Oh, boy. I’ve got myself a broody hen.


In the Brooder
Nov 30, 2021
Hello y’all!

I need some help. I believe my Buff Orpington has gone broody. For the last few days, she has taken residence in one of the nesting boxes. I’ve seen her out and about twice and that was about it.

What is the best way to help her along with this? I’ve read multiple articles but still not sure which method is the right one. I really don’t want to cage her if at all possible. She is still super lovey and I would hate to do that. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Any suggestions are super appreciated. Please be nice, this is my first experience with broodiness 😬🤣🤣
Putting her in chicken jail is the recommended way to break her. You give her food, water, and a perch and leave her in there for 1-2 days.

You can also try removing the eggs from the box, but normally they sit anyways. You can block of the box that she is nesting in but again, she may just choose a different box to sit.

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