OKAY--I WANT: A Rare Breed that ranges well, is thrifty, more...(WA)

I still have that Crevecoeur Pair. Otherwise I'm pretty much down to just my Ameraucanas and Welsummers. You can see pics of all my birds and the aforementioned breeds eggs on my website.

God Bless,
what about Buckeyes? They were bred for cold tolerance. And here in S E Arkansas I am going to find out if they are heat tolerant as well. Supposed to be good rangers with a good temperament and decent lagers.
I second Buckeyes. Our hens are 2 years old. They stopped laying for some of Dec and January, but are back to laying in Feb.

They range really well, and take care of themselves. Ours lay a really nice darker brown speckled egg. Some of the others we have purchased lay a medium sized paler brown egg. Either way it's a decent looking egg.
Cubalaya have good heat resistance, but as far as cold? Not so sure. They do fine here in SE Oklahoma with little shelter, but up in Washington? I know of folks that live in PA that keep them, and I believe there are some in Utah and MN. I don't know what types of pens they keep. As long as you can keep a coop draft free and dry, they should be fine. Make sure they're at least 8 mos old before winter hits. They're slow maturing. They love to free range and are people friendly.

With Cubalaya - it'd be best to find a breeder, the hatchery stock is lacking (with the exception of Urch/Turnland and Sandhill Preservation's black breasted reds). They do also come in bantam size, but I do not know of anyone who has *good* ones. Most I've seen look more like old english bantams than cubalaya.
Standard houdans would fit that bill as well. They are large enough to process, very range well and lay a nice egg too. Plus they are most definately rare and different.
Chanteclears are my pic though for what you want. I love them! Hardy, lay well, range well, easy to get along with. Just a all round nice bird
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Ameraucanas are certainly an option. I have 2 and they are free range and lay every other day. They are calm quiet birds and super friendly. Our Ameraucan hens will fly up on our back when bending over the feed barrel. All of our hens are "trained" to come to the coop when called. We have a terrible coyote problem here and it's not an option to shut them up at night. I suggest also any chicken you select have a "camouflaged" color. Light colored chickens are "coyote" magnets. Black Australops are a good breed but can be noisy.
Becca ~ Prairie Sky Farm
Remember that how the birds are healthwise going into winter greatly affects if they have problems with the cold. I can tell you from my experience that my BANTAM houdans have done awesome with -40 and even -50 temps. No breed is inherently cold intolerant (seramas maybe) it's how you take care of them. If they have a insulated coop and quality food and fresh water daily any breed survives cold just fine.

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