Official BYC Poll: What type of incubator do you use?

What type of incubator do you use?

  • Total voters
@-Clementine-, @101atworld, @1sellersrobe, @21hens-incharge, @4Grand, @5Australorpasaures, @abpatchy, @Addicted To Chickens, @AGeese, @agold23, @aimee750, @akroberts1085, @aliciaplus3, @Allsfairinloveandbugs, @als77, @AltonaAcres, @alwaystj9, @ambercurly, @AMM10, @Angel07, @Annabellarose, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @aprillbailey, @AquaDuck, @Araucana Nest, @ariri30, @Arthaey, @Artichoke Lover, @Azeria, @Azhtann, @azurbanclucker, @BackroadGirl57, @backyardchicks, @BalancedRock, @bantamsrmyfav, @Banty crazy, @BantyChooks, @BarbJeanne, @Barbours, @Barnette, @Bawkbok, @BDutch, @bhaugh, @BigBlueHen53, @bill3607, @Birds of a Feather, @BirdsBeesTrees, @Blue Raptor, @BlueBaby, @Bo Garrett, @BoogieWight, @Brahma Chicken5000, @BrandonsBirbs, @britesidefarm, @Brooks_, @Buckeye Amy, @BuckleyChick, @Calista_, @CaramelKittey, @CarpCharacin, @CascadeQUAIL, @casportpony, @CastleCoop, @CATHY68, @CatLoverLu, @CCsGarden, @Cebarmlds, @chelseachook, @Chicka_deee, @Chicken_loverXx, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chicken4prez, @Chickenhappy8708, @chickenlittle21, @Chickens are life, @Chickichickichoo, @Chiknoodle, @ChloeSilkie08, @Chookchicken, @Chookwagn, @chrissynemetz, @CindyinSD, @Cinnamon Roll, @cinnamoncockatiel, @Clap p 1, @Cluckerdoodle, @CluckNDoodle, @CochAddict, @CombNWattles, @Compost King, @cooingdove, @Coops Dad, @Corbdee, @CoreyW04, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @Crazy Duck Lover, @CrazyCochin, @Croamagna, @Cturber, @cueball, @CurlyQuail, @Cyber Smoggy, @Cynthia12, @DaffytheDuck20, @Dakota60, @DallasChickyMomma, @dand883, @Daniellebell1, @darkbaysfordays, @DatCampG, @DaYooper_Duck, @dbtcowgirl, @Debbie292d, @Dementra, @Devyn Nagy, @DigbyDyson, @discerning, @Ditsydaisy, @Djgm, @DobieLover, @Dottie the Chicken, @Duck mommy 2019, @Duckie doodle, @DylanP, @Earthdale, @Ebony Rose, @Egg Farm Chicken People, @Egg Snatcher, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @ElimAcres, @EllieandOlive, @EmmaDonovan, @Erba, @Evadig, @Everose, @Farmgirl1878, @FeatherTay, @Flockincrazy, @floppysquirrel04, @Fluffnut, @Fluffy Lambs, @Fluffy_Butt, @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies, @FluffyBottomBantams, @ForestPhoenix, @fowltemptress, @Foxinthehenhouse, @Fuchsia, @FunnyfarmMidwest, @Gail Laubenthal, @Galaxy_rules, @Gallinarium, @GaryNy, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @GodLovesU, @Grannys Backyard Chicks, @Gray Farms, @Grisbeard, @Happy hen lover, @HeatherKellyB, @HerdAndHome, @HollowOfWisps, @HorseGirlAbby, @Ifitaintbroke, @Ilovechickens07, @Ilovechickens2525, @ILoveDaffy, @ilovemybabychickies, @Inga73, @Ingrid_Grace, @Insnesnakos, @iowachickens, @IttyBittyBirdy, @JacinLarkwell, @JaeG, @Jan