Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

New chicken keeper needing advice. I have a Broody hen in a nesting box. The coop is raised above ground and only 4 x 4, I'm hoping not to but it is possible to section her off from the other two hens or move them to The enclosed run. Recommendations?
With that small of a flock I wouldn't worry about separating her. Just make sure that you mark the fertile eggs under her so that if they lay in the nest you can remove the extras every day.
Missed my Phoenix bantam. I found her sitting on 11 eggs that are all hers!!


Those should be the absolute cutest chicks when they hatch. Looking forward to those pics!


Those should be the absolute cutest chicks when they hatch. Looking forward to those pics! :caf


The rooster is a large Dom. What does that mean about the chicks? Will they be large, small, mixed? I am guessing mixed. I am still trying to rehome the little roos from the two winter hatches....or try to put them in the freezer. I better get cracking with more babies coming.
My Australorp is being so mean! She's in and out of laying box 2-3 times a day. Sits for 1-2 hrs some times longer. This has been going in for about a week. Today is by far the worst she has ever been!!!!
shes plucked a few feathers . In nesting box. We can't get near her.
I have a broody who just left her babies yesterday she did well. Almost 7 weeks.
Is my Australorp going broody? Or just turned mean ? I know it would be the beginning stages with her sitting in box off and on.
Best hen turned to a mean mean girls!

She looks like this all day!
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Update she's back on eggs laid today I had 8 barred rock eggs out but my husband threw them away today.
I will wait the three days but would live input ! It's one or he other but she's in early and for her 4 th time today.
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Update she's back on eggs laid today I had 8 barred rock eggs out but my husband threw them away today.
I will wait the three days but would live input ! It's one or he other but she's in early and for her 4 th time today.
Sounds like she is attempting to be broody but her hormones are making her especially irritable and restless. Hopefully they'll settle and so will she.
The rooster is a large Dom. What does that mean about the chicks? Will they be large, small, mixed? I am guessing mixed. I am still trying to rehome the little roos from the two winter hatches....or try to put them in the freezer. I better get cracking with more babies coming.

They will typically be 3/4 size.

And since dad is barred, they will all be barred too. Comb will vary...don't have my comb genetics down yet...but rose comb with straight...I *think* rose is dominant???

 Sounds like she is attempting to be broody but her hormones are making her especially irritable and restless. Hopefully they'll settle and so will she.
I just moved pepper back to the coop yesterday . She terrorized everyone ! Back to the top already. Almost 7 weeks with her chicks. Not bad!
I was not expecting first to go broody and now another. Crossing fingers and so excited !!!
I hope she follows through!

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