Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Sunspots brain was thinking AGAINST HER WILL. It was extremely frustrating. She folded her wings to cover her snout, groaning.

A few days ago, she would have had zero qualms about flying off the first chance she got and returning to her life gallivanting around the desert. But now…

Her past life seemed almost meaningless. Now that’s she knew about went on in the Scorpion Den, she felt like she wouldn’t be satisfied returning to her old ways.

And the dragons she came here with. Eclipse, with her calm and collected, yet prickly demeanor. Helios, her king apparently. She wondered where he was. If he found his son.

And Neoma, who was nowhere to be found. When Sunspot thought of her, her stomach twisted in a bad emotion kind of way. Worry?


Old Sunspot didn’t bother with mushy attachments or… feelings. She just blazed her way right through them. She pushed everyone away from her. Still pushed everyone away. But new Sunspot was… different. She hasn’t decided wether she liked it or not.

Sol sat at the cavern entrance, staring in to the sky. He'd spot the occasional bird, his ears would prick up in false hope. Hours passed. The sun beat down. A dragon tried to convince him to leave. But Sol was fine. At the least he felt fine. But only if he didn't dwell on hunger, pain, or thirst. His mind was locked on Tobias. Tobias, and... Helios.
A black dot specked the horizon. Sol sat up with abrupt excitement. The transport's engine roared as it careened through the sand covered road, not daring to slow for a moment. Dragons speckled the air around the truck. Sol stood, squinting at the dragons. Red scales caught his eye. He smiled.
Ooooh In a minute!
Phoenix crossed her eyes trying to see the dragonet, smiling at him. Stay calm. It’s fine. You’re not going to hurt him.

She repeated it like a mantra, willing herself to relax.

Hopefully this is fine! I have not RPed in a while so I can’t promise that I won’t be horrible at writing.

Name: Calla
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tribe: Leafwing/Mudwing Hybrid
Physical appearance: Glossy, dark green scales. Her underbelly is a muddy brown color. Her wings are lighter, a mix of green and brown. She has a bigger body type but not as big as a pure Mudwing. She can still get around fine. Her vision is blurry in her left eye thanks to the giant scar running across the left side of her face. She is able to blow fire when she is warm.
Personality: To start, sassy. Smart as well. Very sarcastic most of the time. She usually acts like she is a lot better than everyone else. She is stubborn. This is mostly because of what happened to her when she was younger. But underneath all those sneers and sarcasm, Calla can be very sweet and loving. She just prefers not be unless she finds someone that she truly loves.
Backstory: (Optional) When Calla was just a little egg, her parents were killed. A dragon hunter stole her and took her to the Scorpion Den. She hatched soon after, not expecting to be stuck inside of a tiny cage with no space. The same hunter who stole her would come in to feed her. Calla was a very sweet baby and wanted attention but she didn’t get any. The only attention she got was training. She was raised to be a vicious fighter. When she was thrown into the fighting ring for the first time at 12 years old, she did not know what to expect. She looked over to the crowds and saw the same dragon hunter that had raised her. She wanted to make him proud. Perhaps then he would love her and take care of her better. Calla fought against the giant Mudwing in the ring. This is when she discovered she could blow fire. She lost, obviously. The Mudwing scraped the left side of her face, giving her a giant scar. Calla was put back into her tiny cage. She felt furious and she changed from a sweet dragon to a horrible one. She never saw the dragon hunter again. When the rebellion happened, she was freed from her small cage. After stretching her wings, she piled into the last truck and is now resting by herself.
Lovely!!! Maybe it was Dredbog she fought all those years ago! He’s my giant grey tattooed Mudwing!
Phoenix let out a nervous laugh, holding up one talon close to Knight to balance him in case the clumsy dragonet fell. “I’ve never held a dragonet before,” she said. “He’s… denser than I would have expected? He’s so tiny, but heavy at the same time.” She laughed again, a warm glow rippling through her feathers.