Croot, @janiedoe, @jaredferguson, @Jenbirdee, @Jener8or, @jillybeansisme, @jjaazzy, @Jmiller89, @jolenesdad, @jonalisa, @Joylime322, @JTC, @JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @K0k0shka, @Kaw-Liga, @Kay-T-Hammer, @kaybiegirl, @kcrandall, @Kelly Klumpp, @kelseyk, @Kelsykin, @kerbotx, @Kessel23, @Kiki, @KingD, @Kizmet, @KmetijaRejc, @ksbkeys, @kurby22, @KyCoop, @Kymbers_crew, @Lacy Duckwing, @LadiesAndJane, @LaFleche, @lagrange chicks, @LapisLazuli, @Lazy Farmer, @Lemon-Drop, @lifein1840, @LikeTurkeys, @Lil Chicken mama, @LilFinnGirl, @Liz Birdlover, @LoanswithLaurieB, @LostBoi73, @Love Donkeys, @Lovely Lettie, @Loving my girls, @Lucas Smith, @Lucy_Dobinson, @Lunah452, @luvmigirls, @LynnaePB, @M-H-Fielding, @MagpieDucks, @MamaPoult, @Manhen, @ManWithChicks, @MarkJr, @McChooky, @mcdze, @McPickle88, @MDBird, @Meg-in-MT, @Melissashae_zookeeper, @Meri Maura, @MGG, @Miami Leghorn, @microchick, @Misfits Farm 92, @MoEggers, @MontanaChickDoc, @MorningGlory16, @Morrigan, @MotherofOrpies, @Mr Greg, @MROO, @mrsshmee, @muddy75, @Muscovy Wunda, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @NagemTX, @NanaK, @Nifty-Chicken, @Nodakj, @Nomadicus, @notabitail, @Nym, @Orpingtons Mom, @paloozaparty, @Pampered chicken girl, @Paterino Del Galaxia, @Patiocoturnix, @Peep_Show, @Peristeria, @pinewoodacres, @PioneerChicks, @pipdzipdnreadytogo, @Pipermom, @PippinTheChicken, @Pork Pie, @PostageStampRanch, @Poultrybonkers, @PRchick, @Predoggg, @Preston Bowslaugh, @Punkybrewster, @Pyxis, @quackingdom, @quailmama 82012, @Quailobsessed, @R2elk, @RadEggs, @Rahnee, @Rebechenson75, @RebelEgger, @Redchels, @Redhead Rae, @Rick589, @RoosterWhisperer, @Rose Quartz, @RoseHawke, @RossAcres, @Ruby Rogue, @Ryguy3684, @Sadness Child, @Sally PB, @Sammbalina, @Sammster, @SandyRiverChick, @SarahGfa, @SavKel&RynKel, @Serenity06, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @ShannonsChimkens, @Sheriloo3, @Shezadandy, @Show Sebright, @ShrekDawg, @Sic, @SilverBirds, @SilverChic, @SirPecksALot, @Skipper7410, @SkyAJK, @Skyle, @smfarman, @SnapdragonQ, @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds, @sourland, @Sparrows, @squirtsmomma, @STACEYH, @Star2014, @StinkyAcres, @Stino12, @SueT, @SulkyBantam, @sunnie7, @SunriseChickers, @sunshine ducky, @swampfox440, @SwampPrincessChick, @Tahai, @talkinboutchickens, @TaxladyEA, @TeresaW, @Thailander, @thanai, @The cheek coop, @The Chick Addict, @The Chickens' Maid, @The Coop Crew, @The Happster, @The Moonshiner, @The Newman Shack, @The Phantom, @TheBajan, @thechickonthehill, @TheOddOneOut, @theoldchick, @Thomas70, @tigger19687, @TimberLine Homestead, @TLCMidMichigan, @Tofu the chicken, @Tozan, @tranquiliti, @Tre3hugger, @trescloudy, @tripletfeb, @Trisseh, @TurkeyTheQuail, @Ursuline Chick, @User690263, @ValarieF, @Vicker, @WarWagon, @Watermelon123, @West-Gin Farm, @Wezdin, @Wickedchicken6, @Willow2253, @windingcircleway, @WVBirdsAndBees, @WVduckchick, @Xouie, @yakitori, @Yard Farmer, @Yorkshire Coop, @Zobot0110
It's been almost four & a half years since @Kiki started this poll. :eek:

