betta."
"Whose going early?" Tobias asked, catching Sol's look with a half smile.
"Ay, lats seh... Hoookay, sa yuh got 'un of Roe's dragons, a one winged thing, Juniper, she can't do much out 'ere, but she can help prepare at our stop points a 'eed o taime. Than yo got Gables dragons, Sorrel and Saunde. Sorrel's nearly blind, Saunde's nearly dead." Monzy snorted bitterly. "Arena didn't do much good for them this week, Gables barely saved 'em and Lord knows he got no money ta pay fo nothin medically."
Tobias ran a hand through his hair, checking the time.
"That's it, mate. When's your transport in?"
"Uhm.." Tobias glanced at his watch again, too exhausted to let much register in his mind. "5. We should probably start heading out."
"Agreed. Dragons are in my lot. Stop by with Sol and we'll get 'em set."
"Thanks Monz."
"Oh, nah, thanks you, Tobias. Dunno what we wud 'ave done wowtcha."
Monzy hung up, and Tobias leaned his head against Sol again, feeling a caught stand of hair tug uncomfortably at one of diamond studs in his ear. He tucked the hair behind his ears, standing abruptly and meeting Sol's gaze.
"I'm sending you our early." Tobias started. "I don't want anything to happen to you, and I couldn't live with myself if something did."
Sol nodded, "It makes sense, man. But- I hate to be.."
"You're not in the way." Tobias assured quietly. "Do you want to walk to Monzy's? Can you? Actually, no, you shouldn't, you sh-"
"I can walk. It's hardly a block. I'd be good to try."
Tobias looked hesitant, so Sol pushed himself off the ground, and walked softly to the door.
Convinced, Tobias nodded with a gentle smile, snatching his hat from the cooler before following Sol out the door. He didn't look back at the other dragons in the lot. He didn't want to. If fact, Eclipse was basically his least favorite dragon at that moment. But Tobias realized how stressed he was, continually dwelling on Sol's safety... None of those emotions were real, they we're all exhausted and at their wits end.
Sol made it to Monzy's lot, and Tobias quickly rapped on the door, thoroughly impressed by Sol's ability to hide a limp.
Vel answered the door, and Tobias snorted. "What-.. are you just the-"
"Official door keeper, eXaCtLy, yeas, git in here."
Sol stumbled through the door, his body obviously weakening, and Tobias hadn't truly realized how hard the walk here had been for him, because the moment Sol was through the doorway, he partially collapsed, gasping as he caught himself, then slumped to the floor.
"Dude." Was all Tobias could think to say as he dropped to his knees beside the red dragon, who was breathing quite heavily, his wings seizing up in pain. "Sol, buddy, are you good?"
Monzy jogged towards them, a cigar jutting out of the corner of his mouth, which he quickly removed as he also knelt beside Sol.
Vel scrunched her nose. "You made him walk all the way here? Did you ever see what happened to him in the arena? Low. Real low."
Tobias scoffed breathlessly, watching Sol slowly sit up, coughing. "It's-.. okay." He managed to grunt through wild coughs.
Monzy frowned. "You should get em checked out, Tobias. That poison might still not be gone."
Tobias swallowed hard. "I can't do it now.. we don't have time."
"Aye, but Rose can 'elp, when we reach the mountains she can take a look."
Tobias nodded, catching every one of Monzy's vague terms. Though he was kind, Monzy didn't trust him. But maybe that was for the best.
Sol suddenly stood, "Where do I have to go." It was more of a determined statement, and it made Tobias' heart jump.
Monzy motioned to the far side of the lot where a pair of semi trucks were lined up, side by side. Tobias had yet to appreciate the sheer enormous size of the lot, and the amount of dragons in open cages stacked and stacked and stacked on top of one another.
It was like a maze, so many cages, most full, a few empty. Dragons watched them ominously, a few even shouted as Sol passed by, obviously having a history with the SolarWing in the arena.
When they reached the trucks Sol faltered and all three of them, Monzy, Tobias, and Vel, rushed to Sol's side, helping the dragon to the ground.
Sol did not look pleased with himself, but he wouldn't be cliche and not accept help. He... needed the help.
"Good, good." Monzy whispered, patting Sol's neck. "We 'ave 'alf an haur befar trucks pull out." Monzy stood, moving his hands to his sides. "All right, Tobe?"
"Yes. Yes, it's fine." Tobias said, his eyes on Sol, who's shallow breaths had leveled, his gaze locked on the ground. He kneeled beside the dragon, and Sol leaned his head against the man, his body rigid.
"I love you." Tobias whispered, a sickening feeling washing over him. "Please be safe. Please. Be. Safe."
Sol nodded wearily, and Tobias embraced the dragon one last time before pulling away, standing and taking a steadying breath.
"Everyun your dragons ready far tonight?"
Tobias sighed, "Yes, I have a few competing, Eclipse is helping in The Maze."
"Aye, aye. Well, we'll see you in a haur, Tobe." Monzy said kindly, slowly making his way to the door.
Tobias knew he had, in a way, said his goodbyes to Sol, as if he wanted to leave, but... he didn't. He really, really didn't want to leave him. But Monzy ushered Tobias to the door.
Vel gave him a quick, stern nod as Tobias slipped through the doorway.
He took a few confident steps down the hall, listening as the door closed shut. And then he stopped, he leaned against the wall, and he cried.
This got way to long. I realize it's horridly paced, but I am tired and on vacation, so I don't have a lot of editing time :/
But I won't same I'm sorry.


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