Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Handsome fellows, aren't they?

Thanks everybody for the coccidio information - it's what I thought, don't need to worry about it if they are raised on ground from the get-go.

Now I just have to worry about getting a hach out of these young hens... the Welsummer gets up to poop/drink/eat, then by the time she comes back there's another hen laying an egg in her nest, so she goes next door and drives the broody Sussex off her nest, who then goes into whatever nest doesn't have a hen in it... so i think my chances of getting much of a hatch are pretty slim! Probably should go out and candle tonight.
it's been nest roulette here and still getting hatches so don't give up. I usually go in and help mom get back on the right nest..
Alirght! Mind I join?

I've got two rumpless Araucanas who suddenly went broody yesterday, so I'm gonna put a bunch of Araucana and Polish eggs under them. Maybe a few Easter Egger eggs too.

Gotta love those super-broody Araucanas.
I'm starting to wonder If this is going to work...my hens aren't laying much. So I ended up putting 2 eggs a day under her for a week.
now I'm starting to wonder if she will sit on the eggs after the first chicks come out??
they were due yesterday
Yes and no. Depends on how good of a broody mom she is. My Araucanas will even take in chicks from another hen, however one of my Ameraucanas, if there's several chicks the first day and none for 24 hours, she'll get up and leave the rest of the eggs.

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