How have you all been? Are you still using the same incubators?

Not much has changed here but we have added two new incubators and aren't using the broody hens as much. We've added an Rcom Maru MX380CD cabinet incubator and a Brinsea Ovation 56 EX Connect.
I'm still using my Little Giant w/fan. It's probably all I'll ever need, as it can hold 120 quail eggs. Most I've done is 60.
@-Clementine-, @101atworld, @1sellersrobe, @21hens-incharge, @4Grand, @5Australorpasaures, @abpatchy, @Addicted To Chickens, @AGeese, @agold23, @aimee750, @akroberts1085, @aliciaplus3, @Allsfairinloveandbugs, @als77, @AltonaAcres, @alwaystj9, @ambercurly, @AMM10, @Angel07, @Annabellarose, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @aprillbailey, @AquaDuck, @Araucana Nest, @ariri30, @Arthaey, @Artichoke Lover, @Azeria, @Azhtann, @azurbanclucker, @BackroadGirl57, @backyardchicks, @BalancedRock, @bantamsrmyfav, @Banty crazy, @BantyChooks, @BarbJeanne, @Barbours, @Barnette, @Bawkbok, @BDutch, @bhaugh, @BigBlueHen53, @bill3607, @Birds of a Feather, @BirdsBeesTrees, @Blue Raptor, @BlueBaby, @Bo Garrett, @BoogieWight, @Brahma Chicken5000, @BrandonsBirbs, @britesidefarm, @Brooks_, @Buckeye Amy, @BuckleyChick, @Calista_, @CaramelKittey, @CarpCharacin, @CascadeQUAIL, @casportpony, @CastleCoop, @CATHY68, @CatLoverLu, @CCsGarden, @Cebarmlds, @chelseachook, @Chicka_deee, @Chicken_loverXx, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chicken4prez, @Chickenhappy8708, @chickenlittle21, @Chickens are life, @Chickichickichoo, @Chiknoodle, @ChloeSilkie08, @Chookchicken, @Chookwagn, @chrissynemetz, @CindyinSD, @Cinnamon Roll, @cinnamoncockatiel, @Clap p 1, @Cluckerdoodle, @CluckNDoodle, @CochAddict, @CombNWattles, @Compost King, @cooingdove, @Coops Dad, @Corbdee, @CoreyW04, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @Crazy Duck Lover, @CrazyCochin, @Croamagna, @Cturber, @cueball, @CurlyQuail, @Cyber Smoggy, @Cynthia12, @DaffytheDuck20, @Dakota60, @DallasChickyMomma, @dand883, @Daniellebell1, @darkbaysfordays, @DatCampG, @DaYooper_Duck, @dbtcowgirl, @Debbie292d, @Dementra, @Devyn Nagy, @DigbyDyson, @discerning, @Ditsydaisy, @Djgm, @DobieLover, @Dottie the Chicken, @Duck mommy 2019, @Duckie doodle, @DylanP, @Earthdale, @Ebony Rose, @Egg Farm Chicken People, @Egg Snatcher, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @ElimAcres, @EllieandOlive, @EmmaDonovan, @Erba, @Evadig, @Everose, @Farmgirl1878, @FeatherTay, @Flockincrazy, @floppysquirrel04, @Fluffnut, @Fluffy Lambs, @Fluffy_Butt, @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies, @FluffyBottomBantams, @ForestPhoenix, @fowltemptress, @Foxinthehenhouse, @Fuchsia, @FunnyfarmMidwest, @Gail Laubenthal, @Galaxy_rules, @Gallinarium, @GaryNy, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @GodLovesU, @Grannys Backyard Chicks, @Gray Farms, @Grisbeard, @Happy hen lover, @HeatherKellyB, @HerdAndHome, @HollowOfWisps, @HorseGirlAbby, @Ifitaintbroke, @Ilovechickens07, @Ilovechickens2525, @ILoveDaffy, @ilovemybabychickies, @Inga73, @Ingrid_Grace, @Insnesnakos, @iowachickens, @IttyBittyBirdy, @JacinLarkwell, @JaeG, @Jan