Looks good! Welcome to OFAF!
( 😂OFAF😂)

King chuckled, pausing to watch her and smiling warmly at the two of them. She was so pure and innocent with Knight. “Hey you’re great with dragonets!”

Osprey watched King as he looked back at the two starry dragons. With Knight, this plan might just work. With the power of the moon and sun on our side we won’t fail. Even King Helios will agree. He thought with a smile.

Knight smiled and started gnawing on one of Phoenix’s horns, drooling all over it and making happy sounds.

Sol sat at the cavern entrance, staring in to the sky. He'd spot the occasional bird, his ears would prick up in false hope. Hours passed. The sun beat down. A dragon tried to convince him to leave. But Sol was fine. At the least he felt fine. But only if he didn't dwell on hunger, pain, or thirst. His mind was locked on Tobias. Tobias, and... Helios.
A black dot specked the horizon. Sol sat up with abrupt excitement. The transport's engine roared as it careened through the sand covered road, not daring to slow for a moment. Dragons speckled the air around the truck. Sol stood, squinting at the dragons. Red scales caught his eye. He smiled.
Helios had watched the mountains come into view for at least an hour or two, his anxiety and excitement and panic never ceasing. After so many years…would Sol still be the same? Of course he wouldn’t, he probably hated him and for good reason.
How could I have let myself wait this long?
“Mmm, maybe,” Sunspot said. She moved to lay down near a wall, but didn’t sleep. Instead she watched the dragons around her murmering quietly to one another, brushing wings, twining tails….

She sighed. She’d never had any urge to be close to anyone, but now, even surrounded by other dragons, she felt so alone.
Her head resting on her talons, Calla observed the other dragons. Several were sitting together, probably blabbering on about nonsense. She turned her head and watched a dragoness with silver scales heal others with injuries. How curious, Calla thought. What kind was she?
Sunspots brain was thinking AGAINST HER WILL. It was extremely frustrating. She folded her wings to cover her snout, groaning.

A few days ago, she would have had zero qualms about flying off the first chance she got and returning to her life gallivanting around the desert. But now…

Her past life seemed almost meaningless. Now that’s she knew about went on in the Scorpion Den, she felt like she wouldn’t be satisfied returning to her old ways.

And the dragons she came here with. Eclipse, with her calm and collected, yet prickly demeanor. Helios, her king apparently. She wondered where he was. If he found his son.

And Neoma, who was nowhere to be found. When Sunspot thought of her, her stomach twisted in a bad emotion kind of way. Worry?


Old Sunspot didn’t bother with mushy attachments or… feelings. She just blazed her way right through them. She pushed everyone away from her. Still pushed everyone away. But new Sunspot was… different. She hasn’t decided wether she liked it or not.

(Sorry guys, okay, I should probably note that I have church from 7:00-9:30 Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday so I sign off early, like 4:30 or 5, and usually am not back till 10 or later)

Welcome to the RP @Little Baby Bean! Have you read the archives for it yet? They help a lot with tribe stuff. If you ever have any questions about the history of the tribes and stuff, feel free to ask.

