Ended Official BYC Poultry Caption Contest 11-29-24 Pic by Tiffany Wikk

This week's Caption Contest winner with the highest number of Likes, as voted by you is...

"Nope! Not me. Na-a-a! Not going to happen. No no no."


Congratulations @Gill-b - I will be contacting you momentarily on how to claim your prize!! :wee

And this week's Honorable Mention goes to @Gill-b - you get bragging rights once again for posting the highest number of captions in this week's contest :woot

Thanks to all who participated - these contests wouldn't be possible without all of you. :celebrate

Check out the latest fun & exciting caption contest HERE!
This week's Caption Contest winner with the highest number of Likes, as voted by you is...


Congratulations @Gill-b - I will be contacting you momentarily on how to claim your prize!! :wee

And this week's Honorable Mention goes to @Gill-b - you get bragging rights once again for posting the highest number of captions in this week's contest :woot

Thanks to all who participated - these contests wouldn't be possible without all of you. :celebrate

Check out the latest fun & exciting caption contest HERE!


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