Croot, @janiedoe, @jaredferguson, @Jenbirdee, @Jener8or, @jillybeansisme, @jjaazzy, @Jmiller89, @jolenesdad, @jonalisa, @Joylime322, @JTC, @JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @K0k0shka, @Kaw-Liga, @Kay-T-Hammer, @kaybiegirl, @kcrandall, @Kelly Klumpp, @kelseyk, @Kelsykin, @kerbotx, @Kessel23, @Kiki, @KingD, @Kizmet, @KmetijaRejc, @ksbkeys, @kurby22, @KyCoop, @Kymbers_crew, @Lacy Duckwing, @LadiesAndJane, @LaFleche, @lagrange chicks, @LapisLazuli, @Lazy Farmer, @Lemon-Drop, @lifein1840, @LikeTurkeys, @Lil Chicken mama, @LilFinnGirl, @Liz Birdlover, @LoanswithLaurieB, @LostBoi73, @Love Donkeys, @Lovely Lettie, @Loving my girls, @Lucas Smith, @Lucy_Dobinson, @Lunah452, @luvmigirls, @LynnaePB, @M-H-Fielding, @MagpieDucks, @MamaPoult, @Manhen, @ManWithChicks, @MarkJr, @McChooky, @mcdze, @McPickle88, @MDBird, @Meg-in-MT, @Melissashae_zookeeper, @Meri Maura, @MGG, @Miami Leghorn, @microchick, @Misfits Farm 92, @MoEggers, @MontanaChickDoc, @MorningGlory16, @Morrigan, @MotherofOrpies, @Mr Greg, @MROO, @mrsshmee, @muddy75, @Muscovy Wunda, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @NagemTX, @NanaK, @Nifty-Chicken, @Nodakj, @Nomadicus, @notabitail, @Nym, @Orpingtons Mom, @paloozaparty, @Pampered chicken girl, @Paterino Del Galaxia, @Patiocoturnix, @Peep_Show, @Peristeria, @pinewoodacres, @PioneerChicks, @pipdzipdnreadytogo, @Pipermom, @PippinTheChicken, @Pork Pie, @PostageStampRanch, @Poultrybonkers, @PRchick, @Predoggg, @Preston Bowslaugh, @Punkybrewster, @Pyxis, @quackingdom, @quailmama 82012, @Quailobsessed, @R2elk, @RadEggs, @Rahnee, @Rebechenson75, @RebelEgger, @Redchels, @Redhead Rae, @Rick589, @RoosterWhisperer, @Rose Quartz, @RoseHawke, @RossAcres, @Ruby Rogue, @Ryguy3684, @Sadness Child, @Sally PB, @Sammbalina, @Sammster, @SandyRiverChick, @SarahGfa, @SavKel&RynKel, @Serenity06, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @ShannonsChimkens, @Sheriloo3, @Shezadandy, @Show Sebright, @ShrekDawg, @Sic, @SilverBirds, @SilverChic, @SirPecksALot, @Skipper7410, @SkyAJK, @Skyle, @smfarman, @SnapdragonQ, @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds, @sourland, @Sparrows, @squirtsmomma, @STACEYH, @Star2014, @StinkyAcres, @Stino12, @SueT, @SulkyBantam, @sunnie7, @SunriseChickers, @sunshine ducky, @swampfox440, @SwampPrincessChick, @Tahai, @talkinboutchickens, @TaxladyEA, @TeresaW, @Thailander, @thanai, @The cheek coop, @The Chick Addict, @The Chickens' Maid, @The Coop Crew, @The Happster, @The Moonshiner, @The Newman Shack, @The Phantom, @TheBajan, @thechickonthehill, @TheOddOneOut, @theoldchick, @Thomas70, @tigger19687, @TimberLine Homestead, @TLCMidMichigan, @Tofu the chicken, @Tozan, @tranquiliti, @Tre3hugger, @trescloudy, @tripletfeb, @Trisseh, @TurkeyTheQuail, @Ursuline Chick, @User690263, @ValarieF, @Vicker, @WarWagon, @Watermelon123, @West-Gin Farm, @Wezdin, @Wickedchicken6, @Willow2253, @windingcircleway, @WVBirdsAndBees, @WVduckchick, @Xouie, @yakitori, @Yard Farmer, @Yorkshire Coop, @Zobot0110
It's been almost four & a half years since @Kiki started this poll. :eek:

How have you all been? Are you still using the same incubators?

Not much has changed here but we have added two new incubators and aren't using the broody hens as much. We've added an Rcom Maru MX380CD cabinet incubator and a Brinsea Ovation 56 EX Connect.
I am still using the same incubators.
It's been almost four & a half years since @Kiki started this poll. :eek:

How have you all been? Are you still using the same incubators?
Wow, time flies! I replaced the Little Giant POS with a little Brinsea 7-egg incubator (which I won on BYC years ago - wohoo!) and it made incubation SO much easier and less frustrating! I haven't used an incubator in a couple years though because I've been letting broodies raise my "utility chickens" (for meat and/or eggs). I only put in the labor and time of using an incubator if I want more pet chickens, and I don't currently have capacity to add any more until the current pet chickens kick the bucket.
@-Clementine-, @101atworld, @1sellersrobe, @21hens-incharge, @4Grand, @5Australorpasaures, @abpatchy, @Addicted To Chickens, @AGeese, @agold23, @aimee750, @akroberts1085, @aliciaplus3, @Allsfairinloveandbugs, @als77, @AltonaAcres, @alwaystj9, @ambercurly, @AMM10, @Angel07, @Annabellarose, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @aprillbailey, @AquaDuck, @Araucana Nest, @ariri30, @Arthaey, @Artichoke Lover, @Azeria, @Azhtann, @azurbanclucker, @BackroadGirl57, @backyardchicks, @BalancedRock, @bantamsrmyfav, @Banty crazy, @BantyChooks, @BarbJeanne, @Barbours, @Barnette, @Bawkbok, @BDutch, @bhaugh, @BigBlueHen53, @bill3607, @Birds of a Feather, @BirdsBeesTrees, @Blue Raptor, @BlueBaby, @Bo Garrett, @BoogieWight, @Brahma Chicken5000, @BrandonsBirbs, @britesidefarm, @Brooks_, @Buckeye Amy, @BuckleyChick, @Calista_, @CaramelKittey, @CarpCharacin, @CascadeQUAIL, @casportpony, @CastleCoop, @CATHY68, @CatLoverLu, @CCsGarden, @Cebarmlds, @chelseachook, @Chicka_deee, @Chicken_loverXx, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chicken4prez, @Chickenhappy8708, @chickenlittle21, @Chickens are life, @Chickichickichoo, @Chiknoodle, @ChloeSilkie08, @Chookchicken, @Chookwagn, @chrissynemetz, @CindyinSD, @Cinnamon Roll, @cinnamoncockatiel, @Clap p 1, @Cluckerdoodle, @CluckNDoodle, @CochAddict, @CombNWattles, @Compost King, @cooingdove, @Coops Dad, @Corbdee, @CoreyW04, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @Crazy Duck Lover, @CrazyCochin, @Croamagna, @Cturber, @cueball, @CurlyQuail, @Cyber Smoggy, @Cynthia12, @DaffytheDuck20, @Dakota60, @DallasChickyMomma, @dand883, @Daniellebell1, @darkbaysfordays, @DatCampG, @DaYooper_Duck, @dbtcowgirl, @Debbie292d, @Dementra, @Devyn Nagy, @DigbyDyson, @discerning, @Ditsydaisy, @Djgm, @DobieLover, @Dottie the Chicken, @Duck mommy 2019, @Duckie doodle, @DylanP, @Earthdale, @Ebony Rose, @Egg Farm Chicken People, @Egg Snatcher, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @ElimAcres, @EllieandOlive, @EmmaDonovan, @Erba, @Evadig, @Everose, @Farmgirl1878, @FeatherTay, @Flockincrazy, @floppysquirrel04, @Fluffnut, @Fluffy Lambs, @Fluffy_Butt, @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies, @FluffyBottomBantams, @ForestPhoenix, @fowltemptress, @Foxinthehenhouse, @Fuchsia, @FunnyfarmMidwest, @Gail Laubenthal, @Galaxy_rules, @Gallinarium, @GaryNy, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @GodLovesU, @Grannys