Eclipse took a deep breath, finally allowing herself to relax as she finished wrapping the bandage around her own arm. Most of the other dragons were lying in their places around the edges of the transport, asleep or murmuring quietly to each other in trios or pairs. Eclipse had received many more curious or sometimes suspicious and skeptical glances from them, ever since the chase on the hard path. It seemed like every dragon was fully aware of her presence now, and she felt exposed, trapped in such a small space with such a large group of strange dragons.
She glanced around, spotting Bloodmoon curled close to the back, not far from where the injured human was. Eclipse's eyes widened slowly as she saw Shard lying nearby, lift her head, and scoot a few inches closer to the Nightwing. For a moment, she simply watched the Icewing dragonet repeat the process once, then twice, slowly getting closer to the sleeping dark-red dragon.
Eclipse suppressed a chuckle and swept her gaze around the transport again, her eyes stopping when she noticed a large Leafwing watching her.
Or... maybe partly Leafwing, guessing from the color. Eclipse couldn't tell. Possibly a hybrid?
She caught the dragoness watching her and briefly fixed her with a penetrating stare before sweeping her tail around and standing up, pacing across the transport to where Sunspot was lying.
Eclipse slid exhausted to the floor a few feet from the Solarwing, letting out a long sigh and dropping her head onto her talons, her wings drooping and resting tiredly on the ground.
Something was troubling the golden dragoness, Eclipse could tell, but she didn't know if she had the energy at that moment to try and ask her. Undoubtedly, Sunspot wouldn't just open up and tell her, and there was a chance Eclipse would have to deflect a stinging retort or two. Perhaps a shallower conversation would be more acceptable.
But then again, Eclipse recalled their first time working together in the desert. Sunspot was about as awkward at small talk as Eclipse was, and sometimes, the silence was more comfortable. But maybe it was worth a shot.
"So what are you going to do when we finally finish this," she said quietly, readjusting her head slightly to look at Sunspot. "Where are you going to go? I mean, you don't really seem like much of the tribal kind, but now Helios asked you personally to rejoin the Kingdom. Are you gonna go with him or..."
There it was. That trailing off awkwardness. Eclipse hoped Sunspot didn't pick up on it too much.

@-Kiwi- @Little Baby Bean
Roses eyes went from gables to Tobias and back, “I’m sure.”
She said determinedly, a look of clarity finally appearing on her face. When she went into doctor mode, she closed off all other things that could grab her attention, that included her pain at the moment. Rose lowered herself as much as possible and gazed at Tobias’s wrist, assessing how best to go about this. “ok…just angle his wrist this way a bit and keep your hands clear..” she said authoritatively, her tail slowly lashing behind her. Immediately fire snaked up her throat and scorched her tongue. The nightwing side of her dna fought it valiantly, coating her mouth in fireproof saliva. But it burned up quick and she was dehydrated already. The fire escaped her jaws and licked up Tobias’s frozen hand, melting the icey crystals into a puddle of unnaturally blue water.
Stay steady. Ignore the pain.

She continued with the procedure.
Gables tried not to close his drying eyes as he stared at the vivid flames. He had expected Tobias to put up a fight- to thrash, scream, make any sort of move to escape- but Tobias didn't protest, only jerking back at the first intense blast, the blood rushing from his face.
A rotten smell filled the room as Rose's fire spluttered out. She gagged.

Tobias' thoughts scattered, obliterated by shock and pain. For a moment they collected themselves, circling circling circling as if looking for a place to land- then a blast of heat chased sense back, incinerating the idea on the spot.

The relief was immense, and it tore through like a current. Gables grimaced, feeling Tobias press against him, unable to comprehend what was going through the man's mind as he endured the pain in silence so absolute it made Gables shiver.

Fracture waited, watching the wound smoke, a sudden feeling of unease washing over her as she glanced at Tobias, his eyes shut tight, lips pressed together, body rigid in Gables arms.
Rose coughed, and Fracture rushed to offer the dragon water, pulling bottles from Ferrin's pack.
She felt Gables look, meeting his desperate eyes with a quick glance. "No. We must wait. Let it burrn. Or else it might still get infected." She turned to Rose, tearing her gaze from Tobias. "What can I do? Just motions, use yourr talons. Tell me what I should do."
Helios had watched the mountains come into view for at least an hour or two, his anxiety and excitement and panic never ceasing. After so many years…would Sol still be the same? Of course he wouldn’t, he probably hated him and for good reason.
How could I have let myself wait this long?
A steady resolve washed through Sol, and he set his jaw, standing straight. Nerves jumped. That was his father. That speck on the horizon- was his dad. He let loose a soft moan, some what in awe. The sun blinded his eyes, but he pushed passed the pain, not daring to take his eyes off his father as the SolarWing approached.
Gables tried not to close his drying eyes as he stared at the vivid flames. He had expected Tobias to put up a fight- to thrash, scream, make any sort of move to escape- but Tobias didn't protest, only jerking back at the first intense blast, the blood rushing from his face.
A rotten smell filled the room as Rose's fire spluttered out. She gagged.

