My second loaf of bread goes in the oven at 4. Rye is cooling as we speak. I'll start the NY Strip roast as soon as I get the bread in the oven, then the butternut squash soup and mushroom gravy. DIL has made the rest of the sides. I was going to make wilted kale with a bacon/onion/balsamic reduction, but we already have plenty of sides.

ETA: So I'll pick the kale tomorrow and do it then.
20171123_170258.jpg I got hubby to help and put the solar water heater in the run! I planned to put it in the corner but then it would be too difficult to get the waterer in and out. Collected poo and filled the compost bin with that and leaves. I didn't get time to collect weeds to provide the green component so that will have to be tomorrow. I also have to make the window box screen over box chickens from digging up the grass as it sprouts. They were very interested in the solar contraption. I did not open the door yet for them to get in, but plan to tomorrow ! Happy with progress but never did get my other spring bulbs planted.
Tell me is it worth eating
A bird that bothers you
Because i have this quail who
Is incredibly aggressive
She pecks me won't lay eggs
And kills every bird she's with
She hisses and snarls too
Which is odd for a bird :confused:
Off with her head. Supper tomorrow or whenever.
Tell me is it worth eating
A bird that bothers you
Because i have this quail who
Is incredibly aggressive
She pecks me won't lay eggs
And kills every bird she's with
She hisses and snarls too
Which is odd for a bird :confused:

As long as there is no logical reason for the issues I would cull the bird.
I have not raised quail so do not know what environment they require. If your others are well mannered there is no reason to think it is a management issue.
Looks like everyone has had a busy day.

Supper is over, dishes are done, and leftovers are put away. Pie will be later as we all had plenty to eat.

I only got 4 eggs today. Thirty one dad gummed birds and just 4 eggs. Well it is better then last years counts.

I hope everyone HD an enjoyable day.

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