Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Carol & Stony - SWEET pics - thanks so much for sharing!

Johnn - were you able to treat your hen with the wormer? Hope so! Don't give up hope just yet!

ML, sorry to hear about your dad needing surgery, but it sounds like things went well - hope so!
Well it's day 20, will Melows eggs hatch tomorrow or not? doubt they will
Have you listened to any of the eggs? I just heard one of mine pecking on the inside.
Congrats JacRat, so excited and waiting for pictures.

thanks! So far it is moving fairly slow part of the pip came off so I can see into the egg. It is super cool. Right now Blanket is just hanging out on its heated blanket in the bathroom. I am dying in anticipation (wow almost had a Rocky Horror moment there) to see it come out.
I am hoping Mellow will hatch out those babies!!!!
Im hoping she does!, but i don't think they will, im going out later so i will listen to the eggs, if they are moldy will they start to smell by now? and to some one who asked above , im not sure its over to her now she is going to have to eat the food or she has no chance, if she goes down hill and more down hill and melows eggs dont hatch melow can have some of the orp ones incase she dies
Im hoping she does!, but i don't think they will, im going out later so i will listen to the eggs, if they are moldy will they start to smell by now? and to some one who asked above , im not sure its over to her now she is going to have to eat the food or she has no chance, if she goes down hill and more down hill and melows eggs dont hatch melow can have some of the orp ones incase she dies

I put my egg on a heated blanket and it is hatching! Just an idea
hi does anyone have a good idea for a coop thing for my broody hen, cause we put her in a dog pen and a racooln almost got her!
Do you have a dog Crate? put her inside of it and put her in your coop, that way she is safe and still has her privacy. put food and water in with her. Glad the coon didn't get her.

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