Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Day 19 here. No pips yet. Naima actually let me see ALL of the eggs. They look good and she does too! I'm not impatient or anything ....


(Waiting for a broody is FAR worse than a kid waiting for Christmas ... <sigh> )
Day 19 here. No pips yet. Naima actually let me see ALL of the eggs. They look good and she does too! I'm not impatient or anything ....


(Waiting for a broody is FAR worse than a kid waiting for Christmas ... <sigh> )
Aww but sooo close.
course you know you better have the camera ready.

OK, so that is a hen laying on top of my pine chip bag, Moe is in her broody box, you can just barely see her head through that triangle of woven wire, and who is that sitting in the nesting box? When i walked in to check on the new chicks he was like....baaaaawwk! You caught me! :) silly chickens.
That is so cute, just this week I went into the coop and caught my head roo in a nest box and no hens anywhere to be found. Silly boy.
See! They are funny. I heard onr roo scratching around and comes crawling out from under a pile of lumber on the poarch...clucking away like saying...yeah it's a good place to lay an egg!...I mean he barely fit under there...I had to make sure no egg..too easy to squash. I guess they don't want anyone saying, all they do is stand around and look pretty....
Why do you need to move her? is see too far off the floor? Congrats on the first hatchling.

I will move her when she is done to the mama hen coop. Bad things happen to chicks in the main run between the two toms and the four roosters.

Good and Bad news: the first hatchling is ok (a BO and EE cross I think), but the other two that had started hatching before I went to town were crushed by mama. We came back to two dead but hatched babies. I gave the remaining two pipping eggs to a broody hen. She wouldn't take the chick, but maybe tonight after those two hatch she will. I guess a turkey can successfully raise a chicken, right? I gave the broody's eggs to a hen that just went broody two days ago after candling them for fertility. I candled the rest of the eggs under the turkey and they are not fertile so I chucked them.
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I will move her when she is done to the mama hen coop. Bad things happen to chicks in the main run between the two toms and the four roosters.

Good and Bad news: the first hatchling is ok (a BO and EE cross I think), but the other two that had started hatching before I went to town were crushed by mama. We came back to two dead but hatched babies. I gave the remaining two pipping eggs to a broody hen. She wouldn't take the chick, but maybe tonight after those two hatch she will. I guess a turkey can successfully raise a chicken, right? I gave the broody's eggs to a hen that just went broody two days ago after candling them for fertility. I candled the rest of the eggs under the turkey and they are not fertile so I chucked them.
I'm sorry to hear about the 2 chicks, Turkeys are maybe too big to sucessfully hatch and raise chickens I don't know because i've never tried it. I hope the mama hen will accept the chick too.

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