Officially in coop full time


Mar 11, 2024
White Mountains of Arizona
Just an update on the chicks…they’re almost 7 weeks now and have been in the coop full time for 4 days. I think they’re loving it. Though I still have to make sure they all go inside at night sometimes. A bit worried as tonight will be 33°, it’s been in the low forties lately 😬 Here’s a few photos of some of the mods we did like vents, roof, HC and apron (still debating roost bar placement) and a cute video of a scrambled egg breakfast

They’re doing well! They love being outside. I do have a question for you. Have you figured out the pecking order? I cannot figure it out with my four.
I honestly can’t tell either! I have one red and one barred that always seem to be in front of things. A few times they “spar.” I also have one really slow barred. The rest will exit their run when I give them free range, and she will run the fence line like “how do I get out?” when she literally did it an hour ago ❤😂 Maybe they’re still too young? They are so fascinating though right?
I honestly can’t tell either! I have one red and one barred that always seem to be in front of things. A few times they “spar.” I also have one really slow barred. The rest will exit their run when I give them free range, and she will run the fence line like “how do I get out?” when she literally did it an hour ago ❤😂 Maybe they’re still too young? They are so fascinating though right?
I honestly can’t tell either! I have one red and one barred that always seem to be in front of things. A few times they “spar.” I also have one really slow barred. The rest will exit their run when I give them free range, and she will run the fence line like “how do I get out?” when she literally did it an hour ago ❤😂 Maybe they’re still too young? They are so fascinating though right?
I have a really slow barred too. That’s too funny. 😂 Mine will do the same thing when I let them free range. My Orpington and the Easter Egger are usually the first to run outside. They sure are fascinating!

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