Backyard Chicks, @Gray Farms, @Grisbeard, @Happy hen lover, @HeatherKellyB, @HerdAndHome, @HollowOfWisps, @HorseGirlAbby, @Ifitaintbroke, @Ilovechickens07, @Ilovechickens2525, @ILoveDaffy, @ilovemybabychickies, @Inga73, @Ingrid_Grace, @Insnesnakos, @iowachickens, @IttyBittyBirdy, @JacinLarkwell, @JaeG, @Jan Croot, @janiedoe, @jaredferguson, @Jenbirdee, @Jener8or, @jillybeansisme, @jjaazzy, @Jmiller89, @jolenesdad, @jonalisa, @Joylime322, @JTC, @JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @K0k0shka, @Kaw-Liga, @Kay-T-Hammer, @kaybiegirl, @kcrandall, @Kelly Klumpp, @kelseyk, @Kelsykin, @kerbotx, @Kessel23, @Kiki, @KingD, @Kizmet, @KmetijaRejc, @ksbkeys, @kurby22, @KyCoop, @Kymbers_crew, @Lacy Duckwing, @LadiesAndJane, @LaFleche, @lagrange chicks, @LapisLazuli, @Lazy Farmer, @Lemon-Drop, @lifein1840, @LikeTurkeys, @Lil Chicken mama, @LilFinnGirl, @Liz Birdlover, @LoanswithLaurieB, @LostBoi73, @Love Donkeys, @Lovely Lettie, @Loving my girls, @Lucas Smith, @Lucy_Dobinson, @Lunah452, @luvmigirls, @LynnaePB, @M-H-Fielding, @MagpieDucks, @MamaPoult, @Manhen, @ManWithChicks, @MarkJr, @McChooky, @mcdze, @McPickle88, @MDBird, @Meg-in-MT, @Melissashae_zookeeper, @Meri Maura, @MGG, @Miami Leghorn, @microchick, @Misfits Farm 92, @MoEggers, @MontanaChickDoc, @MorningGlory16, @Morrigan, @MotherofOrpies, @Mr Greg, @MROO, @mrsshmee, @muddy75, @Muscovy Wunda, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @NagemTX, @NanaK, @Nifty-Chicken, @Nodakj, @Nomadicus, @notabitail, @Nym, @Orpingtons Mom, @paloozaparty, @Pampered chicken girl, @Paterino Del Galaxia, @Patiocoturnix, @Peep_Show, @Peristeria, @pinewoodacres, @PioneerChicks, @pipdzipdnreadytogo, @Pipermom, @PippinTheChicken, @Pork Pie, @PostageStampRanch, @Poultrybonkers, @PRchick, @Predoggg, @Preston Bowslaugh, @Punkybrewster, @Pyxis, @quackingdom, @quailmama 82012, @Quailobsessed, @R2elk, @RadEggs, @Rahnee, @Rebechenson75, @RebelEgger, @Redchels, @Redhead Rae, @Rick589, @RoosterWhisperer, @Rose Quartz, @RoseHawke, @RossAcres, @Ruby Rogue, @Ryguy3684, @Sadness Child, @Sally PB, @Sammbalina, @Sammster, @SandyRiverChick, @SarahGfa, @SavKel&RynKel, @Serenity06, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @ShannonsChimkens, @Sheriloo3, @Shezadandy, @Show Sebright, @ShrekDawg, @Sic, @SilverBirds, @SilverChic, @SirPecksALot, @Skipper7410, @SkyAJK, @Skyle, @smfarman, @SnapdragonQ, @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds, @sourland, @Sparrows, @squirtsmomma, @STACEYH, @Star2014, @StinkyAcres, @Stino12, @SueT, @SulkyBantam, @sunnie7, @SunriseChickers, @sunshine ducky, @swampfox440, @SwampPrincessChick, @Tahai, @talkinboutchickens, @TaxladyEA, @TeresaW, @Thailander, @thanai, @The cheek coop, @The Chick Addict, @The Chickens' Maid, @The Coop Crew, @The Happster, @The Moonshiner, @The Newman Shack, @The Phantom, @TheBajan, @thechickonthehill, @TheOddOneOut, @theoldchick, @Thomas70, @tigger19687, @TimberLine Homestead, @TLCMidMichigan, @Tofu the chicken, @Tozan, @tranquiliti, @Tre3hugger, @trescloudy, @tripletfeb, @Trisseh, @TurkeyTheQuail, @Ursuline Chick, @User690263, @ValarieF, @Vicker, @WarWagon, @Watermelon123, @West-Gin Farm, @Wezdin, @Wickedchicken6, @Willow2253, @windingcircleway, @WVBirdsAndBees, @WVduckchick, @Xouie, @yakitori, @Yard Farmer, @Yorkshire Coop, @Zobot0110
It's been almost four & a half years since @Kiki started this poll. :eek:

