Old "dog" learning new tricks

You might try and discourage this sort of behavior, one starts this and they all dive in like cannibals on a kill.
I think our barred rock did a good job at discouraging this behavior. Far be it from me to try and get in the middle of a rooster mating. Right now he's eating out of our hands and is the most gentlemanly roo I've heard of. He's sweet with the "ladies" too. I am afraid crawling into "bed" whilst in the act might upset the dynamics thinking I'm interfering with his "God" given right.
My hubby & I retired to the country instead of traveling the world or moving to sunny FL. His dream was always to live off the land. Would have loved to join the Amish, but alas he married me. I'm afraid that is off the table now. So, here we are with a flock of dual purpose egg-laying chickens and a beautiful rooster and an incubator 22 eggs full for hopefully meat. Not sure how I feel about that. Strange things happen and I've found your thread so helpful. But, here is a question no one has asked or answered. We got our rooster 11 months into raising our hens. He's the same age as the hens and is a wonderful addition. However, when he mates a hen, in the process, all the other hens run over to the scene and beat up on the hen being mated. It's so odd. Also, when the hens lay an egg, the roo sings the egg laying song so loudly. What's going on?
Chickens are just goofy. Wherever the action is the chickens is. Whether breeding, snacks or egg laying. I've had all the hens get excited about one laying an egg, or breeding. They all join up to kill a snake or chase some hapless creature. This dog is old enough to sit in my chair, drink my coffee and think, ah, we'll see what happens, the birds work it out among themselves. Sometimes after excitement there is a brief reestablishing of the pecking order.

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