Oh no! I think I killed the chick?!

Well I've been out there for the last 30 minutes taking care of it. I dipped it's beak in the water and then tipped it's head back (it's not even holding up it's head at this point). I did it about every 5 minutes for about 15 minutes. Then when I got up to walk away it suddenly seemed to have a surge of energy and almost got up on it's legs and started peeping really loud! Yay!!!! It stopped peeping and flopped down after only about 15 seconds, but I think that was a good sign. I dipped it's beak about 4 more times in the next 15 minutes. She had a second loud peeping spurt during that time too.
The umbilical cord/shell/membrane dried quite a bit and I tugged on it a little and it came off.

I'm totally hoping that tomorrow she has more strength. I want to put her back in with the momma, but I worry if she's not walking and not even peeping that she'll be shunned until the other ones are hatched and won't stay warm over night.
Oh, good idea about the stuffed animal. I'll dig through my kids animals and see what I can find (I have a 2, 5, and 7 year old and they're all pulling for this little chick too!)
She looked a little better this morning and was actually standing up. Still really wobbely, and couldn't walk very well. Then we went to church. Just got back and she's like a whole new chick!!! She was walking around and peeping.

Just checked on Momma and she had 4 more chicks under her
I went and got our little black chick (that had been thrown in the trash) and put in with her. I watched her for 15 minutes or so to make sure she wasn't going to kill her and she looked like she was going to accept her so I ran in here to post that everything looked good
I might post pictures tomorrow becuase we need to leave our house in a few minutes for my nephews first birthday party, and I don't think I'll have time to do it tonight.
Here's one I snapped of Fanny and her chicks yesterday (do you see the 4 chicks in the picture?)

I took this one this morning after I pushed her off the nest. 6 babies!!! (including the little one I threw away that is now as strong as ever) One more egg in the nest has pipped, so they're still hatching even!

The one with the brown face is the one I threw away (I think) All I know for sure is it's the one that has a few silvery feathers on it's back (do you see the beak of it's brother/sister peeking out underneath momma's feathers?)
So happy that they hatched and we didn't loose the one I took away!

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