***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We love guineas here!!! I have a free range flock & a flock of fancy colors that stays penned up. Are those lavender? Hard for me to tell since I am on my phone.
Welcome to the okie forum

Smaller ones are coral blue and the somewhat larger ones are sky blue or powder , can't remember which .

Lmk when you have keets or eggs next yr. I lost my coral blue to predators & I only have 1 sky blue. I could even trade you some keets. I have an assortment of colors. The coral blue was my favorite-- but now I am thinking chocolates are my new favorite!!
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Very handsome, I especially like the last one w/ lacing on his breast. Do the females carry themselves as erect as the males? Do the males have that funny long crow? Do they get along well w/ other chickens?

This is the type breed that the females only basically lay in clutches a couple of times a year, right?
Finally got the dehydrator loaded w/ hot peppers. I got two full loads from 3 plants, all after the heat broke. During the heat they lived but didn't do anything, then seemingly overnight they grew lush and bore like crazy.
Thanks to all of BYCers that attended Saturday night at Blanchard.Sorry i did not make it around to say hello to all. They keep me so busy but i enjoy it. Come early so next time we can visit a bit.
Hiya Bill, I believe that is Jerry's S/N on here, did you get much rain at your place? Everything that can hold water in my yard was full it takes a while to make the rounds and dump it all before the skeeters find them I'm still dumping water this evening it looked like a lot of rain fell here but the pond didn't come up very much, I'd sure like to see it get full again
The gold and black one is flippin' gorgeous! They look like those Shamo to me. I had no idea some of these game birds were so pretty.
A question for you bean and pea growers ..................... I planted southern peas this year for the first time (beans also but that was a whole diff issue) anyway they appear to have grown well vining all up the fence and all, don't think I was late getting them out ( but could have been a week or two) anyway I have harvested basically the same amount of seed that I planted, by the looks of the vines I may double what I planted, I certainally won't get enough to eat. Was that b/c of this horrible garden year? or did I do something wrong? Even if I don't get to eat any just having them in the garden and allowing them to mulch is good for the garden (fixing nitrogen and all) right?
Very handsome, I especially like the last one w/ lacing on his breast. Do the females carry themselves as erect as the males? Do the males have that funny long crow? Do they get along well w/ other chickens?

This is the type breed that the females only basically lay in clutches a couple of times a year, right?

. The hens carry themselves nearly as erect as the cocks. The cocks crow normally. The cocks do not get along with other cocks, and many hens dont get along together either. If they are raised together some hens do ok together. These hens actually lay better than my oegb. They have averaged 5 eggs a.week since spring, even through the heat, they layed three eggs or more a week.
Did you look @ the suggested yield for your variety? Don't remember what seed I was looking @ the other day but it was expensive & didn't look like the yield even produced the cost of the seed.

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