Tobias' thoughts scattered, obliterated by shock and pain. For a moment they collected themselves, circling circling circling as if looking for a place to land- then a blast of heat chased sense back, incinerating the idea on the spot.

The relief was immense, and it tore through like a current. Gables grimaced, feeling Tobias press against him, unable to comprehend what was going through the man's mind as he endured the pain in silence so absolute it made Gables shiver.

Fracture waited, watching the wound smoke, a sudden feeling of unease washing over her as she glanced at Tobias, his eyes shut tight, lips pressed together, body rigid in Gables arms.
Rose coughed, and Fracture rushed to offer the dragon water, pulling bottles from Ferrin's pack.
She felt Gables look, meeting his desperate eyes with a quick glance. "No. We must wait. Let it burrn. Or else it might still get infected." She turned to Rose, tearing her gaze from Tobias. "What can I do? Just motions, use yourr talons. Tell me what I should do."
A steady resolve washed through Sol, and he set his jaw, standing straight. Nerves jumped. That was his father. That speck on the horizon- was his dad. He let loose a soft moan, some what in awe. The sun blinded his eyes, but he pushed passed the pain, not daring to take his eyes off his father as the SolarWing approached.
MC Hammer. I will never remember the frickin tags 😫
Gables tried not to close his drying eyes as he stared at the vivid flames. He had expected Tobias to put up a fight- to thrash, scream, make any sort of move to escape- but Tobias didn't protest, only jerking back at the first intense blast, the blood rushing from his face.
A rotten smell filled the room as Rose's fire spluttered out. She gagged.

Tobias' thoughts scattered, obliterated by shock and pain. For a moment they collected themselves, circling circling circling as if looking for a place to land- then a blast of heat chased sense back, incinerating the idea on the spot.

The relief was immense, and it tore through like a current. Gables grimaced, feeling Tobias press against him, unable to comprehend what was going through the man's mind as he endured the pain in silence so absolute it made Gables shiver.

Fracture waited, watching the wound smoke, a sudden feeling of unease washing over her as she glanced at Tobias, his eyes shut tight, lips pressed together, body rigid in Gables arms.
Rose coughed, and Fracture rushed to offer the dragon water, pulling bottles from Ferrin's pack.
She felt Gables look, meeting his desperate eyes with a quick glance. "No. We must wait. Let it burrn. Or else it might still get infected." She turned to Rose, tearing her gaze from Tobias. "What can I do? Just motions, use yourr talons. Tell me what I should do."
Rose wanted to lie down and pour the water all over herself, extinguish any fire left inside her. She hated using it, not only because it hurt immensely.
A-as ssoon as the i-ice cryst-”
She tried talking before going into a coughing fit, blood spattered the floor as she coughed the last time. “I’m ok. Just burned r-raw. As soon as the ice c-crystals melt, put i-it out.”

A steady resolve washed through Sol, and he set his jaw, standing straight. Nerves jumped. That was his father. That speck on the horizon- was his dad. He let loose a soft moan, some what in awe. The sun blinded his eyes, but he pushed passed the pain, not daring to take his eyes off his father as the SolarWing approached.
Helios slowed himself, doubt welling up inside him like a consuming fire. What if I’m not ready to see him again? Eclipse said he’s been through a lot, what if he’s not ready to see me?
One part of him was something he’d let never willingly let anyone see. The scared part. The part where he was terrified of losing his son all over again.

