Okay, who laid what?

No, no double yolks in the giant green egg from yesterday, nor the one today. The one today also came with a bullseye. I won't be trying to incubate these for a bit yet though if I do at all. And it's my rouen laying the green eggs. Early this AM I got up before dawn and checked, no eggs yet. So I waited by their pen and verified. Now I need more coffee.
The yolks are the same size, but my pekin's eggs have a lot less "leg room" I guess I'd say. Air sacs are also the same size.

Very interesting indeed! Thank you all for the help!
Im a little confused my mum found an egg on Sunday we decided to leave it and see what our ducks did (first time we have ever had ducks) and now the egg is gone !!! We live in suburban Sydney Australia so we don't have any real predators like foxes. But also stella has only laid on egg is that normal?
And to chip into the thread my Pekin duck's egg looked just like the two smaller eggs
Those are some mighty fine pekins, from the photo in your profile angeliduck! And thank you for the confirmation on yours in comparison. Nails that for me!

As far as the egg vanishing, I have no idea! I haven't encountered this as I'm just starting out getting eggs myself, but like chickens, will ducks eat their own eggs? Someone with better experience might have a better idea.
Ducks will eat their own eggs at times. I think some of mine ate their eggs when they cracked open in the cold.
Most ducks don't lay an egg every day. My Pekins would have one or two days a week when they didn't lay during the summer. Right now they aren't laying much because it's winter.
Mine are laying daily now, and it's cold! They're not really free ranging it though yet, too much snow here on the ground. They did get out yesterday though. Wonder if being cooped up has anything to do with it?
Mine are laying daily now, and it's cold! They're not really free ranging it though yet, too much snow here on the ground. They did get out yesterday though. Wonder if being cooped up has anything to do with it?
I'm wondering if it is due to being cooped up to an extent. One of my girls has been pissy all winter. There's just too much snow here to let them back outside.

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