Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

I have enough hens, but those egg-laying roosters would be worth a fortune!

I have 15 of them egg laying roosters right here. BUT I will not split them up. They are 30 bucks each. You need to feed them just right to get eggs, but if you do they will lay them...Scouts Honor....\

If they don't lay, I am guessing you fed them wrong.
I have 15 of them egg laying roosters right here. BUT I will not split them up. They are 30 bucks each.  You need to feed them just right to get eggs, but if you do they will lay them...Scouts Honor....\

If they don't lay, I am guessing you fed them wrong.

Are you a lawyer or underwriter? Because you sure do have a loophole there. :gig
Found this one today. Nothing bad with the wording. He/she is even honest that the EEs are not purebred, but I think a diff pic should have been used. I highly doubt that little duckling will be laying blue eggs.
:lau They don't look black to me!

Which post is this one directed towards? If you mean the 'ameraucanas' then while I don't think those ones are pure (the hen even has feathered legs for crying out loud) purebred ameraucanas come in colors other than black :)
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