Ok, why do you have to use 90% of my auction wording?

I saw that listing before. I remember it because I though how stupid it was to send out chicks that are 2 weeks old. Especially in winter.

Seems like they're keeping them for 2 weeks so they can get a better idea as to which ones are roosters. Wouldn't be surprised.
Reread the imposter's ad again ---
"None birds are hatchery stock"
The poster copy/pasted your ad and deleted the part with your name in it, that's why that line doesn't make sense in their ad.
I'd be peeved too!
Honestly in my opinion Sussex chicks are hard to sex. I sell mine straight run because the ones I thought were males for the longest time turned out to be females. The stock I bought from Green Fire Farms was totally wrong. He had to replace a cockerel with a pullet because he sexed them wrong, and on top of that (which was in my favor) some of my trio's turned out to be all hens. I asked how he sexed and he said "by the size of the head" in which obviously (in my opinion) wasn't working. I don't vent sex, to risky.
I did send him/her? a very strong email asking them to stop using my auction wording and basically told used my own wording (hee hee) of what I put on BYC. Thanks for everyones input and support! Here are some of my Sussex kids...I plan on posting a split Sussex chick auction soon on BYC. It will be my first time auctioneering on here.





They are lovely! Such a classic looking breed. Someone posted an old black and white photo of their grandmother in Europe surrounded by very similar birds. I haven't been able to get that image out of my head

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