***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Okay, weird chicken question time. Dorcus is 11 days old and I just happened to look in on her earlier and it looked like she was trying to pass feces, but was having problems getting it out. I gave her a few minutes, then picked her up to look her over and she had what looked like crusted feces caked to her belly right beneath her vent. Golfball sized chick, quarter sized matt of ick. I ran some warm water over her tuckus to soften it and clean it off. I didn't see what looked like any obstructions.

Is this semi-normal for hatchlings? She seems to be eating and drinking okay. I'm currently giving the chicks starter crumble. Should I supplement?

kyz, that sounds like pasty butt.....what are you using for bedding? I use, in their first two weeks, just plain paper towels in the brooder, changed every day and ACV (apple cider vinegar, the best is the unpasteurized, more expensive, but the other will work as well. 1/2 tablespoon to a quart. 2 tablespoons to a gallon) in their water. It seems to help. and always if they have a build up of poo, every day a cleaning of that area.
I used paper towels the first week then switched to pine shavings. I figured that might be it, but it didn't happen the first few days. I need bigger shavings.

It doesn't help that this was my first attempt to hatch eggs and she was my only hatch. It's like first-baby syndrome.

I used paper towels the first week then switched to pine shavings. I figured that might be it, but it didn't happen the first few days. I need bigger shavings.

It doesn't help that this was my first attempt to hatch eggs and she was my only hatch. It's like first-baby syndrome.

shavings (in my opinion and experience) no matter the size, can be used after about 4 weeks or so of age. I have used shavings and had issues with poo butt and mortality so now I don't put any of my babies on shavings at all. They are either on sand or in a wire bottomed cage. Way less issues when it comes to poopy butt. Try ACV and keep the poo chute cleaned.
Hello, fellow okies :) I'm new to chickens and I am wanting to start showing. Can anyone please give me some contact information? Also I'd like to develop friendships with my fellow chicken lovers

There is a big poultry show in Newcastle, OK on Oct 19th. Big as in hundreds and hundreds of birds from across the state and maybe out of state too. You might come down to meet folks, see all kinds of breeds and often there are some for sale as well.
kyz, that sounds like pasty butt.....what are you using for bedding? I use, in their first two weeks, just plain paper towels in the brooder, changed every day and ACV (apple cider vinegar, the best is the unpasteurized, more expensive, but the other will work as well. 1/2 tablespoon to a quart. 2 tablespoons to a gallon) in their water. It seems to help. and always if they have a build up of poo, every day a cleaning of that area.
It's been my observation that when the chicks get a little bit chilled they tend to get pasty butt, Just clean their little bottom off so they won't get plugged up!! Paper towels for brand new chicks so they can get their legs under them ...then I use cut to size paper feed bags until their little feet are big enough to walk on the wire. Wood shavings for very young chicks is not advisable they tend to eat them....... not good.
All my chicks go on either sand or good ol' garden dirt from day one. My preference is sand, but don't always have it, have never run out of garden dirt yet! lol
You guys are the best! It's like being able to talk about a new baby's poops with professional diaper changers. Where else could you go for this?! Thank you.

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