Ended Official BYC Contest—Guess When BYC Will Hit 25 Million Messages!

Cbs No GIF by HULU
@casportpony I would never :(.
If you were willing to admit your favorites and “least favorite” versions of Linux…. Would you? Could you? In a tux?

(Couldn’t resist the Dr. Seuss tangent)
RedHat. No question. Disclaimer: I've been a beta tester since 5.0. worked for RH for 2 years, and have contributed source to the satellite project. I'm biased.
RedHat. No question. Disclaimer: I've been a beta tester since 5.0. worked for RH for 2 years, and have contributed source to the satellite project. I'm biased.
I like bias. It shows honesty on a higher level when folks admit their bias when a opinion is asked of them…..
RedHat. No question. Disclaimer: I've been a beta tester since 5.0. worked for RH for 2 years, and have contributed source to the satellite project. I'm biased.
Oracle's my least fave btw. Mostly because it's completely tainted by Oracle. Anything I can compile Enlightement on is a decent OS, in my book. Except OEL. Screw those hippies.

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