RR, It sounds like things are starting to "normalize" very nicely in your blended family, which is great progress. The finalized adoption helps with that too. I'm so happy for you guys.
Hi guys!

We’ve been busy for the last month. Second week of June, we went on vacation to the DC metro area and we took the boys to the Natural History Museum, the Smithsonian Zoo, the Baltimore Aquarium, and the Udvar-Hazy air and space museum near Dulles airport. They had a lot of fun. We had fun too. When we got back we had to help clean our church for VBS (vacation bible school) over the weekend. Then I had a full week of work, then we set up for VBS and had VBS the last week of June. The last day of VBS, a couple of the kids and me and DH all had minor coughs. The day after VBS both me and DH got knocked on our butts for almost 2 weeks with what we can only assume was covid since we have nasty coughs and lost our sense of smell and somewhat lost our sense of taste. We’ve only been feeling mostly normal in the last 2-3 days. I think because we were so worn out from not having any breaks for 3 weeks that the illness hit us harder than it would have normally. We’re still not completely there but we’re back to about 85%. It’s mostly a lingering cough and not having our normal stamina back yet.

Onto the good news.

Yesterday we got our court date for the adoption hearing! It’s 8/22! We’re so happy that we’ll have this done and finished. We also got our foster sons’ buy-in on the adoption as well as with their name changes. The older one’s middle name was odd so we asked him if he wanted to change it. He likes his first name so he wants to keep that. After we dissuaded him from is initial choice of Ironman he settled on picking the name of one of the characters from Paw Patrol as his middle name. It’s a nice normal name which won’t be weird when he gets older so we said okay to it. The younger foster kid has nicknames for his legal name. Think something along the lines of Billy Bob Lastname III. It’s just as hick-ish sounding too. So we are changing his legal name to the formal names of his nickname so going from Billy Bob to William Robert. This isn’t actually what his name is and will be but it is the same idea. We’ll keep calling him by the nickname, but he’ll have a more formal name to fall back on in the future. We are so excited! 41 days until the adoption!

Glad most things are working out.
Great about the boys
Prayer that covid leaves you soon.
We had surprise bacon seeds this morning. 6 vigorous, healthy little babies. One so vigorous, she found her way out of our pig port and into the middle of our backyard at less than 12 hours old. We have one other girl that looks like she’s going to pop. The gilts’ brother broke in and got busy. Oh well, they’ll fill up the freezer nicely in 1.5 years.


Hi guys. We had an interesting week.

The first mama pig lost one of her babies. I think to being squished. So down to 5 babies. The second mama, the biggest, pushiest girl of the lot, had 5 on Thursday evening. Friday morning we were working on getting pig pens revamped and decided to make an emergency pen for the one mama and all the babies since 3 more had been squished. We initially put the big, pushy mama (DH named her momzilla) in with the babies but she wouldn’t nurse them and wasn’t being careful with them. So we got the first mama in there and she’s been taking wonderful care of them.


We built half the new pen yesterday and finished the second half of the pens today. We then started moving pigs around. We got momzilla and another girl in with Jericho, our original sow. Then we moved the third gilt and I noticed that even though she is tiny she looks pregnant still so we put her in one of the pens we build for the boars so she is by herself if she has her babies soon. Then we tried to move the last gilt. This is the niece of the girls we moved already and the granddaughter of Jericho. We got her lured out and was putting her into the chute to guide her to the pen we wanted her in when she bolted up the hill. We tried getting her back down but she wasn’t coming while we were up the hill trying to get her down we noticed at least one other pig was out. I thought it was momzilla but I wasn’t sure. At the point when I almost passed out from running around and DH was about to collapse as well we decided it was best for all involved if we just did her in (with a gun) to keep her from going wild. It would have been worse to let her go because we didn’t know if she was pregnant or not. She wasn’t about to pop but the boar got in with them about 2 weeks ago. DH got her with one shot. We then only found Jericho in the pen and the smaller gilt roaming the yard. My brother had forgotten to latch the pen when we went chasing after the loose gilt. We got the smaller gilt contained and couldn’t see momzilla. DH and my brother went back up the hill to deal with the dead pig and I sat drinking water to recover. I then noticed the original door to the gilt pen was open, not how my husband left it. I looked and momzilla had put herself away. I shut the door and told everyone else. We decided that was enough for one day and left it at that. We’ll make some improvements to our chute system for the future to keep the pigs better contained for now I’m happy the babies are safe and the pigs that are still with us are contained.
Hi guys. We had an interesting week.

The first mama pig lost one of her babies. I think to being squished. So down to 5 babies. The second mama, the biggest, pushiest girl of the lot, had 5 on Thursday evening. Friday morning we were working on getting pig pens revamped and decided to make an emergency pen for the one mama and all the babies since 3 more had been squished. We initially put the big, pushy mama (DH named her momzilla) in with the babies but she wouldn’t nurse them and wasn’t being careful with them. So we got the first mama in there and she’s been taking wonderful care of them.

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We built half the new pen yesterday and finished the second half of the pens today. We then started moving pigs around. We got momzilla and another girl in with Jericho, our original sow. Then we moved the third gilt and I noticed that even though she is tiny she looks pregnant still so we put her in one of the pens we build for the boars so she is by herself if she has her babies soon. Then we tried to move the last gilt. This is the niece of the girls we moved already and the granddaughter of Jericho. We got her lured out and was putting her into the chute to guide her to the pen we wanted her in when she bolted up the hill. We tried getting her back down but she wasn’t coming while we were up the hill trying to get her down we noticed at least one other pig was out. I thought it was momzilla but I wasn’t sure. At the point when I almost passed out from running around and DH was about to collapse as well we decided it was best for all involved if we just did her in (with a gun) to keep her from going wild. It would have been worse to let her go because we didn’t know if she was pregnant or not. She wasn’t about to pop but the boar got in with them about 2 weeks ago. DH got her with one shot. We then only found Jericho in the pen and the smaller gilt roaming the yard. My brother had forgotten to latch the pen when we went chasing after the loose gilt. We got the smaller gilt contained and couldn’t see momzilla. DH and my brother went back up the hill to deal with the dead pig and I sat drinking water to recover. I then noticed the original door to the gilt pen was open, not how my husband left it. I looked and momzilla had put herself away. I shut the door and told everyone else. We decided that was enough for one day and left it at that. We’ll make some improvements to our chute system for the future to keep the pigs better contained for now I’m happy the babies are safe and the pigs that are still with us are contained.
What a week! Glad you all could deal with it.
Feral pigs are no joke.
Need piggy pictures 💕
WOWSERS!!!! You've done enough in one day to qualify as a week's worth of chores. Sorry you had to put one down. That's sad, and frustrating at the same time. I'm glad they didn't all escape. I hope things go better for you moving forward.
This is fantastic news! You chicken mathed with humans!
What size does the largest wear?
Thing 1 is in 10/12, our new kiddos (Things A1 and A2) are both in size 8, Thing 2 is in 6/7, and Thing 3 is in 4T. I think Thing 2 will be joining sizes with Things A1 and A2 soon and surpassing them eventually since both their bio parents are shorter adults.

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