Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

boobieschicks, have you tried placing this chick under the heat lamp with a buddy instead of keeping it under the broody at this point? You might want to offer it some diluted supplement in the water to see if it perks up. Let us know how it turns out. Hope it pulls through.
Sadly heat lamp and electrolyte water still didn't help. It's gone to be with Jesus as we say here. Sometimes chicks die no matter how hard they fight and she was truly fighting hard.

Sadly heat lamp and electrolyte water still didn't help. It's gone to be with Jesus as we say here. Sometimes chicks die no matter how hard they fight and she was truly fighting hard.


I am SO very sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a chicken is never easy, especially a young chick. It sounds like you both tried your best. :hugs
Sadly heat lamp and electrolyte water still didn't help. It's gone to be with Jesus as we say here. Sometimes chicks die no matter how hard they fight and she was truly fighting hard.

Just come online now. Going to have to look back to see whats been happening, but sorry for your loss :(
Hi Loobyloo88

Really sorry to hear your hatch isn't going smoothly. Keeping my fingers crossed for the 2 remaining eggs.
I was so unbelievably fortunate with mine. My first time broody and pretty much first time for me too. She hatched all 14 of her own eggs..... actually, she hatched 13 all within 16 hrs on day 21-22, but had abandoned 2 chicks and the last egg in the nest to look after the other chicks that had climbed out and couldn't get back in. When I got there the chicks and egg were cold but amazingly still alive. We popped the chicks straight under her and they warmed up and were fine. I tried to put the egg under her but it kept getting rolled out by the 13 chicks.... it was quite funny as one would snuggle underneath her and as a result, one would pop out the other side. Anyway, the egg was getting cold and neglected so I carried it around for half the day in my hand. It had already pipped but was still and quiet and I feared it was dead, but half an hour after I had held it in my warm hands, it started to cheap and struggle to unzip. I tried to help it because I knew that there was a risk of the membrane drying and it getting stuck, but also knew that if I helped it might bleed. Such a horrible catch 22 situation! Anyway, after numerous half hearted attempts to help it, the final one damaging a small blood vessel and causing it to bleed a little, it started to make a real concerted effort to hatch and was cheeping quite loudly as it struggled. I was holding it near to the broody most of the time and when she heard it shouting she started getting agitated and seemed to be encouraging it. I decided I had done enough and gave her it back and when I checked an hour later, it was out and I couldn't even tell which one it was. She managed to raise all 14 until they were 4 weeks and then whilst I was busy caring for one with pasty but, another one started to look a bit inactive and sadly died overnight, but pasty but is fixed and the remainder are all still strong and healthy and doing well and giving me a right run around.. They are now nearly 5 weeks and almost independent.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really sympathise with your situation, because it's so difficult to know what to do for the best in that situation. ****** if you do, ****** if you don't. I think the best I can say is go with your gut instinct.

Good luck.


Thanks Barbara, was lovely to read you story. Sorry about the one chick tho.

thanks for everyojes lovely comments. Chick thats out is doing ok I think! The other is nearly out...tho I'm worried it seems a bit weak. But probally tied from all that hatching!

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