How have you all been? Are you still using the same incubators?

Not much has changed here but we have added two new incubators and aren't using the broody hens as much. We've added an Rcom Maru MX380CD cabinet incubator and a Brinsea Ovation 56 EX Connect.
My incubator has been either my broody hen/duck or once, for an emergency, I used a fish bowl, spray bottle, and a reptile heat lamp.
Brinsea Ovation 56EX
Brinsea Ovation 56EX
Brinsea Ovation Connect 56EX

The last two are in use as we speak for staggered hatching. The other two may be set up later depending on supply and demand. I've got the first batch of 2025 nearly sold that hasn't even hatched yet. Silkies are still needed in Wisconsin. I had someone drive here this fall from Michigan for some stating she couldn't find any anywhere closer. 😳
@-Clementine-, @101atworld, @1sellersrobe, @21hens-incharge, @4Grand, @5Australorpasaures, @abpatchy, @Addicted To Chickens, @AGeese, @agold23, @aimee750, @akroberts1085, @aliciaplus3, @Allsfairinloveandbugs, @als77, @AltonaAcres, @alwaystj9, @ambercurly, @AMM10, @Angel07, @Annabellarose, @Antiocheggers, @AntiqueB, @aprillbailey, @AquaDuck, @Araucana Nest, @ariri30, @Arthaey, @Artichoke Lover, @Azeria, @Azhtann, @azurbanclucker, @BackroadGirl57, @backyardchicks, @BalancedRock, @bantamsrmyfav, @Banty crazy, @BantyChooks, @BarbJeanne, @Barbours, @Barnette, @Bawkbok, @BDutch, @bhaugh, @BigBlueHen53, @bill3607, @Birds of a Feather, @BirdsBeesTrees, @Blue Raptor, @BlueBaby, @Bo Garrett, @BoogieWight, @Brahma Chicken5000, @BrandonsBirbs, @britesidefarm, @Brooks_, @Buckeye Amy, @BuckleyChick, @Calista_, @CaramelKittey, @CarpCharacin, @CascadeQUAIL, @casportpony, @CastleCoop, @CATHY68, @CatLoverLu, @CCsGarden, @Cebarmlds, @chelseachook, @Chicka_deee, @Chicken_loverXx, @Chicken_tiger_catt, @chicken4prez, @Chickenhappy8708, @chickenlittle21, @Chickens are life, @Chickichickichoo, @Chiknoodle, @ChloeSilkie08, @Chookchicken, @Chookwagn, @chrissynemetz, @CindyinSD, @Cinnamon Roll, @cinnamoncockatiel, @Clap p 1, @Cluckerdoodle, @CluckNDoodle, @CochAddict, @CombNWattles, @Compost King, @cooingdove, @Coops Dad, @Corbdee, @CoreyW04, @Crazy Chicken Helen, @Crazy Duck Lover, @CrazyCochin, @Croamagna, @Cturber, @cueball, @CurlyQuail, @Cyber Smoggy, @Cynthia12, @DaffytheDuck20, @Dakota60, @DallasChickyMomma, @dand883, @Daniellebell1, @darkbaysfordays, @DatCampG, @DaYooper_Duck, @dbtcowgirl, @Debbie292d, @Dementra, @Devyn Nagy, @DigbyDyson, @discerning, @Ditsydaisy, @Djgm, @DobieLover, @Dottie the Chicken, @Duck mommy 2019, @Duckie doodle, @DylanP, @Earthdale, @Ebony Rose, @Egg Farm Chicken People, @Egg Snatcher, @Eggs_Over_EZ, @ElimAcres, @EllieandOlive, @EmmaDonovan, @Erba, @Evadig, @Everose, @Farmgirl1878, @FeatherTay, @Flockincrazy, @floppysquirrel04, @Fluffnut, @Fluffy Lambs, @Fluffy_Butt, @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies, @FluffyBottomBantams, @ForestPhoenix, @fowltemptress, @Foxinthehenhouse, @Fuchsia, @FunnyfarmMidwest, @Gail Laubenthal, @Galaxy_rules, @Gallinarium, @GaryNy, @gimmie birdies, @GirlsHuntToo, @GodLovesU, @Grannys Backyard Chicks, @Gray Farms, @Grisbeard, @Happy hen lover, @HeatherKellyB, @HerdAndHome, @HollowOfWisps, @HorseGirlAbby, @Ifitaintbroke, @Ilovechickens07, @Ilovechickens2525, @ILoveDaffy, @ilovemybabychickies, @Inga73, @Ingrid_Grace, @Insnesnakos, @iowachickens, @IttyBittyBirdy, @JacinLarkwell, @JaeG, @Jan Croot, @janiedoe, @jaredferguson, @Jenbirdee, @Jener8or, @jillybeansisme, @jjaazzy, @Jmiller89, @jolenesdad, @jonalisa, @Joylime322, @JTC, @JustAChickenLoverOverHere, @K0k0shka, @Kaw-Liga, @Kay-T-Hammer, @kaybiegirl, @kcrandall, @Kelly