***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Main thing is to stay calm but that's kinda hard to pack into a kit. Animals react to you and it's best to remain calm even though your heart feels like it's about to fly out of your chest. When Teva's colt got into a bad way with a fence post we could both see that the other was about to lose it, we knew what needed to be done and we did it. Luckily the post went between the hide and muscle and just tore about a two foot gash. He's still out in the pasture today.

Another thing that I keep on hand is Ball pickling lime. It will dry up a weeping wound. Had to use it and wound spray that doc Voschel used to make up after Hotshot chewed out his stitches and re-opened the wound. Healed with no visible scar but if you know where to feel it can be felt.
The eye ointment is good for treating injuries to the eyes like a pecking injury, it will prevent the eye from clouding over after infection sets in. Less then ten bucks at Atwoods.
I have some prescription bactirum eye ointment. I have gloves just forgot to put those in there. Thanks for the reminder. The vet wrap is a good idea need to add that to my list.

I had this from getting a dog over parvo so I have it in the kit. I also have the powder electrolytes which works, as well.. I have to doctor so many of my animals over the years, this has kind of been a culmination of what I have needed when in an emergency situation...
Maybe one day I can achieve an awesome first aid kit like this! You're prepared for it all!!
Neat first aid kit ... but I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do with most of it. Why do you have cat food in it? Is that for your cats or is there a use for poultry? (mine eat dry cat food all the time ... sigh)

I keep blue kote, vet wrap, epsom salts, anitbiotic ointment, terramycin (?), and eye ointment as well as empty syringes and tweezers. Probably need other things but that's all I've ever had to use. We even set a broken turkey leg and it healed great. Feather picking, on the other hand, seems to be our down fall.

Even our new baby turkeys who are less than a week old, all ganged up on one and kept picking at the newly emerging wing feathers until it was bleeding. I had to separate them. I've never had babies do that before.

In happier news, we finally identified our surprise bird today as a silver-spangled hamburg.

And in other happier news ... a week before Christmas our nephew was killed in a car accident. No, that's not the happy part. It was devastating to all of us but, today, his girlfriend told us that she was pregnant with his child and asked that we all be part of the babies life. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions.
I did it! I finally went to my first chicken auction and didn't come home with every chicken in the barn! We unfortunately got a lot of bantams that were very malnourished and in that lot was an Americauna "hen" (and somehow it magically changed to a rooster on the way home). Well, ok, that is what it was listed as and I just don't remember looking at them all while we walked around. So this rooster... is very very very sick. One of the bantams has some neck issue where it walks with it's head turned to it's side. This is what I get for not looking them over before I get them. Ugh. So on a good note I did get some much healthier birds. My only standard size is a trio of buff cochins. They are pretty awesome! So now heres the kicker that I know you will all gasp with me. They were all thrown in with my healthy flock birds. Yup. No quarantine. So please pray for my birds so they don't get anything and survive. This was NOT my idea as my husband who had chickens when he was younger and talks to his father who was the one who raised them tells his son that a chicken is a chicken and it shouldn't matter and people are crazy for putting birds separate from the others as he nor his father did that.
So... I asked hubby to help me with materials for this quarantine pen today and he almost laughed in my face.
I thought maybe he was kidding and we will just keep them in the crate and get the pen together tomorrow because he can SEE and HEAR I am concerned. Nope. Opened the crates and put them in with the others. Bantams with bantams (I got the sick ones in the crates though) and the big ones with the big ones. We will see who gets sick and then I can tell him "I told you so". Then we also came home with two baby bunnies. I don't want any darn rabbits. We have no hutches for any smelly rabbits. Dad gum husband is going to sleep with the chickens!
Sorry. I just had to vent. Maybe some of you haven't quarantined birds and had a success story to make me feel better about this?

Why the heck would anyone put sick birds in an auction!?!?!? I also saw a rooster with obvious frostbite on its comb! People just amaze me.
NNBreeder (Les) and Kyzmette....could the Ball pickling lime be used on Kyzmette's bird with frost bitten feet when the blisters rupture to stop the weeping plasma? Do you leave the absorbed lime to form a scab or do you rinse it off?

Muesky...great info on the emergency kit.
Neat first aid kit ... but I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do with most of it. Why do you have cat food in it? Is that for your cats or is there a use for poultry? (mine eat dry cat food all the time ... sigh)

I keep blue kote, vet wrap, epsom salts, anitbiotic ointment, terramycin (?), and eye ointment as well as empty syringes and tweezers. Probably need other things but that's all I've ever had to use. We even set a broken turkey leg and it healed great. Feather picking, on the other hand, seems to be our down fall.

Even our new baby turkeys who are less than a week old, all ganged up on one and kept picking at the newly emerging wing feathers until it was bleeding. I had to separate them. I've never had babies do that before.

In happier news, we finally identified our surprise bird today as a silver-spangled hamburg.

And in other happier news ... a week before Christmas our nephew was killed in a car accident. No, that's not the happy part. It was devastating to all of us but, today, his girlfriend told us that she was pregnant with his child and asked that we all be part of the babies life. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions.
Congrat. on the baby. That's got to be really great news for his mom and dad. And yes talk about a roller coaster of emotions. A friend just lost her son in a car accident on Tuesday. This is the time to really trust God.
Whew, Just finished reading old Okies in the BYC. My neck doesn't like it. One of these days I'll be up to date.

I wonder how you auction junkies did today. Some day I'll rant about how I feel about poultry auctions. Maybe not. I know there's lots of good breeders and private people to buy from. Oops.
Is that what you call passive/aggressive? Seriously, I get so excited when I see chickens for sale. It's hard to use self control. I used to go around and look. Maybe someday again. Sigh.
I did it! I finally went to my first chicken auction and didn't come home with every chicken in the barn! We unfortunately got a lot of bantams that were very malnourished and in that lot was an Americauna "hen" (and somehow it magically changed to a rooster on the way home). Well, ok, that is what it was listed as and I just don't remember looking at them all while we walked around. So this rooster... is very very very sick. One of the bantams has some neck issue where it walks with it's head turned to it's side..
......So on a good note I did get some much healthier birds. My only standard size is a trio of buff cochins. They are pretty awesome! So now heres the kicker that I know you will all gasp with me. They were all thrown in with my healthy flock birds. Yup. No quarantine. So please pray for my birds so they don't get anything and survive. ....Opened the crates and put them in with the others. Bantams with bantams (I got the sick ones in the crates though) and the big ones with the big ones. We will see who gets sick and then I can tell him "I told you so". Maybe some of you haven't quarantined birds and had a success story to make me feel better about this? :idunno
Why the heck would anyone put sick birds in an auction!?!?!?
. Shortened

What symptoms does the rooster show? Anything respiratory?
Definitely check for mites on all the birds you purchased and treat quickly.
Start treating respiratory with either Gallimycin or Denegard in the drinking water for the whole flock...sick birds and as a preventative for the healthy.
May have to cull the bird with neck issues (if she doesn't respond to vitamins). And the "very very very sick" rooster rather than continue to expose your healthy flock.

As for people who take sick birds to an auction.....well, better I not respond.
I got 3 bantam ameraucana hens. They are adorable. One laid a blue egg while at auction. I got 3 welsummer hens too.

But on the way to auction I got 4 black langshan pullets and 3 LF white Wyandotte pullets.

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