The mountains neared and dragons from the first shipment were congregated around the base of them. All different colors and shapes and sizes, a few red scales caught his eyes but he didn’t see a Solarwing anywhere. Then a deep, crimson red dragon finally caught his eye. He was sitting in a cave on a terrace of rock just above the other dragons, looking down at Helios.
It was Sol.
Helios’s breath caught in his throat, their eyes locked and suddenly the world seemed so unsure, like the very next step could make or break the future.
Finally, after a tense moment, Helios lifted into the air and flew up to the cave entrance, landing gently upon the rock formation. He stared at his son in disbelief, his expression turning into a sad kind of unsure smile. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing would come out, instead he took a deep shuddering inhale and again,
Helios tried to talk. Finally he managed to speak, but his naturally deep and rumbling voice was lost, instead his words came out in soft, tear filled whispers.
Sol I…I’m so, so sorry.” He said slowly, tears now streaming down his face. “I tried- I tried to protect you…but I failed. I failed you as a king and a father.” He whispered, the tears rolling down his face and neck and mixing with the bloodied bandages around his chest. But the salty tears felt like nothing compared to the agony of the silence.
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Rose wanted to lie down and pour the water all over herself, extinguish any fire left inside her. She hated using it, not only because it hurt immensely.
A-as ssoon as the i-ice cryst-”
She tried talking before going into a coughing fit, blood spattered the floor as she coughed the last time. “I’m ok. Just burned r-raw. As soon as the ice c-crystals melt, put i-it out.”

Helios slowed himself, doubt welling up inside him like a consuming fire. What if I’m not ready to see him again? Eclipse said he’s been through a lot, what if he’s not ready to see me?
One part of him was something he’d let never willingly let anyone see. The scared part. The part where he was terrified of losing his son all over again.

The mountains neared and dragons from the first shipment were congregated around the base of them. All different colors and shapes and sizes, a few red scales caught his eyes but he didn’t see a Solarwing anywhere. Then a deep, crimson red dragon finally caught his eye. He was sitting in a cave on a terrace of rock just above the other dragons, looking down at Helios.
It was Sol.
Helios’s breath caught in his throat, their eyes locked and suddenly the world seemed so unsure, like the very next step could make or break the future.
Finally, after a tense moment, Helios lifted into the air and flew up to the cave entrance, landing gently upon the rock formation.
Helios tried to talk, but his naturally deep and rumbling voice was lost, instead his words came out in soft, tear filled whispers.
Sol I…I’m so, so sorry.” He said slowly, tears streaming down his face. “I tried- I tried to protect you…but I failed. I failed you as a king and a father.” He whispered, the tears rolling down his face and neck and mixing with the bloodied bandages around his chest. But the salty tears felt like nothing compared to the agony of the silence.
Oop here be da tag soory Elmo of Sesame Street
Crest began regaining his consciousness and shifted slightly. He felt wind on his head but couldn't feel the wind anywhere else. He shifted a little more and he clenched his teeth in pain. Whatever she gave me, it's worn off by now. He pushed off the tarps on him and opened his eyes, bright light flooding in them. But, it wasn't the unnatural light from the Scorpion Den. The sun's warmth made it to his scales and he sighed in relief. They'd actually done it. They'd broken out. He looked around the transport he was in to see many dragons lying on the floor. Some looked severely injured and others only slightly. Silver scales caught his eye and he looked over towards the lunarwing he'd heard called Eclipse. She seemed to be using her strange ability to help heal the injured dragons.
I wonder if she could help me... He shook his head, quickly regretting the decision. I doubt the ability could heal me. My injuries are too extensive.
Looking up, he saw the fiery figure of King Helios soaring gracefully above their transport. I've got to talk to him when I have the chance....
Looking around some more, he saw another dark brown dragon. His jaw dropped a little as the dragon was blowing fire on a human who seemed to be severely injured. Next to her was a bag and Crest could make out several containers and herbs. Now she looks like a medic. Straining to stand, he lifted himself from underneath the tarps and slowly started to make his way over to them. He paused as he saw their faces and realized that the situation was more important than his at the moment and walked closer to them but only to observe. His legs shook slightly underneath him and his wing shot out to brace him.
He shook himself and stood taller. He was tired of being useless. Crest walked up to the brown dragon, "Pardon me, but is there anything that I can do to help? I just want to see if I can be of any assistance. If not, I can go back to resting."

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