***OKIES in the BYC III ***

nanakat, thanks for the invite :). I'm Ksanes daughter LOL, i usually just lurk here, and ask her anything i need to know. i'll see if i can attatch some pics of my little ones

my 4 marans, 2 roosters and 2 hens (Ellen is missing in this pic)

Speck and his late hen Gerard. we recently lost her to unknown causes

My 2 silkied saramas

my polish

and then i have 6 OEGB's (it's hard to get them all in one shot)

plus i have 2 more young roosters one is an orloff marans mix and the other is marans, i just don't have any up to date pics of them. Plus there are several of Mitzi's birds i'm attatched to, but they're hers so i can't claim them. So anyways that's my story, i'll try and get better pics soon, it's hard to get mitzi to part from her camera because she's always taking pictures lol and my camera on my phone doesn't do justice to my feathery friends :)
Hey Shana
! Such purdy birds, I know. We do need to get a good shot of the Orloff/Marans cockerel, he's gorgeous.
He better not think he's going to help me on the clay oven at this point or there's going to be a war in northern oklahoma to end all wars. He's already insisting that we need to use the clay with 300% sand added and the blocks haven't even remotely dried. That one is so crumbly, I'm not using it and IT'S MY OVEN.
Check with a local high school art teacher or a university art department on the percentages of sand to clay for a good clay body for an oven. Tiles will dry and fire differently than bricks. 300% sand will not hold up to the long term use of the oven.
Will you be using a high fire clay body or a low fire one?
Will the oven floor(the baking surface) be smooth tiles.
You will want a clay body for those tiles that does not warp in the firing process. As long as the clay shrinks at the same rate both directions without warping you should be okay.

oh and shame on me i forgot Janie!

oh and here's a pic of Shinu a few hrs. old

Your birds are lovely!! Great pictures.
Just checking in, no way that I can keep up so I just want to say Hi to everyone whether an old hand or newcomer.

Wow, what a ride I'm having. At first the task at hand was almost too much since trucks and equipment has changed so much since I last worked on the new ones. I was letting the fact that everything is computer controlled intimidate me but then I thought to myself that after all it's still just a bunch of nuts and bolts.

Had to get my attitude right too, I was so used to thinking along other lines such as customers and cost etc. The right attitude is that these trucks are MINE, the boss just happens to have his name on their titles.

I have got the trucks to a point where they can run all day without coming back to the shop for repairs so now is the time to start dragging trailers in and rebuilding them one by one. and by the time I'm finished with that then it will be time to start on the trucks again but this time put more then bandaids on them, one at a time I will get them in to fix the oil leaks and the little stuff that needs done.

I am slowly building a parts inventory too because if you need a part on the weekend in Enid forget it. My trucks leave the yard at 6am, parts houses open at 7:30, trucks get back into the yard from about 6pm to 7 and the parts houses close at 5:30. Have one break down late in the day and you have to wait and waiting for a truck translates to around 150 dollars an hour in lost profit.

Well off to gather more tools up, water and feed and then go back to Enid and start a new week tomorrow. Ya'll be safe and remember this, don't ever poke a bear with a sharp stick!!!
NN sounds like you are getting back to your old self again! Also sounds like you are going to burning a lot of midnight oil!. Don't over do and take care of yourself!
Well its been along time since I checked in and a lot of changes. We have just finished moveing to a new town. Now live in Indian Mound,Tn. Its only 20 minutes to Dover where the wife now works. She was haveing to drive 2 hrs one way to work everyday and it was just to much. We still have our home in Portland,Tn and plan on putting it up for sale as soon as we get it spruced up(did I say I hate painting!lol) Its been a busy couple of weeks. We found a place to rent and don't plan on buying again because we want to go back to Okla. in two to three years when she retires. What we found( pickings are slim here) is a geniune log cabin! Its one bedroom(upstairs) and is modern. Although has been empty a couple of years and has taken a lot of cleaning and spruceing. Its going to be a fun experience. Everyone shoule try a log cabin at least once!
I did have to get rid of all my chickens and critters although I have kept three pairs of pigeons that I love. We also have a new pup,its a beagle/shitzu cross!She is our new love and is spoiled rotten. I still try to read the thread as often as can. A lot of new people on here! Hope you all survived the hot summer and are as ready as I for a beautiful fall. Take care and I hope to be checking in more often when I get things settled down here.
Doodle I couldn't imagine a 2 hour commute!!! Best wishes selling your old place, hope you can get a quick sell at a good price.

Erin I feel your pain, DH tries to give me gardening advise but has never had a garden. This is the first yr he has even taken part in our garden.

Tried to point out a few Roos ready for the freezer yesterday. Taron had an argument to save each one. How many favorite chickens can a girl have??

Even with sleeping pills I am getting up at 3. Think the pills must be defective. Being the awesome mom that I am -- got the kids up @4 to do school lessons. They were getting up at 4 when we went to farmers market, so might as well do our lessons while I feel well. I warned them last wk we would do lessons when I felt up to it. So all the core stuff has been covered & they just have to do their book work now. Friday when I was sick all day neither managed to get their stuff finished, thinkin this will help them work better on my sick days.

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