Klumpp, @kelseyk, @Kelsykin, @kerbotx, @Kessel23, @Kiki, @KingD, @Kizmet, @KmetijaRejc, @ksbkeys, @kurby22, @KyCoop, @Kymbers_crew, @Lacy Duckwing, @LadiesAndJane, @LaFleche, @lagrange chicks, @LapisLazuli, @Lazy Farmer, @Lemon-Drop, @lifein1840, @LikeTurkeys, @Lil Chicken mama, @LilFinnGirl, @Liz Birdlover, @LoanswithLaurieB, @LostBoi73, @Love Donkeys, @Lovely Lettie, @Loving my girls, @Lucas Smith, @Lucy_Dobinson, @Lunah452, @luvmigirls, @LynnaePB, @M-H-Fielding, @MagpieDucks, @MamaPoult, @Manhen, @ManWithChicks, @MarkJr, @McChooky, @mcdze, @McPickle88, @MDBird, @Meg-in-MT, @Melissashae_zookeeper, @Meri Maura, @MGG, @Miami Leghorn, @microchick, @Misfits Farm 92, @MoEggers, @MontanaChickDoc, @MorningGlory16, @Morrigan, @MotherofOrpies, @Mr Greg, @MROO, @mrsshmee, @muddy75, @Muscovy Wunda, @My Very First 6 Chickens, @NagemTX, @NanaK, @Nifty-Chicken, @Nodakj, @Nomadicus, @notabitail, @Nym, @Orpingtons Mom, @paloozaparty, @Pampered chicken girl, @Paterino Del Galaxia, @Patiocoturnix, @Peep_Show, @Peristeria, @pinewoodacres, @PioneerChicks, @pipdzipdnreadytogo, @Pipermom, @PippinTheChicken, @Pork Pie, @PostageStampRanch, @Poultrybonkers, @PRchick, @Predoggg, @Preston Bowslaugh, @Punkybrewster, @Pyxis, @quackingdom, @quailmama 82012, @Quailobsessed, @R2elk, @RadEggs, @Rahnee, @Rebechenson75, @RebelEgger, @Redchels, @Redhead Rae, @Rick589, @RoosterWhisperer, @Rose Quartz, @RoseHawke, @RossAcres, @Ruby Rogue, @Ryguy3684, @Sadness Child, @Sally PB, @Sammbalina, @Sammster, @SandyRiverChick, @SarahGfa, @SavKel&RynKel, @Serenity06, @Shabby Chic-Hens, @ShannonsChimkens, @Sheriloo3, @Shezadandy, @Show Sebright, @ShrekDawg, @Sic, @SilverBirds, @SilverChic, @SirPecksALot, @Skipper7410, @SkyAJK, @Skyle, @smfarman, @SnapdragonQ, @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds, @sourland, @Sparrows, @squirtsmomma, @STACEYH, @Star2014, @StinkyAcres, @Stino12, @SueT, @SulkyBantam, @sunnie7, @SunriseChickers, @sunshine ducky, @swampfox440, @SwampPrincessChick, @Tahai, @talkinboutchickens, @TaxladyEA, @TeresaW, @Thailander, @thanai, @The cheek coop, @The Chick Addict, @The Chickens' Maid, @The Coop Crew, @The Happster, @The Moonshiner, @The Newman Shack, @The Phantom, @TheBajan, @thechickonthehill, @TheOddOneOut, @theoldchick, @Thomas70, @tigger19687, @TimberLine Homestead, @TLCMidMichigan, @Tofu the chicken, @Tozan, @tranquiliti, @Tre3hugger, @trescloudy, @tripletfeb, @Trisseh, @TurkeyTheQuail, @Ursuline Chick, @User690263, @ValarieF, @Vicker, @WarWagon, @Watermelon123, @West-Gin Farm, @Wezdin, @Wickedchicken6, @Willow2253, @windingcircleway, @WVBirdsAndBees, @WVduckchick, @Xouie, @yakitori, @Yard Farmer, @Yorkshire Coop, @Zobot0110
It's been almost four & a half years since @Kiki started this poll. :eek:

How have you all been? Are you still using the same incubators?

Not much has changed here but we have added two new incubators and aren't using the broody hens as much. We've added an Rcom Maru MX380CD cabinet incubator and a Brinsea Ovation 56 EX Connect.
I haven't been on this thread before, but I use Harris Farms' Nurture Right 360, it works amazingly!
I use Brinsea Ovation 56 EX for incubation and a Maticoopx 30 for hatching.

I have three Maticoopx 30s, two are still in the box.

I do have broodies that hatch eggs as well.

I love them both even though there are drawbacks on the Brinsea that are annoying.

I want to eventually get a cabinet incubator and hatcher. I need other things first!
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