***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Has anyone successfully trapped bobcats in live traps I don't want to use steel traps they are unforgiving I trap hogs wounder if the same trap would work on cats . Any ideals?

I have, but it took a while. If you catch any, shoot that thing as soon as you can before it tears its way out. If one ever does escape a trap, it'll be trap smart and never go back into another one.
PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! Don't re-locate them!!!
They will just find another poultry lover and start killing their birds. Once they get a taste of poultry,
they won't go back to eating their natural prey.
They're worse than raccoons.

BTW, When I called the game warden, I told him of my birds getting killed. He denied there were any bob cats anywhere near the area. Found out later they had released 2 females and a male over a year prior to that just up the road.
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Yes, the game warden says the same thing about mountain lions (cougars) in our area. One of my neighbors took an injured horse to a vet at OSU two weeks ago. The vet said that based on the width between the teeth punctures on the horse's face and mouth and the space between the claw marks on the neck, that it was a very large cougar. The horse had extensive surgery and will make it but will have some awful scars. Another vet in our area also confirmed the "visits" by a large cat. The cat is ranging up and down Sand Creek.
Those that have been released have tracking devices in their ear. The game warden will come recover the device if one is killed and takes hair samples and a tooth for DNA. It is not against the law to kill one if it is endangering your livestock.
We also have packs of coyotes with lots of hungry young to feed. All the neighbors are teaming up on lookout and eradication mode. Several have lost new calves. Lots of yelping and howling at night.
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Our game warden has finally owned up to their being mountain lions in our area. I think he said they had seven documented sightings. He still says they weren't intentionally brought in, but have extended their range from another state--I don't remember which--and their ranges can be very large.
Big cats are so beautiful I would hate to have to shoot one. I think that if I ran into out somewhere I would be absolutely terrified and there is not much that scares me.

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